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Feminine Condition

According to words of the proper one, a woman sensitive, total off of the animal women felt itself, who if only considered female, being pleased as ownership. She is therefore that she found that no man deserved the sacrifice of its freedom, and is also therefore, that the traditional moral, attributing to women one minimum participation in the society, was incompatible with its way to think, favorable to the feminine emancipation (Jose Mattoso, ' ' History of Portugal' '). On the other hand, the way as if related in its workmanship, to the feminine condition is true key that opens the Florbela the way for the literary glory, Florbela enters for the temple of the classic writers through an independent literary space, whose emblem is its proper feminine condition (Rui Guedes, Concerning Florbela). As well as Florbela Espanca, the world for Cruz and Sousa were of suffering, two simbolistas voices of the poetical speech will reflect on this mark characteristic of its workmanships. Suffered life, premature death, black enslaved origin and in a country escravocrata and racist, nothing of this hindered the genius of Cruz and Sousa and Florbela to be disclosed.

Basic for this success of an individual against as many difficulties it was to the education given for white former-Mr. Guillermo de Sousa, Marshal who still adopted the poet child and of who this adopted the last name. But all this protection was not enough to prevent the racial discrimination. After directing a referring to abolitionism periodical, he was hindered to leave its native land for reason of racial preconception. Some time later is nominated accuser, however, he is hindered to assume the position. After all, being black, former-slave and poet of uncosteded quality, although not to still have reached the deserved recognition while still alive, it in such a way is oppressed how much hero. Its life was a suffered history, but it is also the history of the victory of a man against a society oppressor through its individual value.

Great Farm

Liveing currently in Par, Djanira> it moved with the children of Parnamirim, first in 1972, for occasion of the conflicts in the district of the Adobe, what it motivated the change of the family S Almeida for the Paran. Later for Itaituba, in virtue of its children to have installed a College in this city. All the culture of Parnamirim must it its illustrious personages who had made and makes its development. Before enumerating the entailed important names to the History of Parnamirim she is necessary, one more time, to stand out the prominence the Martinho of the Agra Coast – Lieutenant Colonel come of Catol of the Rock in the Paraba, descendant of Portuguese, who was the founder of the Village of Santana of the Bag, responsible for the first measures of lands and definition of the village of Santana and the towns of Humait and Belmonte, old farms that they had given to origin the Leopoldina and, that is currently, is the city of Parnamirim. Also if the religious influence of cult must to the Brgida de Alencar Mrs. Santana and its participation politics for rise of the Town of the Bag to the Village of Avila, became rich farmer and heiress of the lands that before lease. She was mother-in-law of Martinho of the Agra Coast, proprietor of great extension of land that went of Cabrob the Ex, old part of would sesmaria that it corresponds to the Great Farm, Farm of the North and Farm Pan D water, and that, as it consists in notary’s office of Cabrob, it left in will the lot of land of the Village of Santana, later Leopoldina (current Parnamirim) for its Josefa son Maria of the Carmo, wife of Martinho of the Agra Coast. Also it left the lands that today belong to the city of Ouricuri for other heirs, being at the time tutoradas by Bernardino Maranho, judge of that Judicial district.

Bible Studies

Church a voice that is not silent. While it will not be arrebatada, the body of Christ With its members is the voice of God in the world. (Deuteronmio 29:29) – The hidden things belong to Mr. our Deus, however the disclosed ones in forever belong we and our children to them, so that let us fulfill to all the words of this law. (Efsios 3:10) – So that now, for the church, it multiforms it wisdom of God is known of the principalities and powers in skies, I want to deal with in this article the importance to the directed studies and the cooperation Christian theological sources that for the diverse media a very important paper in the churches has made, with seminaries, theological facultieses and other media, as literatures and spreading in accessible Internet to who if to interest. The importance of the directed studies: The directed study it is important either in any area of good education, mainly when one is about the study of the Word of God, when in its classrooms the church or an institution evanglica makes magazine use or until ways of studies that come from a healthful source of education, since books, sets of documents, extracted text of the Internet This aid very the professors of the Christian theology, is clearly that the first source must be the faithful Bible for if in all its formation, therefore an extracted study of a source of literary communication or medias of the Internet must be faithful the Holy Writs. Not ha nothing of extraordinary shepherd or deacon or professor of school Biblical To use aid of texts already existing and you copy nobody that he gives Word not can to say that not ensinador had or master, that never learned in school same that is of the church, that did not make a seminary or a Christian theological college, despite always it goes to extract sermon of the writing, this must be yes hearing others and learning with people more experienced in the ministry, therefore God we gave people stops also helping in them in educations, would be great magnificent somebody to say that already he knows everything does not need nobody to assist it.

Sports Education

It was the sufficient to keep the colors. Bindi also cites the Sport Boys, of the Peru, established in 1926: pink shirt and black shimstock. Because they were the colors of the uniform of the College Marista de El Callao. how much to the Brazilians? Here some go: – CR Are Cristvo, of Rio De Janeiro (RIO DE JANEIRO), established in 12.10.1898, with the name of Group of Regattas Cajuense and the colors: rose and black person. The rose, according to Raymundo Pictures, a homage the Marie Franoise Therese Martin later canonizada as Terezinha Saint of the Boy Jesus, dead in the previous year, 30.09.1897.

Little before dying, it had announced that ' ' of the sky I will send petals of rosas' ' , from there the color. How much to the black color, was very common in nautical clubs is enough to remember that Botafogo, Flamengo and Vasco also have. In 13.02.1943, for fusing with They are Cristvo AC, gave origin to Are Cristvo FR, that, for regulation of the Federacy of the RIO DE JANEIRO and for craft of the CBF, always has the preference for its all white uniform; the adversary is that he must adapt itself. That is, They are only necessary Cristvo to enroll itself with a uniform model. However, its shield has details in rose, the club also vende shirts of this color (in such a way in the nautical headquarters how much in Figueira de Mello), as well as the t-shirt of regattas, that also is pink, with black letters to see our article ' ' They are Cristvo, the Cadete&#039 Club; '. – CE Rio Branco, De Campos of the Goitacazes (RIO DE JANEIRO), established in 05.11.1912: rose and black person. The rose, says the researchers of the soccer camper, was chosen by Iai, sister of Celso Linhares (one of the founders), due to color of the cheeks of boys had established who it, of 13 the 15 years of age.

The Reason

The luck never was to your side From very young dresses to you desolate. It is perhaps the experience, the lack and the experience Fault, or reason, shows fault in the coexistence Or it is also the reflected image, Beside the point very even The one that to look like as much Imitating waves, that in the border of the sea they are Per time and by separated they walk in parallel and soon after, arrivals to the border, Without knowing have been. Decirte things, I would want But not yet I have found the way wished the form nor the way. We confuse respect, With obedience, Word already in disuse, When existing the coexistence We measured in mistaken form, Opinion with the reason. But, which wise person got to be right Or dictator wished Without with one each side, To people allowed to a sincere smile and an honest opinion Ideologies, languages, languages or geographies Each the same separates of its pride and imitating to cocoons they abren his sacred petals to absorb of the sun, all gilded rays. Again I reason when writing, that what I want I can That what I feel I do not show and that yet my seriousness I have not been, neither I am able Of agredirte with my Decirte mouth palabrotas, Nor to hurt your feelings Because after all, Is love which by you I feel. I know that I have not expressed myself, Perhaps things, have remained of side That is difficult to say to me thus, to first, Which to sincere way You wanted to have heard. But it tries to understand, Father dear Not yet I have been able to find way, or way to say, which wanted Without you already felt like victim, who that is not my intention Nor the reason that calls to me and drives that me in this plot To mostrarte what I feel What fodder and what I am and to say to four winds, Without I have left nothing By you on the inside I am a Akinn, and here am My mother I recognize in her was a woman privileged, from girl and until now to his eighty years of age she maintains aporcelanizada a Egeria beauty, would seem the time does not happen through her.

Gonzalo Ballester Torrent

I am called Gonzalo Ballester Torrent. Enchanted to salute to him. They will not think to me if I say to them that everything began to seem to me, if normal, either not completely as untimely as at the beginning. Position to have surprising encounter, why not to experience them with several deceaseds simultaneously? After all, it is probable that the deads are not single, that turn out to be as sociable as the alive ones and that are related to others by affection, by affinity or shared likings. And what better territory common that Literature for two writers, although has been so different and although in their mortal encarnadura would take some years? If does not concern to him were saying to gift Gonzalo to me, we will approach cafeteria of that one corner, because I want to teach a sculpture to him that has done to me, that I do not know, I do not know, Infected of renqueante and cansino walking of both phantoms they were in fact phantoms, an emanation of my subconscious mind, an authentic material reincarnation of the original personages, ? , I crossed them the Place way of the Novelty coffee. Through a large window, we saw the Torrent bronze image, to natural size, seated before a watchman of the coffee. has removed to Me uglier, it does not seem to him? was asking the writer to me, with one coquetera that never had imagined in him. Most surprising it was that, with its stuck eyes of awkward person to the cristalera, it exactly composed the same gestures and identical gesture that its bronze reproduction. He is not that the sculpture looked like to him, but it, unconsciously, became a perfect mimesis of the statue. From the commitment to give the most suitable answer at the moment and to the personage whom the question formulated they removed opaque voices to me that arrived by the entrance to the Place from Poet Churches.

Economic Thought

The integration of the sector is basic publishes and private, to establish objectives and goals in relation to the type of desired tourism and the adopted politics, that aiming at to mitigate the deriving alterations of the tourist activity can establish quotas, multiples uses to the areas, even though price prices, among others restrictions, as well as the creation of cooperatives and associations that aim at the improvement continue of the income of the populations, incentives and producing average small easinesses of I credit to the thus diminishing the dependence of the tourism and the susceptibilidade the sazonais alterations. only through the planning and of the application of specialized knowledge, the alterations caused to the way can be reverted, of form that if can make compatible the integration of the tourist activity with the maintenance of the quality of the environment in sustainable way. .

Ariston Equipment

This is true today, when it comes to models with open combustion chamber, which can only take the air out of the room, where they are located. However, if you want to save space, then You can install the boiler with sealed chamber. In this case, the air in the combustion chamber is fed by force, by a fan, and similarly released into the chimney. This device allows you to collect the air from both premises and the street. Specifically for this purpose is provided coaxial (tube in tube ") flue: in this case one tube, air is taken, on the other – is released that allows you to mount the equipment more compact. In particular, gained wide popularity mounted gas boilers. In size they are comparable to conventional kitchen cabinets and can be installed virtually anywhere in the house.

In this double-circuit boilers have also flow heat exchanger or an integrated storage boiler for hot water. If the pressure of gas in your area is often lower than normal, and that just is not uncommon, you should pay attention to the mounted boilers low threshold of the minimum gas pressure at the burner. In general, given that the boiler is a complex equipment requires constant monitoring of his work. The easiest way to do this with a modern, well called "smart" boilers. York Global Group. For example, models Genus and Genus Premium from Ariston equipped with a display that displays all the information about their work. One touch of a button on the control panel allows you to detail to inform the owner of the equipment boiler parameters: ambient temperature (indoor and outdoor), hot water and heating, the level of pressure and number of days remaining before maintenance.

Technique Sambo

We proved them! Thus, the workshop began. The first came with us to fight himself Edson Diniz! Against him came Alexander and immediately took the initiative in their hands, just a minute Edson, turned his back on the mat, and after thirty seconds, Alexander had pain in her leg (Achilles). The Master was down! Next was his pupil too well-known master of Brazilian jiu-jitsu Vincent Werner (USA champion in jiu-jitsu). Immediately it was clear that he got revenge for a teacher! Against him came up, Paul! Started a fight, which ended with the same result. Jiu-Gist defeated! Technique Sambo has shown in practice to be superior! We are very pleased that they accepted defeat with dignity and after the seminar said that their school is always open to and invited us for further cooperation! Now all the cards were in our hands – the news of the victory soon reached the American Top Team, and the next seminar came all the groups! Sambo – "self-defense without weapons". Type of sport martial arts, and as a complex system of self-defense developed in the USSR in the synthesis of many national martial arts and, in particular, the judo.

Is a type of combat in the clothes. The official date of birth of this species Sport is considered to be November 16, 1938, when the Order was issued by the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sport at SNK 633 "On the development of freestyle combat" ("fight freestyle," was the original name Sports, later renamed the "sambo"). Since 1972, the international competitions in sambo. Sambo wrestlers train in more than 70 countries. Sambo is divided into two kinds: sporting sambo and battle: Sports Sambo – the kind of struggle with a large arsenal of painful receptions, as well as shots used in the rack and on the ground.

Combat Sambo – martial art created in the 30s in the USSR for training members of the uniformed services. Then, Combat Sambo is not considered sport discipline and was banned for training civilians. Only in the 1991 Combat Sambo was "declassified" and became a separate sport (in 1994, Moscow hosted the first championship of Russia in Combat Sambo). Oriental martial arts – fitness center Kimberley Land and water park.

Louise Hay

If you are a loving parent, your children have every chance to grow wonderful people, your friends. They grow up confident and successful. Inner core, self-confidence brings peace and tranquility. I I think the best thing we can do for their children – is first and foremost learn to love themselves, because children learn by adults. If your life will change for the better, then your children will be all right.

Your self-esteem will bring confidence and peace of mind for the whole family. Teach your daughters to love and respect themselves, and when they grow up, you will not be allowed to humiliate themselves or use. And our sons will learn to respect all others, including women. Explain to your children why it is so important, what are their thoughts – good or bad. Children will understand that by themselves affect their lives, the mood. They – the creators to help change the world, using force and opportunities that life itself presents them.

Often parents are afraid to show their feelings. In every family there are many unspoken reproaches of problems that need to be discussed. Children are very sensitive to any insincerity, hypocrisy. But they are watching the parents take over their behavior. Parents are horrified by acts of their children, not realizing that their behavior – a mirror image of their own actions. In adolescence, feelings of children are especially vulnerable, so we often hear about the “difficult period of transition.” Parents blame the children, instead of thinking about his attitude towards them. Look at the actions of their children, and you certainly see in them a reflection of their underlying feelings. Coped with their own problems, getting rid of negative emotions, you will surely find a wonderful change that has occurred with your children. Often, we blame everything misfortunes on others. Not noticing that the reason for their hides inside us. If the actions of our children or annoy the people around us, cause to be angry, we never blame this yourself, throws out his anger on others. But the people around nothing to do with. Their actions reflect our own beliefs hidden, repressed, Hidden inside our negative thoughts and feelings. Such a “mirror” gives us the opportunity to see all the negative and get rid of it. In Next time, really mad at someone, try not to succumb to anger. Instead, ask yourself: “What can I take home from this situation?