And it requires less to take place throughout Spain selectivity tests which will enable 2 de bachillerato students enter University. There are different options for preparing it. To prepare for the exams, especially when good results have not been Bachelor, and knowing that you to enter in almost all races there is a note of cutting, you can go to school to an Academy. In addition to reviewing the agenda of the different subjects, study and time optimization techniques can be learned. In an Academy over the age of 25 can also make a university access course. Internet websites specializing in testing, featuring models reviews, forums, exercises can be one of the most effective to familiarize yourself with the test solutions is to practice models of past examination papers that have answers. So you can see the kinds of questions that tend to fall and practice to be able to complete the examinations within the time limit set. The universities themselves and the autonomous communities publishing these models.
Tag: Education
Pedagogical Project
Decurrent of the unpreparedness of the educators to deal with hiperativas children, the consequences are diffusest and traumatic for educating. In this direction, Barros (2002), through its prxis looks for to minimize the negative impacts that carry out dficits of social abilities by means of infantile games, leaving of the comment of the incapacity to keep for much time the attention in pertaining to school tasks. With the new referring pedagogical project to Ensino Basic of nine years importance of learning through playing is distinguished, thing that has times was not valued, second descrev Elkind (2004, p.52), Hirsch-Pasek (1991) calls the daily pay-schools centered and not guided in playing of academic daily pay-school. According to it the effect to corrupt the way to play of them create evidentes more when they enter the school.
It is there that the lack of personal, social and deriving abilities of playing becomes more visible. Lack of respect for the professors, intimidations, tricks and long incapacity of concentration for periods are today place-common. This new social environment is, … in part, attributable to the absence of playful experience in the real world. So that the child learns if to control more quickly, he is necessary that she is also stimulated in house, establishing a routine thus strengthening, the obligation to ahead control its behavior of the people. The hiperativo behavior of the child takes many times the parents to react brusquely, forgetting that they are models, or better, mirrors for its son. How he goes to demand of its son if you do not think before acting? The TDA/H is folloied of symptoms as challenge and opposition, what it makes with that the child delays if to adapt to a new way of relationship with its parents.
Korean Peninsula
Korean history is extremely interesting and confusing, some things are not clarified. A geo-political passions are raging on the Korean Peninsula and now. On the territory of modern Korea first states began to appear very long. Usually these were small kingdoms, quickly developing and just as quickly fading. But the greatest contribution to the emergence of modern Korea played three ancient kingdoms – Koguryo, Silla and Baekje.
But no matter how many small separate states or kingdoms existed on one small area, they are united by one thing – language. These kingdoms languages were very similar, the inhabitants of one of the kingdom were free to understand people from another. There are reasons due to the history of the emergence and establishment of kingdoms. History of the Korean language is conventionally divided into 4 periods, in this periodization usually do not include language that had to use the Korean Peninsula to the formation of the three kingdoms. So the first half of the ancient period includes precisely languages Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla. Apparently, these languages have some serious differences from the more ancient tribal languages, lived in these territories. Korean history is inextricably linked with the history of China – the kingdom of Koguryo and Silla (which, incidentally, won in his time even earlier the state, located on the Korean Peninsula) almost two thousand years, separated from China. Of course, that in times of allegiance to the State, there were close contacts, and on the borders appeared languages based on Chinese and Korean dialects.
Minimum Vocabulary Foreign Language
In science, there is such a thing as information redundancy. Information redundancy actually useful. It's like insurance. If something happens where the failure information, and the rest will fill this gap and the meaning is not distorted. In full respect to this language. The average language has about 300,000 words (English, as the development and spread recently to celebrate the anniversary? Million words).
But the average person uses in everyday speech 15-17 thousand words. Same AS Pushkin in all his works used about 21 thousand words. So what? And nothing! Wrote a brilliant novel. That is, for fluency in a foreign language, I stress, free enough to learn no more than 17 thousand words! On this basis, we can construct a method of teaching foreign language to a qualitatively new basis. In it all, do not learn quickly, and somehow as much as possible words, and learn a little bit, but qualitatively. That is, teaches, so long as a minimum will be learned, as they say, forever. After that, a student who decides whether it is enough of this vocabulary for its needs or not.
Not enough? Well, learn more. As Studies show that properly chosen only 400 words can replace 90% of the total vocabulary, which will be used later. Unbelievable huh? Go ahead! In speaking about forty words cover about 50% (!) Of all vocabulary speech. A 200 words? already 80%, 400, as already mentioned? 90%, and a thousand? 95%. It is easily seen, building vocabulary after a minimum leads to only a slight increase in percentage of used vocabulary.
Environment Education
Inside of the line of research of Ambient Education Not-deed of division (EANF) we consider as research phenomenon the ecological movement of the Rio Grande Do Sul. The research will be developed inside of the parameters of the Ambient History, in which one of its functions is to act in the construction of subsidies theoretician-metodolgicos for the Ambient Education and knowing that the ecological movement if institutes as space of informal and not formal Ambient Education. Of this form, the ecological movement if constitutes as organization 1 Pedagogical Project of the Program of Ambient Education, 2010, op. Cit. social, as space of Ambient Education, as social group that acts having as focus of action the socioambientais questions and influences in the power to decide processes in the handling and conservation of ecosystems. The socioambiental context that the research will focus is the city of the Rio Grande – Been Rio Grande Do Sul – in the decades of 1970-80. In the center of this reflection it will be the human being in interaction with the environment having as reference one to look at description.
Of this form, the environment of the city of the Rio Grande if presents as a vast field for projects of research in the area of Ambient Education, until as in result of the coexistence of the partner-economic organization urban-industrial who if points out on-line of border with riqussimo coastal ecosystem of the Lagoon of the Ducks, also having interaction with the Atlantic Ocean. From what it was displayed above, we will develop some topics of our theoretical references. The Environment concepts, Ambient Education, Ambientalismo and Ambient Histria will be argued. In this direction, we know that still a conception predominates in our society ' ' ecologizada' ' , that is, conservacionista of environment, even so let us recognize the advance of the vision that we consider more including, called of socioambiental conception.
Trinity College London
Origins of BMX: is an extreme sport that is practiced with rolled 20 bikes. BMX (Bicycle Moto Cross) is an acrobatic form of cycling, originated in California in the 1970s when the youths were trying to imitate the champions of the motocorss with their bikes. In the 1980s he began to use the variant known as race, or races on circuits of Earth, similar to those carried out on bikes. Later with the arrival of the first freestyle bicycles begin to practice tricks skateparks, consolidating what today we know as BMX. It is considered Olympic sport since the Olympics of 2008 in Beijing. In Spain the BMX riders are called Riders (of the English word, ride) or also Bikers (also of the English word, bike). What languages and BMX course program? They are kinds of languages (English, French or German) aimed at children riders from BMS wanting to learn or improve the level of languages while they practice their favorite sport.
At the same time that practice the sport also do so without realizing it through the use of the language. The activities of these programs are varied, among which are the Professional program of BMX, excursions, workshops on mechanics and repair of bicycles, among others. This is one of the fast, easy and effective ways to assimilate knowledge. So you can study English or French, with option of the official exam of the Trinity College London. Institutions providing these services are equipped with all the comforts and provided with recreational tracks of skate, BMX, pool, football pitches and also in Assembly are organized skate camps in Spain than to complement the above activities. Without a doubt this form of learning is an excellent way to create synergy between the advantages of sport, where basically promotes creativity, self-expression and communication, coupled with the many benefits of learning languages.
The course "Resistance of materials" addresses methods of engineering calculations of strength, rigidity and stability of structural elements. Quality and comprehensive research in the field strengths are prerequisites for creating new designs of machines, equipment and engineering facilities ensures reliability and durability, while improving the weights. 'Strength of Materials "is one of the important and complex technical disciplines studied in the technical schools. In studying the subject students should study the theoretical part of the course, learn about modern methods of studying mechanical properties of materials (laboratory studies) and master the methods of solving problems. Course "Resistance of Materials" is divided into several themes. Some of them are: Theme 1. Main Tasks of the course 'Resistance Materials.
" Strength, stiffness, stability. Issues of affordability. Communication course from general scientific, general engineering and special disciplines. Classification of external forces: active and reactive, surface and volume, lumped and distributed, static and dynamic, fixed and variable over time. Displacement and deformation (linear and angular). Deformation of the elastic and plastic (residual).
The concept of a deformed state at the point. The hypothesis of a deformable body (continuity, uniformity, izotoropnost, linear elasticity). The principle of the initial size. The principle of superposition. Internal forces. Voltage (full, normal, tangents). The method of sections. The concept of stress state at the point of the deformed body. Beam (rod), plates, shells as objects of calculation in the course "Resistance of materials". Internal force factors in the cross section of the rod in the general case of forces, their definition and the procedure for constructing diagrams.
Educao Rui Barbosa
This process can be recurrent of some factors, such as: demotivate of the professor, inadequate infrastructure for the accomplishment of activities that involve the most diverse didactic resources, absence of laboratory for festival of practical activities, among others. Ahead of this, the educative process contemporary has demanded each time more qualification and change of position of the professor, so that, gradual, it abandons the traditional boardings and it can develop its work, of form such, that the educations are inserted in the social context. Moreover, it must possess the ability to carry through analyses and reflections on educative practical its, for not becoming a mere transmitter of knowledge and understanding the context of what critically it studies, analyzing what it is propagated by the media and acting with citizenship, accomplishing the chemical education. The professor needs to have clarity on the main problems of education learning that can be if becoming obstacles for the understanding of the boarded contents for it. The simple understanding of a scientific concept on the part of the professor, does not guarantee that this will be assimilated of the best form for its pupils, who need to carry through connections with boarded subjects in others discipline, to enlarger its use and to act of critical form front to the problems of the daily one.
However, great part of the students does not obtain to carry through the necessary abstractions for the understanding of the content, does not accomplish the mentioned connections previously, therefore, most of the time, the studied subjects are given of form that value, so only, the memorization of the concepts, symbols and formulas without significant or concern with the reflexive analysis of what he is being studied. What he has been observed, currently, is that the learning, frequent, raise questionings concerning the importance of the study of Chemistry. Perceive if, with this, that exists a difficulty in relating Boarded chemistry in the pertaining to school context, with that one lived deeply in its daily one. Ahead of the pointed perception previously, one becomes excellent to carry through a study that is capable to diagnosis the main problems in the education process learning of Chemistry. This can be of great value for the professor interested in making of pedagogical practical its an efficient way in the aid to the pupils for the exercise of the citizenship, implying in a participation more effective in the democracy and taking of decision. In sights of this, this work objectified, therefore, using itself application of questionnaires, to carry through a survey on the main difficulties in the education process learning of Chemistry, faced for pupils and professor of the Institute of Educao Rui Barbosa (IERB), whose practical educative it is not centered in the massive approval of the vestibular contest, what it made possible to detect lacks in the educative process and to consider action that, possibly, minimize the difficulties found in the construction of the Chemical knowledge.
Magical History
It's sobriety and mental clarity, self-discipline and self-acceptance, is the ease and harmony with oneself and the world, it is still a lot of things, but most importantly – this is freedom. And not just to intellectual freedom, but freedom of mind, consciousness of man and his infinite possibilities (see the 'Magical History "). Magic or what we used to call magic, that does not fit the usual description of our world – not an end in itself, rather it is a natural product of human evolution. The main purpose of discipline – freedom. At the same time sober and critical judgments are an essential and indispensable attribute of consciousness practice. There is nothing you need to blindly accept at face value, the criterion of truth is practice and personal experience. In this way a warrior close to scientific knowledge. Now going back, actually, to stalking.
On the road a warrior is, in general, two general lines of practice – the dream and stalking. And she, and other practices aim to develop awareness. Development to such an extent that realization is made available various outrageous opportunities. So what is stalking? There are certain principles and guidelines of stalking, but to say exactly what it is, hardly anyone can. Unfortunately, at this point in Castaneda's books, there are sizable gaps. But hints and general considerations in the context of the totality and the warrior's way more than enough to figure it out yourself. Like a light contours of the picture sketched by Castaneda that every dorisovyvat himself.
Enjoy English
Language education in Russia is traditionally characterized by high quality. At the same time not everyone can afford expensive foreign language teaching at a university or a course of further education. The need to attend classes, spend time and money on the road, pay the organizers for rent – that is, with what appears modern listener linguists. Recently, more and more people prefer to distance learning. Distance education in any field of science and culture begins to supplant traditional teaching in classrooms and grades.
Thanks to the advent and widespread Internet and computer technology has become possible to study English on Skype. You can stay in your home or office and learn English in the virtual audience. In this case, students may be in various parts of the world – during an online conference in Skype will they communicate with each other, as if in the same room. Distance learning English in the heart of Enjoy English successfully solves all these problems. Qualifications of teachers center is confirmed by diplomas and years of experience in public and private schools. Subject to the previous standards, the quality of language education is becoming more accessible: students attend Enjoy English courses without leaving home. It also gives the opportunity to learn general English course even those people who for some reason limited in their capacity and can not attend classes daily in an urban area.
It is also important for young children: You do not need extra time to worry about the safety of the child, to give and take of his school. English for children at the center of Enjoy English is taught in a special program of grants Round up. It does not matter what part of the world you are: we bring the English language in every home. Distance learning courses in English with teachers Enjoy English – is a simple and reliable way to learn a language, which has allowed many students to save time and money.
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