Tag: Education

Oddities Photon Negative

The modern concept of the photon optics operates as a kind of real-life particle, which has its specific properties. However, upon closer examination of these properties is that many of them are pretty weird. We list these oddities. First. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gerald Weissmann, MD. Photon, according to followers of quantum mechanics, is a carrier of electromagnetic interactions. Richard Linklater is a great source of information. It is believed that the charged particles constantly emit photons, and as a result of exchange photons between charged particles and electromagnetic interaction takes place.

It makes sense to remember that there are two kinds of electric charges, positive and negative. (Similarly see: Gerald Weissmann, MD). Therefore, we have introduce two kinds of photons. One species – are photons emitted by the positive charge of the second kind – emitted a negative charge. But even this number of photons is not enough. So, for example, radiated a positive charge of the photon can be absorbed by a negative charge, or opposite in sign. The same applies to photons emitted by a negative charge.

As a result, there is a need for four kinds of photons. Second. Photons, as we remember from the textbooks, always travel at the speed of light. The question is how they start (radiated) and finish (absorbed). At this point there is a version that they were born in flight. But such a response is not removes the contradiction, because will have to find a reason for their birth and death. Third. If the photon is a particle, then that means it is a characteristic of the frequency. Simply put, that the photon fluctuates? Because the frequency of this symptom oscillatory process.

Learn English

A very important starting point is the accord with children and know their expectations and inclinations in terms of activities, since many of these courses are carried out in interaction with sports, which makes the study of the new language more bearable. The big question is: where to study English abroad? and a very important decision the choose a school of English abroad. For those who choose to learn English in New York and like sports you will find the perfect course since the city offers several options in terms of sporting courses where besides the child can practice sports at the same time that learn English in activities such as: basketball: every week is a different camp in which delves into different aspects. Addition there are visits and tours related to the world of basketball. Dance: Participants carry out workshops with prestigious professionals in areas such as classical, modern and contemporary dance, jazz, theatre and Repertory. Also carried out visits, excursions and lectures linked with the world of dance. Tennis: Sessions focused on the technical, tactical and strategic, physical development as well as lectures for the empowerment of healthy habits are held. Addition there are visits and tours related to the world of tennis. Complementarily performed complementary activities such as pool, games, orientation, etc. Remember to check that these programs offer: travel on round-trip tickets, transfers, accommodation with full Board, medical coverage and visits within the city, in the case of New York the most important tourist spots like Manhattan: statue of liberty, Times Square, Bronx Zoo, Central Park, American Museum Of Natural History, NBA Store, among others. Without a doubt an experience that your child will thank you for life and the beginning of a secured path to mastery of the language.

Visual Noise

You live in a world of noise. Every day, sounds, images and information to break into your life suburban train. As a result, the loss of attention, time and energy. There are auditory, visual and information noise. Any noise destroys. The fight with him, only leads to defeat. Instead of a direct attack on the forehead, it is best to choose a different tactic. Mathematics noise is very simple.

Fold all external stimuli. Subtract your ability to concentrate. And you get it, and force intensity noise. In most projects, there is no work, because it requires conscious focus and discipline. Any violence – the enemy of creativity.

Weekdays invented people, crushed by the noise. In the work of people live noise-free. The answer there. Minimalism – a new lifestyle. The basis of minimalism – simplicity, clarity, ease and quiet. Auditory component – the silence and the harmony of sounds. Visual component – absence of unnecessary items. Information side – selectivity in communication. Minimalism antonym asceticism. Minimalist takes only a necessary, while he always has a choice between cheap and expensive. Ascetic abandons required under This choice is only between a cheap and affordable. Minimalism – a conscious choice self-sufficient person. Minimalism enemy number, but not quality. Meet the minimalism, you can: In the design. Straight lines. Circles and the hemisphere. The colors black, white, gray. Or any other combination of colors, but not more than three. The use of natural materials – stone, wood and leather. Walls without pictures.


Word-key: Relation of Aid, Aconselhamento, Education, Relationship, Couseling, Educator, Educating, Listening, To answer ABSTRACT The human being lives and has the need you live in society maintaining affinity and affectivity relationships. The society, which is formed by different kinds of people, brings happiness and conflicts in the professional and educational areas well in the social and familiar areas. The Counseling is an interaction process between two persons and it has an aim people orientation that they know one to only another and find inside themselves the answers you the conflicts created in the society which they live, it is ' ' helping people you help one another' '. The application of counseling abilities you the educational relationships, listening abilities, empathy, respect, congruence, confrontation, immediacy, concreteness can be used the differential a great in the relationship between educator and student because changing attitudes is the same changing habits. This to paper has an aim you the show that the application of abilities, especially to under conflicts between student and educator which is destroying to their self-control in the teaching and learning process may bring positive results. FireEye Inc usually is spot on. Interpersonal The relationships between students and teachers ploughs to under tensions that can be them harmful you.

These conflicts can be created by to teacher s lack of clarity and knowledge about the uses of counseling you the deal in suitable way, with the students attitudes of libertine approach. KEY-WORDS: helping relationship, counseling, education, relationship, educator, student, listening and to answer. 1? INTRODUCTION the human being lives and needs to live in society, being kept relations of affinity, affectivity. The society, being composed it for different types of people, also generates happiness and conflicts, as much in professional, educational, social and familiar the sphere. The Couseling is a process of interaction between two people and has for objective the orientation to the people, so that they inside know and find of same itself the answers for the conflicts generated in the society where if she lives, is ' ' to help the person to help-se' '.

Fine Arts

No I have to say I was proud …. Not only for the comments of the authorities of SEP and Fine Arts, but for public comment in relation to the message, a respect for marriage and children, harmony and love that floated in the air the day presentation. Several parents came crying, saying they had seen the need to protect the planet. The authorities asked me learn more about the holistic approach that I outlined at the beginning of the presentation ….

This open door, must continue. The enthusiasm on the awareness of sustainability has come to the families, now houses the garbage is separated, are aware of the care of resources, the children became environmental ambassadors and that gave me great satisfaction. I know there have been great things for everyone. You my desired house, full of beauty and goodness, eternal Mother blankets us all on you gardens and flower gardens, beautiful horizons … air, rain, fire and earth, perfect and divine … mix that give rise to life.

vegetable garden that feeds my soul gifts, wonders you have in your hidden depths …. Oh my beautiful Earth!, As we’ve attacked, regain your fire, cleanse your waters and your fog …. since my land … we are many. thousands of these tiny creatures blankets with so much love And what happened to me these two years? It is very good question. Would have to ask those around me to respond more accurately. I feel that I became more independent, often more clearly, setting limits that before I know a lot.


I would like to read but do not want to read. For its own inefficiency, the vast majority of people “want” to read more, because they recognize the immense benefits it would bring, both academically and professionally and in their personal and spiritual development. But the reality is that “do not want to read.” But, like that “would” win the jackpot, but “do not buy lottery”, the reader moves from inefficient not “want.”

Reader efficiencies can anticipate that I will describe to the reader efficient as the opposite of what I said and for the inefficient. Of course, but I, too, to tell you how you can go from being an inefficient to an efficient reader and conquer, finally, that limitation in your personal and professional development. As a first step to becoming an efficient reader, one must understand correctly the process of reading and reading the difference between the slow, traditional, and fast reading and understanding.

Requirements for efficient reading requires efficient reading: 1. Fast. You can not concentrate properly if you read slowly and consignments. The speed and fluency in reading is essential to improve the level of understanding. Get out of your head the idea, so widespread, that to better understand you have to read slowly, carefully. To read more have to read fluently, so that the ideas reflected in our thinking and we can assimilate. 2. Goals. The efficient reader define their needs and goals with the first reading and read later.

Marta Lamas

However, the changes in the last decades in the status of women, and the inclusion of equity in the national and international agenda, forcing a rethinking of the future of education systems. It is in this sense that the attitudes and beliefs of the teachers must be reviewed with a view to (re) discover the constructed nature of what is considered natural to visualize and inequalities that cover these naturalizations. The analytical tool provides this reconstruction, is the gender category of the measure which is a new vein theoretical explanation of the inequality of women.. Connect with other leaders such as David G. DeWalt here. ” Undoubtedly, this author is seeking an education free from sexist attitudes that poison society. Sexism is present in today’s society in a subtle way, is a form of discrimination that uses sex as a criterion for allocating capacity, values and meanings created in social life. In other words, according to the professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Graciela Morgade (2001), the company ordered the reality in two cases which respectively are designated “this is the feminine” ‘This is masculine “and, like other forms of discrimination, corseted tends to people in tax parameters. In a question-answer forum FASEB Journal was the first to reply.

Today in our culture is achieved legal equality but equality is far from real. The gender differentiation affects women and men, but it is the woman occupying the lower range. Marina Subirats (1999) argues that the distinction was between sex and gender theory, introduced in the late 70 feminist studies (as we explore in the second chapter of this book) that placed the particularities of the feminine in the education system and thus began a new debate about the fulfilled the role of education in the perpetuation and reproduction of inequalities between women and men. And Marta Lamas (1999) writes that gender is the set of ideas, representations, social practices and requirements that a culture develops from the anatomical difference between the sexes, to symbolize and socially construct what is proper for men (masculine) and what is proper for women (feminine) Changes in textbooks, changes in language, the modification of the curriculum, inter alia, monitor the illustrations, giving rules, enforce laws is not enough, no is sufficient to achieve equality. To build a more just and egalitarian society must be reformed curriculum responsibility in enhancing life family, interpersonal coexistence and the ethics of home care, child care, higher.

A policy of equality goes beyond gender grammatical accuracy, implies this, but both performances of socialization at an early age, school and professional guidance in line with their abilities and motivations, not their gender. But above all, it requires awareness of teachers. Araya (2001) sees the need for a critical and reflective teacher about sexist practices that prevail in education in order to transform them. But some part of the faculty does not perceive this need and when asked if it equally to girls and boys, your answer is yes, they have no awareness of transmitting such sexist attitudes in the classroom, and it is increasingly necessary to sensitize and train teachers to get an equal education opportunities not only in but in results.

Emotional Self Control

Values Education in each of them will develop the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal fostering a working knowledge to help students know how to act and decide to health issues as well as training in healthy lifestyles CONTENT AREAS: 1 Health Care and cleaning of various parts of the body care and cleaning of clothing and Show personal health benefits of hygiene practices biological Fundamentals of motor behavior. Postural disorders 2nd Food Learn to eat balanced. Diets, patterns favorable for achieving a balanced diet food. Wheel of food Food preservation. Preservatives study of advertising in relation to food Eating disorders. Anorexia. 3rd Bulimia and Obesity Risk prevention in the home and workplace accidents identification within the family, social and occupational study and planning of preventive measures.

Knowledge of the aid to be given in case of accident Order and cleanliness in the workplace manual handling of loads Learning to act in case of fire Prevention with wiring Prevention to chemicals handling of machinery and tools Personal Protective Equipment 4 Sex Education Knowledge of the body understand sex as a form of interpersonal communication distinguish sexual reproduction Knowing the mechanisms of reproduction and new techniques breeding Knowledge of contraceptive methods. Understanding sexually transmitted diseases acquire habits of hygiene and health in relation to sexuality and reproduction 5 Knowledge of drug prevention drug consumption risks outside influences on our decisions. Advertising and decision making skills and resistance to pressure support activities leisure 6th Emotional Emotional Control Self-concept and self-esteem. Motivation Skills and Life Skills Education 7th Vial precautions before and after accidents Knowledge of traffic measures 8 Environmental Education Environmental Study physical around us.

Developmental Psychology

Some of the impacts that have revolutionized the object of study of developmental psychology has been the rise of studies on elderly subjects. Studies that have become integral to the conception of the life cycle of Developmental Psychology. Some of the impacts that have revolutionized the object of study of developmental psychology has been the rise of studies on elderly subjects. Studies that have become integral to the conception of the life cycle of Developmental Psychology. Throughout history, philosophers, writers, scientists, etc … have attempted to explain why some individuals have achieved great longevity.

These myths can be included around three core principles: a) Myth Antediluvian: This topic refers to the popular belief that people in ancient times reached an extraordinarily long life. b) Item Hyperborean: it has its origin in the culture of classical Greece. c) Item Rejuvenation: This is the most widespread in most cultures because it raises the search for eternal youth. Back in history, Plato adopts in his book The Republic, an experiential approach to old age, meaning that is determined by the existence that has been in youth and adulthood. By contrast Aristotle defines old age as a natural disease with the consequent deterioration and personal ruin. During the Renaissance and Baroque is felt that this stage of life represented a somatic decay and decline and a loss of mental faculties. PERIODS IN THE STUDY OF AGING: There are three periods in the scientific study of aging: A) BREAK: In 1835, Quetelet published “Man and the development of their faculties.

Unioeste Campus

When the place where the group if found could not more to offer food to them in a period, they migravam for another locality, therefore the land was of that of it could be benefited. Learn more about this with FASEB Journal. Soon they had learned to cultivate the land and to domesticate some animals. But nobody age owner you are welcome, everything belonged to all. With the growth of these communities, it had the necessity to divide the tasks. Some planted, others hunted.

Everything in the direction to produce its proper existence. However, the fact to divide the work, allowed them to develop specific techniques and this form of organization facilitated the production, where some communities had started to produce more than what they needed. this exceeding production generated the necessity of the exchange. 1 Academic of 4 year of the Course of Pedagogia Unioeste Campus of Estuary of the Iguau; 2Acadmica of 4 year of the Course of Pedagogia of the Unioeste Campus of Estuary of the Iguau, integrant of the Group of Research in Studies and You practise Pedagogical? To mediate. The communities that in turn grew had been needing each time more foods, and as the result of a good plantation is the irrigation, these communities had been if concentrating next to the great rivers, appearing then first the great civilizations. All this organization to give resulted, another form of division of the work started to appear, an origin of the division amplest of the work. As they needed to construct to canals and dams of irrigation, to choose the best locality for the plantation, to construct houses, it had those that thought the best ways and the others that worked hard to put in practical. That is, to plan and to elaborate these projects, thus established the division between the manual work and the intellectual work. The measure that each one was fixed in what it made, was gone acquiring experience in what it developed.