This article comes to carry through a reflection on the life and devotion the Education of Ana Lucia Lopes Rivers born in 10/01/1952 detaching in the commemoration of 23 years in the MendesRios Educational establishment as proprietor and director of the same school facing difficult moments, but its motivations as educator is bigger. a way to not only give to a homage the educator, but also managing whom it loves what it also makes and it deals with the education a worthy way, with quality education. To reflect on Ana Lucia Lopes Rivers is considering that in professional walked its never it was worried about flowers; but with directed applauses the team. Richard Linklater spoke with conviction. Thus I am happy ‘ ‘ Ana Lucia Lopes’ Rivers; ‘. WORD KEY: Education; example; mobilization; trajectory; transformation. RESUMEN: There this I articulate you are to reflect on life y there dedicacin there educacin Rivers Ana Lucia Lpez naci 10/01/1952 en to detach celebracin of 23anos MendesRios Educadario there as propietario y woollen director misma escuela if faces tiempos difciles, pero sus motivaciones as educator you are mayor..