This process can be recurrent of some factors, such as: demotivate of the professor, inadequate infrastructure for the accomplishment of activities that involve the most diverse didactic resources, absence of laboratory for festival of practical activities, among others. Ahead of this, the educative process contemporary has demanded each time more qualification and change of position of the professor, so that, gradual, it abandons the traditional boardings and it can develop its work, of form such, that the educations are inserted in the social context. Moreover, it must possess the ability to carry through analyses and reflections on educative practical its, for not becoming a mere transmitter of knowledge and understanding the context of what critically it studies, analyzing what it is propagated by the media and acting with citizenship, accomplishing the chemical education. The professor needs to have clarity on the main problems of education learning that can be if becoming obstacles for the understanding of the boarded contents for it. The simple understanding of a scientific concept on the part of the professor, does not guarantee that this will be assimilated of the best form for its pupils, who need to carry through connections with boarded subjects in others discipline, to enlarger its use and to act of critical form front to the problems of the daily one.
However, great part of the students does not obtain to carry through the necessary abstractions for the understanding of the content, does not accomplish the mentioned connections previously, therefore, most of the time, the studied subjects are given of form that value, so only, the memorization of the concepts, symbols and formulas without significant or concern with the reflexive analysis of what he is being studied. What he has been observed, currently, is that the learning, frequent, raise questionings concerning the importance of the study of Chemistry. Perceive if, with this, that exists a difficulty in relating Boarded chemistry in the pertaining to school context, with that one lived deeply in its daily one. Ahead of the pointed perception previously, one becomes excellent to carry through a study that is capable to diagnosis the main problems in the education process learning of Chemistry. This can be of great value for the professor interested in making of pedagogical practical its an efficient way in the aid to the pupils for the exercise of the citizenship, implying in a participation more effective in the democracy and taking of decision. In sights of this, this work objectified, therefore, using itself application of questionnaires, to carry through a survey on the main difficulties in the education process learning of Chemistry, faced for pupils and professor of the Institute of Educao Rui Barbosa (IERB), whose practical educative it is not centered in the massive approval of the vestibular contest, what it made possible to detect lacks in the educative process and to consider action that, possibly, minimize the difficulties found in the construction of the Chemical knowledge.
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