09 2 – Programs of development of in agreement education Libneo (2008), explain in its book ' ' Pertaining to school education: Politics, structure and organizao' ' , on the creation, of Deep the National one of Development of Educao (FNDE): ' ' it was created in November of 1988 and is tied with the Ministry of Educao (MEC), with the purpose to catch financial resources for educational projects and of assistance to the student, most of these resources proceeding from the wage-education, that all the companies are citizens contribuir' ' This Wage-Education is supported by Law 4,462 of 1964, foreseen in article 212, paragraph 5, of the C.F, and charged of the entailed companies the Social welfare on the percentage of 2,5%.Toda prescription publishes is collected in only box, and divided in quarterly quotas, what we can say is that the annually stipulated values, hardly makes possible an education of quality, the deep one keeps some programs. National program of Alimentao Escolar (PNAE) the PNAE, known inside of the pertaining to school units as Pertaining to school Merenda, that has as objective, that the pupils of schools you publish, (municipal, state, day-care centers) and filantrpicas entities, can have at least a healthful meal per day. National program of Livro Didtico (PNLD) the PNLD, supplies the schools publishes with didactic books, chosen for the professors, with time of use of 2 years. It has two forms of attendance of this program: 1 – Centered, where the program acts since of the order of the school ties its distribution. 10 2- Decentralized, where states make this aquio and distribution, this it occurs in the states of So Paulo and Minas Gerais. Average education is contemplated by the PNLEM (National Program of the Didactic Book for Average Ensino) National program Library of the School (PNBE) the objective of the PNBE, is the distribution of literary compositions, encyclopedias and dictionaries, ace schools of basic education of the public net, aiming at to stimulate the reading Program Direct Money in the School (PDDE) the PDDE is the resources transferred to the schools of basic, municipal or state education, Federal District, and schools of special education kept by Ongs, objectifying an improvement in the quality of education.