As the proper name says is orientaes for a geography resume, these orientaes had been developed with principles of Kaercher (1998), with the pretension through reflections with the attempt to renew practical the curricular ones. This document has broken of three analyses made for Milk (1993),) a construction of the subject front to the world, that is, not having been enough that to the professor ‘ ‘ doe’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ deposite’ ‘ the knowledge for more critical than it can seem in the pupil. With the pupil, yes. For the pupil, not. To fight the resume vision that privileges the information and quantification or spalling of knowing. The creation must be emphasized.

To unite information with reflection. To more than search a version for a fact. To show to the conflicts of interests and the messages in the space between lineses of the texts. b) A transforming action of the citizen on the reality. ‘ is not enough; ‘ to know mais’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ to know mais’ ‘. She is necessary that this knowledge is prxis, that is, a combination of action-reflection in the daily one of the person. To transform the reality implies to assume the character politician of the education with the taken consequence of decisions.

An alert one: to respect the other, the different one, is basic condition for the democratization of the school and the society. c) One to think relationary and to multidiscipline. Knowledge is a multiple confusion and complex relations and these must less be each time become attached the rigid academic borders.