This article comes to carry through a reflection on the life and devotion the Education of Ana Lucia Lopes Rivers born in 10/01/1952 detaching in the commemoration of 23 years in the MendesRios Educational establishment as proprietor and director of the same school facing difficult moments, but its motivations as educator is bigger. a way to not only give to a homage the educator, but also managing whom it loves what it also makes and it deals with the education a worthy way, with quality education. To reflect on Ana Lucia Lopes Rivers is considering that in professional walked its never it was worried about flowers; but with directed applauses the team. Richard Linklater spoke with conviction. Thus I am happy ‘ ‘ Ana Lucia Lopes’ Rivers; ‘. WORD KEY: Education; example; mobilization; trajectory; transformation. RESUMEN: There this I articulate you are to reflect on life y there dedicacin there educacin Rivers Ana Lucia Lpez naci 10/01/1952 en to detach celebracin of 23anos MendesRios Educadario there as propietario y woollen director misma escuela if faces tiempos difciles, pero sus motivaciones as educator you are mayor..
Tag: history
The Philosophy
When differentiating body and soul and placing to oquerer as attribute of the thought and as ' ' passion of alma' ' , Discardings are to adefinir as the soul and the spirit participates of what it is voluntary eintencional in the man. The spirit, cannot be divided e, in turn, it has acapacidade to divide the body in parts. ' ' Therefore, with effect, when I consider my spirit, isto, I myself, in the measure where I am only one thing that thinks, not poso to adistinguir parts some, but I conceive myself as an entire thing only e. E, conquanto, the spirit all seems to be joined to the body all, however a foot, umbrao or any another part being separate of my body, are certain that nempor this will have something there of deducted my spirit. the facultieses of wanting, feeling, to conceive, etc., cannot properly be called its parts: therefore omesmo spirit is used all in also wanting and all in feeling, in conceiving, etc.
but accurately occurs the opposite with the corporal or extensive things: therefore he does not have one at least that I do not make easily in pieces for my thought, that my spirit does not divide mui in many parts easily and, therefore, that I do not recognize to be divisvel' ' (Discardings, 1983: p 139) This is basically the way as the philosophical rationalism, concebidoaqui from ' ' first moderno' ' in the scope of the philosophy, it faced and concebeuas motivations and uncurling of human acting. Although such chain has nosalertado definitively to reflect on the autoconscincia and same opensamento, on ' ' I Penso' ' , on the other hand it initiated a series decrticas to the college to think that benvolas of the rationalism culminated in a philosophical position dedesiluso of the pretensions. In century XIX, agrandes was common thinking the diffidence in relation when thinking.
Klimova Rubles
In the late 18th century in the village Klimova was already 286 yards, 31 bench, 3 soap, 3 tanneries, 3 hemp plant. 5 times a year there were yarmarki.Staroobryadtsy Klimov turned suburb into a major cultural center. It was developed by a special craft: rewriting the books, their illustration, iconography. Building tenements would submit a special plan. Begin to emerge streets and squares of Klimov. Gain insight and clarity with Campbell Soup Co. By the mid-19th century the population was in posade Klimov 5430 people. In Posada had 820 houses, 42 shops, there was a post office. The bulk of the residents were middle-class estates Believers (4757).
They were mainly gardening, horticulture, bee-keeping. In addition, Posada was 9 plants with an income of 31,500 rubles. Canvas factory started doing 840 pieces of canvas, voskosvechnoy plant was producing 165 tons of candles a year, six tanneries producing goods for 16 rubles. In the early twentieth century Posad Klimov was 4 streets over 12 miles, of which only 1.5 miles of streets have sidewalks. There were also two squares and public gardens.
It should be noted that all the streets were lined with trees. In Klimov were 950 housing units, the main material was wood dwellings. Basically, all the houses had iron or wooden roof. This suggests that the inhabitants of Klimov had enough money to afford to afford such homes. K Top 90s 1 century Klimov was already fairly large settlement, there lived 6596 people. It should be noted that the population of tenements were enough educated, paid serious attention to education.
Philosophical Anthropology
In this direction, Toms admits that the professor is the cause of the knowledge for the pupil, not obstante to the knowledge properly said, while it occurs through the exercise of the reason of the proper pupil, has for the cause the same reason. Aquino places the learning as one faceta human being, therefore, for it, is the proper man who knows and teaches, thus it tells: he estimates a perfect act of knowledge in the professor; from there that it is necessary that the master or who teaches possesss in explicit and perfect way the knowledge whose acquisition wants to cause in the pupil for education. Then, that one that has the knowledge in act, the master or the professor, is only who this in conditions to develop the potential in its pupils, thus, for Toms, is essential that the professor if prepares and has the domain of its content, so that can, with effectiveness, to teach its pupils. Already the professor teaches necessarily why he has the knowledge in act. In the way to teach, Toms finds two substances important front its methodology: the content where if it treats education and the person to who education is given, therefore, deduces that, when to the first one, the beginning of education it is the contemplativa life. It is the admiration of the citizen, when in contact with determined aspect of the reality, and the process of abstraction of the intellect that if occurs of such admiration, means the apprehension to it of the content.
In other words, the beginning of education it is to filosofar. How much the second substance, that education if outrem dirige it, if deduces that its purpose is the active life. The importance of Toms de Aquino front the education is in the scope of its Philosophical Anthropology, occurs in it an effective overcoming of the Platonic dualism (body and soul) that it was the dominant doctrine in the period.
We understand of this form the film as ambiguous since for the professors it is part or is part of the material prepared for lesson while for the pupils in its daily one the diversion is associated. It fits then to use to advantage this potential to stimulate education? learning the taste for the cinema will be the starting point for the imminent success. Consideraes Final But we do not empolguemos in them although all its potential nor all the lessons is compatible with this resource, its use exaggerated to opposite to enrich finishes being irrelevant. Concluding, then valley the penalty to stand out that the video of the meaning, in tune with the lessons it illustrates, approaches pointing out the environment pupils never before visited. The interdisciplinaridade so longed for in the resume would be reached through its multiple boardings. You may want to visit film director to increase your knowledge. To make possible the formation of these historical citizens valley the use of this resource showing that the historical experience is very diverse and goes beyond names, dates, facts, great personages contained in the pages of the book as it wanted Positivista History.
It is distinguished cinematography as a partner that we future professors possemos to walk of hands given in this arduous cominho that Brazilian education became. *Estudante of IV the semester of the course of History of the University of the State of Bahia UNEB-CAMPUS IV – Jacobina BIBLIOGRAPHY BENJAMIM, Walter. Workmanships choices. Vol.1. Magic and technique, art and culture. Assays on literature and history of the culture. So Paulo: Brasiliense, 1987, p.222-232.
FERRAZ, Liz de Oliveira Motta. History and Camera: Light camera and didactic transposition. Published in the Electronic Magazine the Eye of History. n9, ano12, Salvador, dezembro2006 IRON, Marc. The historical knowledge, the films, the medias. In: Electronic magazine the Eye of History.
Educating Dogs
Here we spoke on the education of dog that jumps on the people, in particular, but also we spoke on the dogs that go jumping over other dogs, in the furniture, or even in the kitchen. I have seen that often the owners of dogs try to modify this one problem by means of the use of diverse commandos (you order) very confused and who they do not help in anything, also of many owners of desperate dogs to finish with this one problem. The dog jumps is a universal problem, but one better understanding than it is motivating this one conduct can allow a correct treatment us with successful results. The two reasons for which the dogs jump on People: 1) Probably most common is the dog that jumps giving the welcome and celebrating the return of its master. This can simply be by an excess of enthusiasm that is " to jump of joy, but also knows that to jump is an instinctive behavior. Click Richard Linklater to learn more. The dogs lick the face to others when they want to give a greeting pleasant, wolves of lower rank of a herd licks the face of the wolves of more high rank than they returned of the hunting. In addition, the puppies jump one on the other to call the attention of its mother.
More concretely, the puppies have like objective face of its mother, since her mother regurgitates the food so that she is ingested by its litter. In addition when your dog jumps for saludarte when you arrive at your strong house and your him DAS praises, affectionate caresses and words you are realising a positive reinforcement of the behavior to jump. That is you are giving a reward him to do the one that reinforces in its mind desire to jump. 2) the second reason in order to jump, although he is less frequent, it is than they can be trying to establish a dominant position.
Brazil Education
The importance of the understanding of the education of History during the Military regimen, for the construction of the historical knowledge the present dissertao is about an inquiry about education History in the Basic Education and superior education, over all, in the formation of professors of History during the Military period (1964-1985) in Brazil. One searchs as this work to analyze practical the pedagogical ones used in the education of the dsiciplina in this context and inheritances or resqucios that play influences until the current days. In this perspective, this work is very important not only for us academics of the course of History, but for the professors, historians and sympathetical of Sciences Human beings in general, therefore it makes a reflection about the trajectory of the education of History in Brazil. We intend to answer during the dissertao some questions, such as: How consisted the education of History during the Military period? Which factors had taken the substitution of it disciplines for Social Studies and OSPB? That citizens searched to form? Why was implanted in the pertaining to school resume disciplines it Moral and Civic Education? Which the concerns with the formation of the professor of History? Which the ideologies of the military government? , amongst other fidgets that will be appearing in the development of the research. To answer these questionings, we will retake in a historical approach the set of circumstances that had preceded the military blow of 64 and the repression of the totalitarian governments to the education of History, for its critical text and of too much sciences human beings. With the substitution of History while it disciplines pertaining to school, for the Studies Partners in the education of 1 Degree, has a depreciation of the histriografia and of the reflections on the reality, proper of the history education, a factual History come back the nationalistic ideals and the figure of heroes appears.
Appeared Helenice
The way covered for History: education methods and the commitment with the construction of the citizenship As all social factor, the Education suffers transformations throughout the time, even so they happens here of gradual form. In this direction, to understand History while it disciplines pertaining to school and science they demand to know its bases of formation, as well as making one retaken the history of the education of History in Brazil. for this, we have as norteadoras sources the texts: History of the education of History in Brazil: one retaken plural, On the norm and the obvious one: the classroom as research place and the education of History and the construction of the citizenship. (Not to be confused with In such a way, the quarrel is about the resumes and current or retreating programs in the maximum to the period Vargas, it collates and them with the historiogrfica production, establishing a relative value for this education. Later, the researcher deals with the education of History in Brazil, focando the look for the analysis that interprets relative the social thought to the pertaining to school education, as example, the relation that establishes enters the intellectual movement of century XIX and the slavery.
Brazilian Education
It, looks for to defend that the analyzed books are a significant sampling of what he has been used in the schools of all Brazil, as material of support to the education of History in the levels average and basic. From this small introduction we can say that the ANDRIA boarding is sufficiently complex, however, it detaches first that the sprung from the same father and mother subject is left in second plain, without value as an important subject for the History of the average age, and detaches despite the book that more approached the subject used in maximum 4% of its pages to speak of the full brothers. According to it the subject ' ' germano' ' it is dealt with exclusion: or the full brothers are treated as wild or as barbarous to a general way, and to the confused times until with other peoples. According to ANDRIA, many of analyzed books create a empatia with the reader when presenting the full brothers and some authors express a lack of alignment, accord or correspondence with one determined time. Many of analyzed books include terms that make a judgment based on a set particular of values. Finally, it shows a total exaggeration between the didactic books that had been searched, and that these books still show today the same historiografia of Sec. XIX as for the full brothers. It adds saying that, in the specific case of the full brothers, some researchers and historians with works published and in progress in the country exist all, and that these works little are divulged in the academic circuits. The Medieval Studies in Brazil and the Internet: an analysis of the virtual resources in the medievalista production (1995 the 2006). One is about a text where the authors, Prof Dr Leila Rodrigues Da Silva and Prof Dr Andria Cristina Lopes Frazo Da Silva, both of the UFRJ, had considered it to elaborate an analysis of the impact of the virtual resources, through the INTERNET, in the medievalista production in the period of 1995 the 2006, in Brazil.
In the times of the decade of 30, education for people in the interior of Brazil was rare thing. Click film director for additional related pages. Rarer still it was school in agricultural area and beyond the difficulties of pertaining to school material, starchy and white uniforms extreme still it had the preconception of the previous people, without culture and vision. My grandfather, born still in century 19, did not see utility none of a woman to know to read and to write, therefore pra it woman place was in the kitchen and reading and writing would only serve them children to pass bilhetinhos for pretense boyfriends. My grandmother, little more understood insisted and obtained to give the minimum of possible education for the children, but as the difficulties were enormous, placed two children in the school of each time and when already they knew to read they took off, them to place others. My mother was awardee, obtained to go pra school during four years. if capsized to obtain to study, the way until the school was long, of that if it still comes in some places of the country, where if kilometers walk, if cross streams and pinguelas until the school. In the way still she harvested wild fruits as guaviras, goiabas and others to change in the one with the pupils of the city, and if it changed for pencil, rubber, tinteiros, kill-blots and snacks to obtain to study with materials and full belly. still had that to be with the spotless uniform, with right the white beret and stockings, despite dusty, but with all uniform contrary case still had that to give accounts with the director. the punishments? These were the worse ones, because good educators existed, however existed bad, but the bad ones exactly, not of bad, but of evil. What today she is considered maltreatment and until torture was current thing, as if kneel for hours in the maize until bleeding or the palmatrias feared ones, that the child nor wrote in the other day eats s swelled hands and other ways to discipline that pain and humilhao incluam.
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