Tag: Education

Facts And Ideas: The Higher Education

The article will be devoted to such scrupulous time as higher education. I speak for a couple of very controversial ideas, but give them the appropriate arguments, and then he himself had these thoughts and refute. Gerald Weissmann, MD insists that this is the case. But it is still one of the positions, which adhere to not only me but also some of the population. Speaking of universities and institutes, I will try to bypass the advertisement and not to mention certain names. So. Higher education today has become virtually obligatory stage in life, through which must pass every person and every child. If this man in my life was not, then it will consider for the illiterate or worse. But there is a very important question: Why? Why need it to young people, and what purpose they serve, acting in high school? In order to arrange his life? Get a good job? Of course, this is so when it comes to technical specialties or professions that require specific knowledge.

But consider the popularized version, when people are willing to work in banks or sit in offices and work with clients. Trace as their career. I note that we consider version of the ordinary>> person who himself is looking for a job without the help of friends or parents. Typically, these people begin to think about another career as a student. But where can get a student? Without going into details of areas of work, we agree with you that it . And so he arranged for the post. But

Kosmos Education

CONCLUSIONS After reading the books of Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava came to the conclusion on the basis of holistic education in the educational quoted Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, has led me certain that it is possible to establish a new paradigm in the educational system of local and global society of our time through the practice of our spirituality through a comprehensive practice that allows the importance of our being, starting with the self-attachment to reduce, eliminate barriers and suffering that has generated ignorance and indifference of the true situation that exists in our environment disguised by the instrumental rationality of traditional education offered by the mechanistic paradigm. The beginning of the process of evolution of consciousness is marked by learning to be, the teaching exercises and readings have carried me on a journey into me allowing my values arising through the development of a greater understanding for the triple transit path of spirituality (wisdom, love and compassion), achieving certain levels of significance in this holographic structure of my Kosmos. This assurance gives me the direct experience that has given me to perform better in my teaching duties, living with my students and treating them as different human beings, varying forms of assessment through diversification teaching techniques and respecting their learning styles. The improvement in my relationships has paid off because I put so much emphasis on developing my ability to dialogue, I learned to listen, be more balanced, patient and tolerant, even I have a long way to go, but it was a good beginning, I started the experience myself to know my true nature, touching the subjective part of the whole education of my personal and community level.

Continuing Education

In fact, it’s worth in a little bit on what andragogy represents, for it is very important that we bring about teamw0rk.com (source of information) that the role of adult participant in the learning process is different from the child, and is projected with a broader than being a passive recipient, notetaker, conformist, resigned or simple repetitive rote the lessons taught by an instructor, teacher or facilitator. Participation involves the critical analysis of the situations, through the provision of effective solutions, very important for dialogue, contributions, learning.

Andragogy as a continuum of excellence, leading the final mission, to provide a better standard of personal and professional life of the learner “Andragogy is the science and art, being part of the Anthropology and is currently in Continuing Education, is developed through a practice based on the principles of participation and horizontal process which, being oriented with synergistic properties of the Facilitator of learning, can grow up thinking, self-management, quality of life and creativity of the participating adult, the purpose of providing an opportunity to achieve self-realization “(Adolfo Alcala .- “The praxis andragogical in older adults”) SOME BACKGROUND teamw0rk.com reminds us that Alexander Kapp, German teacher used the term Andragogy for the first time in 1833, attempting to describe the educational practice that served to educate Plato his pupils who were young and adult. At the beginning of last century, around 1920, Eugen Rosenback incorporates the concept to refer to all elements of the curriculum specific to adult education, among these, philosophy, teachers and methodologies used.. Gerald Weissmann, MD understood the implications.

Languages And Education

Also, there was no systematic approach in these data. Source: FASEB Journal. Typological method of comparing languages is certainly its own advantages. Its essence is that do not need to carry out the restoration of the phonological system, and comparison is carried out through other languages, which makes it possible to quickly and more easily make an assessment of genetic relationships of languages. And a positive answer to this question, you can proceed to the consideration of similarity of languages at other levels. Thus, both languages are 100% agglutinating in them there is a ban on prefexation, and word forms of languages are Altaic model in both languages, there is no change of verbs in number and those forms of language and vocabulary are similar in structure. If we take the verb forms, the majority of them are produced in both languages, from the basics, which in Korean language – two and a Japanese – five.

There is also a similar algorithm Education verbs by changing the endings. In Korean and Japanese are only two basic time – the present-future tense and past tense. Kinship Japanese and Korean languages studied for nearly three centuries. But, until the 45 th year of the twentieth century, this question in Japan takes a little due to the fact that the ruling circles of the country supports the theory "Divine origin" of the nation and denied such a possibility as ties of kinship with some other nation. In the early twentieth century in Japan conducted research on linkages of Korean and Japanese languages, Japanese claimed that the Korean language is descended from Japanese, rather than vice versa, which corresponded to policies pursued by Japan towards Korea.

Special Educational Needs

The quarrels on the social rights that they had proceeded the Constituent, and they had emphasized popular claims and demands of groups until then excluded in the social spaces, being that today inclusive education is fomented by the legislation in vigor and determinative of the politics you publish educational the federal level, how much state and municipal in such a way. In accordance with the Declaration of Salamanca the National Curricular Lines of direction for Special Education (MEC/SEESP, 1998), explicitam that the regular school must adopt a new position, considering in the project-politician-pedagogical one, the resume, the methodology of education, the evaluation and the strategy of education, actions that favor the inclusion social and practise educative differentiated. According to Mendes: The idea of of the inclusion if bases on the philosophy that recognizes and accepted the diversity of the life in the society. This means guarantee of all and chances, independently of the peculiarities of each individual in the social group. As resolution 02 that it institutes the National Lines of direction for Education of the Educational Necessities Special – NEE, in the Basic Education, is assured right of school registration in the schools since infantile education.

Beyond fortifying the premise of that the institution, even though of daily pay-schools and day-care centers, has the duty to offer services of special education to these citizens. Therefore, we must understand that the paper of the special education in this context is not directly on to a classificatrio paradigm, that conditions the individual a stigma based on practises social exculpatory, come from the history of the special education, but yes for its universality. That is, it is not only function of the special education to take care of to the citizens that possess necessities special, but yes of all school, in way that if ‘ thinks; ‘ education for todos’ ‘ as an alternative of cooperation in favor of the common objective: to provide to access and permanence to education to all individuals (KASSAR, 2002). Thus, the special education, in this context, passes if to constitute as proposal pedagogical of all the school, articulated with common education having the purpose to guide professors in general, so that the specific necessities of educating in its process of global development are taken care of (MEC/SEESP, 2008). In short, to think about the inclusion of special pupils without it has the psicossocial and pedagogical integration enters all the component pupils of that classroom is a ilusria and perverse form, even so skillfully masked, of segregation and exclusion, although to be together in one same space, physically only (OAK, 1998). In an inclusive school professors and pupils must respect the differences, being this the first step to construct to a society more joust.

The reason that supports the fight for the inclusion, as a new perspective for the people with deficiency, is, without a doubt, the quality of education in the public and private schools, in way that if becomes apt to answer to necessities of each one of its pupils.

Linguistic Centre LSI School

Teachers in them by law are known for their professionalism. Let us dwell on one of the Austrian language schools. ActiLingua Academy? private school, which has a large selection of courses. School located in the central part of Vienna and has a well-equipped classrooms. In addition to directly learn a language, studying at the school involves excursions to beautiful Vienna, sports and much, much more. Germany. Institute Humboldt in Berlin. Offers a variety of children, youth and adult language programs.

A feature of an individual approach, which allows quickly learn the language. Classes are produced in small (5-10 people) groups, where students are improving in reading, writing, speaking, speech ponimantyu at the hearing. In addition to training provided more and homework assignments. The Germans, the people of pedantic and do not tolerate levity. Language Centre St.

Alberta in Raymlingen. This children's language center. The center is deeply and systematically teach grammar. The principle of the center:. That is, not having learned the first lesson, I must proceed to the next. The center is located in the park, away from roads, making it ideal for teaching children. The Centre has a swimming pool, gymnasium, stables, where you can learn the art of riding. True for an additional fee. Language schools in Germany are scattered throughout the country: Lindenberg, Konstanz, Freiburg. In those cities, except for school, you can admire the monuments. Carl Duisberg Centren? language center for intensive language training. Here you get a solid margin on grammar, vocabulary, that allows you to take equal part in discussions, conversations, presentations, etc. Switzerland. International Linguistic Centre LSI, located in Zurich. Classes are held in it in small groups. The school building comfortable: with equipped classrooms, a multimedia center, a recreation room. Enjoyed worldwide popularity and the Swiss linguistic camps. Apart from the quality of language teaching here pay much attention to relaxation and nutrition. The camps themselves are located in scenic locations, where there is an abundance of fresh mountain air and green grass. Price for three weeks in this camp of about 3,500 euros. By the way, the camp can not teach a foreign language, and few.

Global Warming Is Without Prejudice

Global warming – it is a slow and gradual increase in the average temperature on our planet, which is just observed in the present. Global warming – a fact that is meaningless to argue with, and why must be sober and objective approach to its understanding. The scientific evidence that global warming could be caused by many factors, volcanic eruptions, the behavior of the oceans (typhoons, hurricanes, etc.), solar Activity-Earth's magnetic field-work of man. So-called anthropogenic factor. The idea is supported by most scientists, NGOs and the media that does not mean its unwavering truth. Rather all, it appears that each of these components contributes to global warming.

These factors are the so-called greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect causing global warming, watched every one of us. In greenhouse temperature is always higher than outside, in a closed car on a sunny day there is the same. Across the globe, still. Part of the solar heat received by the Earth's surface, can not go up in smoke back into space, because the atmosphere acts on the similarity of polyethylene in the greenhouse. Were it not for the greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature would be about -18 C, but in reality about +14 C. How much heat is on planet depends on the composition of air, which just changed under the influence of the above factors, namely changing the content of greenhouse gases, which include water vapor (responsible for more than 60% effect), carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), methane and others.

The Pupils

Still in DINIZ, the dislexia has neurological base, therefore ' ' an expressive incidence of genetic factor in its causes exists, transmitted for a gene of a small one ramification of chromosome six that for being dominant it becomes the hereditary dislexia highly, what it justifies that if repeats in same famlias' ' (DINIZ, 2007, P. 62). According to VASCONCELLOS (1993, the education methodology does not favor the construction of the knowledge, the professor does not teach; the poor pupil is banishes from the school due to adaptation lack its reality; the pupil who is educated for submission and he does not have a conscience, the pertaining to school supervision is an activity that aims at the professional development of the professors, in its dimension of knowledge and action, since a situation daily pay-professional until a situation of accompaniment in the exercise of the profession and the insertion in the life of the school. That is, the function of the pertaining to school supervision is basic to reach the formation of the pupils propitiating the critical development and not accepting everything, therefore the school is the ideal place to form people whom its paper in positive way exerts in society, that is constructor of its proper history, is of utmost importance to have a proposal educational edificadora, not to repeat the errors whom they occur in the classrooms, is common the schools to banish the pupils in the hour where more they need it, in accordance with this reality many if has worried about the difficulties found in schools, not only on the part of the pupils, but for the process as all. the performance of the professor in the process of acquisition of the learning of the dislxico pupil is basic, therefore it fits to the professor to modernize itself constantly, providing benefits to the pupil in the direction of awaking the interest for knowing and constructing its proper pertaining to school history, and second (PEGORIN, 2009). .

Computers In Education

The use of Computer science in the Education had beginning with the proper education of computer science in the schools and the use of computers. Later different areas had appeared of the knowledge that had started to use the different computer in levels and modalities, assuming functions really defined according to adopted educational trend. In accordance with Tajra (2008), Computer science in the Education passes for three stages in its cycle of learning: qualification properly said, exercitao and planning of new actions. The qualification properly said is when the professor assumes the pupil paper, therefore starts to have a professor of the area of educative computer science that will pass the technological contents that could inside be worked of a proposal pedagogical. It is important that the professor changes information and either motivated, being interesting that it dominates the basic slight knowledge of used the operational system and softwares, so that after to be enabled, mount its plans of lesson with the use of the learned tools exercising the assimilated contents. In the exercitao the professor passes in fact to give to its lessons using the computer as tool, placing in practical everything what he learned.

When already elaborated its plan of lesson in the previous phase, it is the moment to validate them and to have a more definite critical vision to consider improvements. The planning of new actions is after to exercise what it learned and having a more critical vision, is the moment to initiate the process and to be successful what before it he was unsafe. Having better planejamentos of its lessons and incorporating the available technologies in the proposal pedagogical defined for the school. In such a way, professors will be constantly in recycling, therefore with the great technological evolution he makes with that it looks new softwares educational for enrichment of its lessons. The professor also must go beyond; to take its pupils the reflections, understanding and formalizao of the concepts inlaid in softwares.

Modern English Education

Get an English education tend to those who are not indifferent to his future and begins to advance their career. After all, English education is considered the standard combination of tradition and quality. Are no exception Russian schoolchildren. Every year the number of students in schools and in colleges. Shall flow through the British Council. English education draws its capabilities, modern base for various studies. How did you achieve such a development? Educational institutions and schools have a long history. Many of them are still in 12 century.

Despite all the conservatism in England recent decades is a permanent reform of the education system aimed at improving educational programs and their unification, the improvement of technical equipment, as well as to improve the quality get an education. English education, has won fame as one of the best in the world, is the most expensive. For British schoolchildren has various discount schemes that reduce the cost of training. Foreign visitors wishing to obtain an English education, will have to lay in a 3 – 4 times. Often the cost of education goes up to 20000 pounds per year. Since primary education, passing the mandatory and additional discipline, students go into secondary schools.

Their completion is mandatory for all children of the uk. Later the child given the option of further education: vocational college (getting specialty that I can continue to work, getting further higher education). Often when choosing schools for their children to British parents are guided by their age and reputation. In most cases they turn out to schools known outside of England and there are several hundred years. For the foreigners are the most attractive boarding schools, allowing to study English in perfection. No less importance and has a diploma, certificate of receipt of British education.