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As the proper name says is orientaes for a geography resume, these orientaes had been developed with principles of Kaercher (1998), with the pretension through reflections with the attempt to renew practical the curricular ones. This document has broken of three analyses made for Milk (1993),) a construction of the subject front to the world, that is, not having been enough that to the professor ‘ ‘ doe’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ deposite’ ‘ the knowledge for more critical than it can seem in the pupil. With the pupil, yes. For the pupil, not. To fight the resume vision that privileges the information and quantification or spalling of knowing. The creation must be emphasized.

To unite information with reflection. To more than search a version for a fact. To show to the conflicts of interests and the messages in the space between lineses of the texts. b) A transforming action of the citizen on the reality. ‘ is not enough; ‘ to know mais’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ to know mais’ ‘. She is necessary that this knowledge is prxis, that is, a combination of action-reflection in the daily one of the person. To transform the reality implies to assume the character politician of the education with the taken consequence of decisions.

An alert one: to respect the other, the different one, is basic condition for the democratization of the school and the society. c) One to think relationary and to multidiscipline. Knowledge is a multiple confusion and complex relations and these must less be each time become attached the rigid academic borders.

Requirement Person

2 negative Actions in the familiar environment The uninformed family, without professional orientation tends to act guided for taboos cultivated for the society or for pride to have as superendowed member one, believing to have in house a genius with guarantee of success in the future. Many people of the family for judging to be adept a genius tend to believe that person with ability above average will be able to develop itself alone and that she does not need support in its process of development. Innumerable attitudes are observed in relation to the people with high abilities. Between them they are: Requirement of good academic performance, the exploration of the talentos special of the person for public exhibitionism, depreciation of the talent (mainly when he is artistic or esportivo), comparison with other members of the family or others of the same etria band, supervaluation of the special talent and esquecimento other values that are part of the integral formation of the person human being. KDP is likely to agree. The superendowed one as any person needs the establishment of behavior norms, of the imposition of limits (with the had justifications), of respect to its style of learning and its potential. Romeu Sassaki when dealing with the subject inclusion make reference to multiple reference the learning styles and intelligences: The learning styles are the way as each one of us learns better and multiple intelligences constitute the abilities that we can use to learn any thing and to carry through our objectives. It has a narrow relation between learning styles and multiple intelligences. (SASSAKI, 2006, p.132) She is necessary to understand that the high abilities if reveal in diverse areas, are phenomena that generally appear precociously and if it develops in each stage of the life correctly will have been stimulated, but that the familiar environment or the pertaining to school could be hindered at some moment if will not be challenging and propitious to the learning.


The reading of PCN (Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais) is essential, therefore it assists in them in the confrontation of the challenges of the daily one in classroom, as well as it leads the formation of a conscientious citizen with its rights and duties. I know that today to give lesson she is not as the ten years behind, where the respect and the family they walked of given hands, but sincerely with as many historical, personal changes, humanist and others, we educators, as today we are called, also must adaptarmos in them with the transformations. Everything that is legal is kept in our mind forever, either daqui one year or ten years, I am not only speaking of the substance Portuguese language, but yes of the colloquy, the humildade, of the necessity, as of a young that in ways to the familiar problems and drugs, we want that it takes off ten, this is almost impossible! already we were young we had friends with problems and until today we have, tries to place itself in the place of this person, it needs that it shows the direction, then takes off this popana of the chair and makes the different one, of a descontrao moment, as? debate, dialogue, music, dynamic as you go to make? nor I know! , I only know that we are ' ' cabeas' ' of many heads with an only objective to try to keep people ' ' vivas' ' , where the college is the platform, and us we are the springboards, for what I call consecrated future. Kisses. Teacher Claude

Campus Party Brazil

The advance of the Internet, mainly in the communication enters the millions of people who today use the social nets for the Internet, has been object of study of researchers and technician of the main sites of relationship, entertainment and mainly of the companies of ecommerce in the direction to extend and to keep one better relationship with its customers. to remain the front many sites has looked for to invest in the promotion of initiatives created for young entrepreneurs with vision and improvement of the existing technologies similar to optimize and to facilitate the life of internautas in the search of products, or information that influence in the decision taking that they define the choice in the hour of the purchase of a product or service. In this direction, some companies have left the front to have innovative solutions through awardings and investments directed to the young entrepreneurs who create new tools in the calls startups of technology. Recently we saw the case of the Submarine site that announced a program of incentive for developed innovative solutions stops the social nets. The site opened registrations during the last Campus Party Brazil for the competition in the call Open Innovation.

The five better projects will go to gain ticket, lodging and ingression to participate of the American edition of the Party Campus, that happens in the Valley of Silicon in U.S.A. and that it happens in August of each year. Another similar initiative was of the site of collective purchases Urban Fish that sponsored the 5 projects of startups with prizes of until R$ 5 a thousand for the development of interfaces and APIs come back the processes and the platform of the site. It is very important that the companies have the ousadia to invest in the good ideas that many times finish dying for not finding chance to show its creations. Who knows if new Twitters, Groupons or Facebooks would not be being born of these initiatives. That these examples can motivate other companies to tread way the same.