Tag: history

Educational Faculties

In the present time, when the world passes for deep transformations and fast advances in the economic, social direction, technological politician and, the necessary school to speed walked its so that the education folloies this permanent process of mutation. It school to be inserted and articulated to the social context is necessary to think about dynamic, humanistic, formative and, above all democratic an education. It is not only the responsible one for social justice, but she needs through an efficient and coherent educative work to brighten up the inaqualities and to prepare the individual in the best way so that it if becomes a critical citizen e, above all, capable to face the adversities day to day. (Source: Richard Linklater). For this, the estimated ones theoretician-metodolgicos is essential for the good level of the process education and learning. She is necessary to reflect on the same ones when they are convenient for the enrichment of pedagogical practical ours.

Education does not consist of the unicity. The process to educate is collective and participativo, demands interaction to know, creation and desconstruo of concepts, discovery of new images and setting of others and makes possible in the act integrator collective singularidades/, the enraizamento of necessary primary concepts for the preservation of the social relations: ' ' Education is meeting of singularidades' '. (GALLO, 2008). In this manner, we will argue a proposal pedagogical for the education of History that if it does not arrest only to the facts, and that it has as main object the study of the concepts, providing new possibilities, beyond a process of evolution in the education and learning of the pupils and pupils, after all, through a critical vision of the concepts gifts in personal experience of each one, is born a bigger understanding of the proper reality. It fits to the professor and teacher of History, to rescue these experiences, to give sensible concrete to them and, to make possible the appropriation, on the part of pupils and pupils, making possible to them it understanding of such concepts for the life and, not simply to prepare pupils and pupils to enter the Facultieses.

Conditioning Physicist

Many of my friends and relatives I spoke of this or that new program or product that had just purchased, which was the solution to achieve your goals of fitness or fat loss. They felt very excited in this regard and they could not wait to start the same carefree people, who initially bounced for joy by his new plan to burn fat and have a new body, then a few weeks later, I was completely discouraged. It was somewhat difficult to see. He asked that such was his plan to burn fat and they answered me that it seemed very good at the beginning, but they were not obtained results than expected or who felt that they had promised them. They quickly tired of continue daily workouts and discovered that follow the strict meal plans could be crazy at times. Therefore, they jumped to the next plan.

Worst of all, is that they felt frustrated by following these so-called gurus of exercise programs, had fallen more deeply into habits eating unhealthy once they had left the program. Cramming food became his only way of satisfaction. Forgot the maximum fat burning and spoke of moving in the wrong direction. What is worse is that all these people recommended and fad diets that caused furor followed the exercises typically. They were doing what all the others were doing to burn fat quickly after talking to many of these friends and delve into their exercise routines, I noticed a theme in common that always appeared in our discussions were concentrated in the short term this approach was wrong. They were not thinking about a health and physical condition of lifetime, rather thought lose fat and stay in shape for swimsuit season. More specifically, were also a way to exercise little less than optimal. I saw this many people in the gym where did exercise.

Commonwealth Enemy

Those who were able to maintain sanity and ability to realistically assess developments admitted he had a keen mind, courage, skill and courage, combined with caution and great cunning. " Affected the extent of political, military and diplomatic activities of the statesman, contemporaries frequently compared him with the cruel leader of the Huns, Attila, famous Carthaginian commander Hannibal, terrible Tamerlane, an Italian political philosopher Machiavelli. Polish King Jan ii Casimir, who fall 1648 came to the throne is not without its participation, or saw him as a threat "throughout the Christian world," or identify a hasty willingness to provide a place in the Senate of the Commonwealth. If the magistrates that the Moldovan people acted "troublemaker of all nations", the renowned figure of English bourgeois revolution of the first half of xvii century, Oliver Cromwell saw him as generalissimo, a courageous ruler Cossacks implacable enemy of the Polish gentry. Here's how he wrote about Prosper Merimee: " elect a guide small nation surrounded by powerful neighbors, the man has devoted his life to fighting for the independence of it. He razbrat deftly planted in the enemy camp, managed to strengthen the unity of the regiments, was a fearless warrior, a deep-thinking politician, happy with the victory, persistent and resolute in the failures.

" Liberation war of Ukrainian people was an important event in the political life of Europe in the mid xvii. Europe at that time was divided into two camps, Catholic and Protestant. could not ignore this.

La Libertad

Firstly the law is present in all epochs of our life as a person and even before birth and after death. As daily acts as walk on the sidewalk, make a purchase in a store, make a stop in a semaphore, enrol in an educational center, have emotional or sentimental relations etc, etc, have all something to do, at least very indirectly with the legal. Let’s set up our attention in the given examples to conclude that in all of them we can require some (s) other (s) person (s), behavior or conduct, and in turn may require from us a behavior or conduct. But these demands can be made is required for, obviously, the existence of a set of rules or standards under which given some facts or budgets in fact born able to claim or be subject to a claim. And in all this plays vital role La Libertad. Freedom as the essence of the human, immanent to man, conduct linked him inexorably, but above all, backed, guaranteed, protected and encouraged by the legal system itself. This freedom, considered as the willpower to self-determine, given a few conditions. But the law not only guarantees and protects it but relies on it to be able to exist.

Without that power of the will to choose the path of his act, to choose between something good or something bad, between what is permitted and prohibited, the right would be totally different, it would not exist as we conceive of it today. In other words would become both as well as a set of rules being that he would only describe the natural world or human performance. But the guarantee and protect our freedom, and to rely on her to prescribe appropriate behaviour, the right acquires the real magnitude of social regulator and single determinant. The foregoing by clarifying that the rules governing these behaviors may be not only of a legal nature.

Great Farm

Liveing currently in Par, Djanira> it moved with the children of Parnamirim, first in 1972, for occasion of the conflicts in the district of the Adobe, what it motivated the change of the family S Almeida for the Paran. Later for Itaituba, in virtue of its children to have installed a College in this city. All the culture of Parnamirim must it its illustrious personages who had made and makes its development. Before enumerating the entailed important names to the History of Parnamirim she is necessary, one more time, to stand out the prominence the Martinho of the Agra Coast – Lieutenant Colonel come of Catol of the Rock in the Paraba, descendant of Portuguese, who was the founder of the Village of Santana of the Bag, responsible for the first measures of lands and definition of the village of Santana and the towns of Humait and Belmonte, old farms that they had given to origin the Leopoldina and, that is currently, is the city of Parnamirim. Also if the religious influence of cult must to the Brgida de Alencar Mrs. Santana and its participation politics for rise of the Town of the Bag to the Village of Avila, became rich farmer and heiress of the lands that before lease. She was mother-in-law of Martinho of the Agra Coast, proprietor of great extension of land that went of Cabrob the Ex, old part of would sesmaria that it corresponds to the Great Farm, Farm of the North and Farm Pan D water, and that, as it consists in notary’s office of Cabrob, it left in will the lot of land of the Village of Santana, later Leopoldina (current Parnamirim) for its Josefa son Maria of the Carmo, wife of Martinho of the Agra Coast. Also it left the lands that today belong to the city of Ouricuri for other heirs, being at the time tutoradas by Bernardino Maranho, judge of that Judicial district.