Tag: literature


Guiding media – new non-fiction book on the new concept of book title: guiding media – instructive book captions convey information: media didactics and media use in solution-oriented content non-fiction with an extensive index, continuous cross references, numerous tables, 140 pages. EUR 21,90 – author: Reinhold Seitl – issued: communication & design, Vienna, 2009 – ISBN: 978-3-200-01628-6 short text about the book guiding media are media that provide instructive information. With guiding media will prevailed not learning later queried in a testing situation, but operations introduced and trained, to solve later concrete tasks. Speaking candidly KDP told us the story. “Classic” guiding media are for example technical instructions and instructions for use, but also guidance and orientation systems as instructions for topographically structured spaces. Newer guiding media applications are about navigation systems and digital learning games. But so different guiding media also made or distributed, they will all follow the same rules of instructions. Gerald Weissmann, MDs opinions are not widely known.

Part 1: Learn and communicate In the first part of the book, the psychology of learning and guiding communications in the Center stands. All production processes guiding media involved, be editors, graphic design, designer, engineer, programmer, translator, instructors or others should know not only their traditional craft, but also the basics of learning communication as well. Part 2: Media and products of the second part of the present book presents almost classic, printed and new digital “instruction tools”. What product forms are best suited for certain tasks? And what production techniques are used? The book is written for media developers and shapers, the > instruct people > instruct users > train staff > customer support > train learners > lead travellers > solution seeker to help.

Buufabu Company And The Wonders Of The World

You want something, because the Buufabu are there now and make your dreams come true * since Konzepterin and young author Steffi brand village has come up with really a very special idea, to make children’s hearts beat faster. As with the Buufabu, the radiant essence of desire from the Moon, she planned really big along with Arthur Huber, the illustrator of the little magic voelkchens. Inspirational, knowledge-rich and full of beautiful pictures she wanted the first story to the Buufabu, and so she began to write what evolved from this? A fantastic fairy tale called the Buufabu and the wonders of the world in which the small colorful characters with the help of a shooting star on the way made to Earth to fulfill a wish of the cloud fairy. It was seven key parts in the first tale to find which at the new wonders of the world across the world distributed, were hidden. The wonders of nature in the story are of course to find, because it is actually a trip around the world, to show the kids how beautiful the Earth is, so Steffi. At the same time has she completed a Buufabu painting and fun book, with which she would like to make happy even the smallest.

The Buufabu and the world of wonders now as e-book is available at luubooks.de. Continue to learn more with: Gerald Weissmann, MD. Also, there limited prints and already an e-Buufabu calendar are available as well of course the coloring book. Also Steffi would like to promote a special project with a portion of the revenue, to prepare a great joy to sick children, however, this is still top secret”, Steffi says with a wink. Anyway, the idea and the concept behind it are planned down to the smallest detail. So she has chosen, that all the future Buufabu – products to meet certain criteria such as clothing, toiletries and even toys etc have to be equipped with a Buufabu. As for Steffi, the Buufabu represent something like a seal of approval. The future Buufabu products should be and also otherwise still some points so really free of harmful materials and colors to meet, to children’s eyes shine. Now, is anyway, already busy working on the Buufabu homepage to convert it to a real children’s paradise.

Also changes graphically there a lot to bring everything up to date. Nabil Chaoui, a fellow programmer, helps Steffi and Arthur of Morocco here, on the website a few special surprises a to braid, like little mini-games or even a learning quiz. The site is ready in about 2 months. Maybe the game is then also ready fit to the fairy tale”, so Steffi. When I think about”, she says, how many friends I have now right at the beginning of the Buufabu project”on the whole world met, then I’m really interested to see how funny it continues.”

On The Literature Education

Today, the Brazilian education lives a climate of intense bubbling, with a world swept for deep changes. The scientific and technological revolution changed the paradigms of production and transformed the daily one of the people. The fast evolution in the standards of communication and the universal application of computer science had generated an impact on the production and circulation of good. They had changed the concepts of space, time and, also, learning. A great challenge to the pertaining to school device was launched. In the perspective of the construction of knowing, the estagnada idea of learned content was evolved for the notion of capacity for the innovation.

In result, the education started to search new paradigms capable to prepare workers with high qualification, close of rising technologies. To learn the lesson started to be to think, to create, to imagine e, only not to memorize. The action of the school starts for its commitment with the social environment and where she is inserted, data that it is the shelter of the social experience. In such a way, the pertaining to school strategy must cover a set of basic strategies, between them: – To leave to supervalue the current system of coercion of the learning, represented for notes and examinations, and to give place to the development of active attitudes in relation to the formation of the student. In other terms, it fits to the school to develop the autonomy of the pupil and to exert its evaluation on of this so primordial aspect. – To increase the educabilidade of the pupil.

Instead of insisting on the education of specific knowledge on different domnios, it must, before, develop learning mechanisms. In the school, the pupil must learn the habit to use diverse strategies of activities. To learn to observe, to listen, to express and to question. The school must support the pupil in the direction of it to become capable to identify its necessities in education substance and to plan, to lead and to evaluate its studies.

Feminine Condition

According to words of the proper one, a woman sensitive, total off of the animal women felt itself, who if only considered female, being pleased as ownership. She is therefore that she found that no man deserved the sacrifice of its freedom, and is also therefore, that the traditional moral, attributing to women one minimum participation in the society, was incompatible with its way to think, favorable to the feminine emancipation (Jose Mattoso, ' ' History of Portugal' '). On the other hand, the way as if related in its workmanship, to the feminine condition is true key that opens the Florbela the way for the literary glory, Florbela enters for the temple of the classic writers through an independent literary space, whose emblem is its proper feminine condition (Rui Guedes, Concerning Florbela). As well as Florbela Espanca, the world for Cruz and Sousa were of suffering, two simbolistas voices of the poetical speech will reflect on this mark characteristic of its workmanships. Suffered life, premature death, black enslaved origin and in a country escravocrata and racist, nothing of this hindered the genius of Cruz and Sousa and Florbela to be disclosed.

Basic for this success of an individual against as many difficulties it was to the education given for white former-Mr. Guillermo de Sousa, Marshal who still adopted the poet child and of who this adopted the last name. But all this protection was not enough to prevent the racial discrimination. After directing a referring to abolitionism periodical, he was hindered to leave its native land for reason of racial preconception. Some time later is nominated accuser, however, he is hindered to assume the position. After all, being black, former-slave and poet of uncosteded quality, although not to still have reached the deserved recognition while still alive, it in such a way is oppressed how much hero. Its life was a suffered history, but it is also the history of the victory of a man against a society oppressor through its individual value.