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Monumental Sculptures

/ The mountain is crowned by dozens of statues of the tomb of King Antiochus. Statues, carved in limestone, there are only heads of Antiochus and several deities with animal forms. The sculptures will be transferred to a museum to prevent deterioration by weather conditions and tourists. Mount Nemrut, to the southeast of Turkey, is little more than 2,000 metres tall. What makes it unique are the statues belonging to a tomb of the 1st century before Christ, who is at the top. In this place it is believed that the tomb of Antiochus is. In the first century before Christ, the King Antioco I de Commagene decided to establish a new religion based on various creeds Persian and Hellenistic, mixed with the cult to the own monarch and his family.

Why it lifted colossal sculptures on this mountain. The heads of Antiochus the archaeological remains, considered world heritage by Unesco, were excavated in 1881 by German engineer Charles Sester and although the exact site of the burial has not been found, was Yes discovered the fine sculptures. However, is still believed that it is the place of burial of the King. These statues were seated and with the names of each God inscribed on them. Now, the heads of the statues are scattered on the ground and not in its original location. They have suffered damages with the passage of the centuries due to the weather conditions, earthquakes and visited by thousands of visitors each year, because it is one of the tourist symbols of Turkey, statues, carved in limestone and of which only are heads of Antiochus and several deities with animal forms. A museum to protect statues in general, tourists visiting Nemrut from June to August. Does the nearby city of Ad? yaman is a usual place for travel by car or bus to the site, being also possible access by helicopter.

Currently, the statues are not in its original position. Tourist visits and climatic conditions (Mount Nemrut is located in an area of cold temperatures in winter, up to 40 degrees below zero, and very hot in) summer) have eroded the statues. For all this are going to be transferred to a museum. The idea is to move the sculptures to a Museum and place a few copies in the mountain. Therefore, anyone who wants to see the original in its original location should hurry and already travel to mount Nemrut. Source of the news: in Turkey, to the monumental sculptures of Mount Nemrut

Basque Assembly

The donostiarras took victory in the first game of the season. Two goals from agirretxe Arruti gave victory to Basque Assembly in Asturian feud. Caves reduced distances but Sporting did not mark or against ten. The match statistics. Sporting de Gijon began the season as the previous four in first division, losing his first match but this time did not do so before a large but before a presumable direct rival such as Real Sociedad which took advantage of two dnsivas hesitation to take the three points.

Sporting and Real Sociedad played them open the season and did so playing with many precautions although in the first few minutes the locals came out with more momentum and fruit of it arrived that the dessert was their only chance of the first half on a shot of head of the new international Alberto Botia which Claudio Bravo responded with a great stop. But the Real gave his first warning in the same minute with a cross shot from candle that went out for a little. What looked like it was going to be an offensive match became in a touch by visiting party game and an I want and I can not of the Gijon which were unable to perform your usual pressure across the field allowing the donostiarras play with tranquility. Montanier took the ball and drove almost at will because they were able to remove it with tranquility from the dnsa exceeded without problems shy men pressure more Preciado developed that also offered a clear gap in the center of the field where the technician of the Sporting lined an unpublished couple formed the young Sergio alvarez and Eguren. Pressure failed to Sergio alvarez while Eguren is a man of containment but null in the creation by what locals lost the ball very quickly and the San Sebastian just suffered in dnsa where Bravo not had to intervene in the first half.

University Authorities

Carlos Vanegas Blackberry the characteristics of the economic scenes where they operate the companies are dynamic, changing, competitive, threatening, in addition, to demand new challenges, a new management of the management in order to guarantee effective participation and profits of the established objectives. It is needed new administrative tools, administrative knowledge that have generated a new paradigm of the administration and which they force to that the present managers well are identified with them, and they know of course them to use. In the Venezuelan case that it concerns to us, its scene is very turbulent, product of the uncertainty that has come providing the present government under the presidency from the lieutenant colonel Hugo Chavez, who has taken passage to the denominated Bolivariana revolution with a seal of Socialist ideology. All this, has brought about earthquakes in the enterprise productive sector before this new reality, entailing to that many companies are retired officer, closed its activities and others, are establishing strategic plans of action that allows them to develop successful according to the new economic programs of the government. The certain thing, that all this entails to determine what so preparations are the managers to face the changes, challenges, to take passage to actions that favors to him and to contribute with the development of the country. Of course, such situation forces to diagnose, to evaluate, what is realising the schools of Administration of the national universities concerning pre and postgraduate that favors to the companies and has a professional with cnsonos knowledge to the competitive demand of the present. Unfortunately, everything indicates that the Schools of Administration the great majority, have been anchored in the past, with nonagreed an academic culture to the reality. The university authorities in charge of the direction of the schools concerning pre and postgraduate, have not updated the profile of the modern administrator according to the exigencies of the present scenes, especially the Venezuelan, maintain a Program with subjects that do not carry out a determining roll in the knowledge updated of present.

Making The Most Of Your Summer

Finally, summer is here! After a school year filled with hard work, so you can forget about your books, break out your bikini and sunbathe. This is not just what he deserves, but in reality you need: If you have been working to its highest level during the school year, to be his body about two weeks off during the summer for a real break. Go ahead and pursue his favorite pastime, relax, sleep, and reflect on the past year and next year. No, however, too accustomed to their life of leisure! From a perspective of college admissions, it is important to be productive during summer months. Work is viewed favorably by most selective colleges, working on his tan is not. It is important to understand that when it comes time to apply to schools in the fall, you will be competing for the admission of a lot of other students who did most of the summers by strengthening their talents and skills and / or development in some way for their weaknesses.

Ideally, you've found something to do during the summer, but if not, here are some suggestions for summer. By the summer after ninth grade, summer school can be a great idea, especially if you want to get ahead in their curriculum. For example, rising sophomores in the past have used the summer to move ahead in their math track, some taking a class that prepares them for an honors course or an advanced level, others by taking a crash course mathematics that covers at least six weeks of the summer.

To Educate For The Success Or Failure

To educate for the Success or Failure? We educate for the Success? Why it can be intelligent To educate for the Failure? We would be emotionally stronger e, developed if thus it was? Here it is, the question. In itself, the expression failure in sends me the souvenir to them, the ruin, fear, pain, nostalgia, signal of that we erramos of some form and we were not competent the sufficient one to carry through such intention. Few dominate its ego the point of ' entend-lo'. Our culture abominates the effect of this word and all education tries to be sidewalk in the Success. It is forgotten that for backwards of this, they come innumerable malogros and multiple disillusionments that also can fortifying in them if we will be intent to such. After all, that it is really Success? Currently the young (good part), has been supposedly trained to shine. The parents inflate the ego of the children giving to understand that the genetics of them (parents), he could only leave good thing.

Soon, the little boys grow finding that the life is really beautiful. They enjoy it of limitless and irresponsible form. Its ancestors had given they everything that had not had, exactly being of humble origin. Nowadays it is common to act thus, however not correct. Everything comes without impediments. The schools demonstrate they who really its parents were ' certos'. The majority is approved without the minimum of effort and devotion. They flood diverse particular facultieses low-level.

They dominate with certain disembarrassment computers and cellular, however, few obtain to read and to write of basic form. How that is possible? Learning mechanics. They receive familiar bands from and friends for having obtained to enter in some superior education. They make college as if it was defecating in the latrine. They do not know and they do not make question to search episteme (knowledge).

Actually Internet

This is a small sample of the interest of many people trying to find work over the Internet. Unfortunately likewise killed many in his effort. Required patience, determination and long hours of reading, study, test and some money to gradually decode this relatively new science. That is what I want to save you. At least not that cost you so much as my. Anyone with minimal knowledge of computers and the Internet, risks to assert that it is impossible to work on the Internet and earn money at the same time.

Ignorance of the topic in question is what encourages them to promote that assertion. That is not to mention the negativity, pessimism and scepticism that characterizes to sufferers of mental laziness. If you have got here, allows me to think that you are not of those people. It has at least taken the time to search. Yes there are jobs on the Internet. In fact, each When there are more people coming to the network since they have proven that if you can make money on the Internet.

One thing that should be clear is that these people that if they are earning money working online, not do it differently to as they do in the traditional working world. I would say that many earn both honestly as dishonest. Many are making money by cheating people with promises of becoming rich quick, without much work and with so-called systems on autopilot. It is absolutely segur @ that that is not true. They want you to cheat. As in any other profession, the minimum required to honestly work in Internet is education. Acquire all the knowledge that better can be related to work on the Internet. This activity is becoming one new profession like any other that exists in the world outside the Internet. Work on the Internet has become the modern method to replace the traditional employment. However as well as a doctor, lawyer or engineer who can get to make lots of money with their profession, have dedicated their time, study, dedication, effort and discipline to achieve it, likewise you also can achieve this by means of work on the Internet. Now, at this point can you be this by asking if it is the same have a business on the Internet that work on the Internet. Take the time to know the difference can save you time and money. Probably your e-mail will rain down offers from businesses or courses to learn how to work on the Internet. If you do not yet, I suggest you begin to tell the difference. Again, I suggest you that not you goal a business anywhere if you still don’t know how to work it on the Internet. If results that so far you have obtained trying to work Internet not satisfied, don’t be discouraged, continue in their efforts, this is one of the characteristics of people who have success working in Internet. He who seeks, finds and touches that will you will open. Sometimes we pay when we are about to obtain our objective.

Dream Job Work

To find a job that would suit you 100% need to articulate their demands. Remember, if the only parameter on which you choose a job, you will make the salary, you risk losing time interviews for the posts, it is inappropriate for your turn of mind and character. First you need to make a list of requirements for a dream job, what better to share your wishes into two parts. The first can be described such requirements as: – company size – the scale of business, – the sphere of the market – the location of the office. – The salary. These are the basic parameters that define the direction of your career development. Formulating them, try to adequately evaluate not only your preferences, but also your professional abilities and talents. In the second part to clarify and develop the requirements for the job of your dreams.

Here we need to focus on: – the type of leadership – team – the rate of work activities – work schedule – part of the compensation package – trips. Perhaps, having got a job which best suits your wishes, you have worked there until retirement, and perhaps getting the necessary knowledge and skills, try to realize themselves somewhere else. In any case, take a responsible choice, try to think ahead all the details, so you do not understand one day that you work on well paid, but not absolutely loved the work, or vice versa. Remember that a clear understanding and defending their claims gives you an advantage over many competitors, who in an interview at the company or Agency recruiters are not able to articulate their career expectations and plans. Thought out point by point and their requirements, you will be able to treat critically promises a potential employer, ask the right questions and identify both advantages and disadvantages of the proposed work.

University Government

Article 109 reads as follows: the State shall recognize the University autonomy as a principle and hierarchy that allows teachers, professors, students, graduates and out of its community engage in the pursuit of knowledge through scientific, humanistic and technological research for spiritual benefit and material of the nation. autonomous universities will be given their standards of Government, operation and efficient management of their heritage under the control and surveillance that established by law for this purpose. University autonomy is enshrined to plan, organize, develop and upgrade the programs of research, teaching and extension. establishes the inviolability of the University campus. the experimental national universities will reach its autonomy in accordance with the law.

In addition, says that rectoral authorities of the central University of venezuela reject it, without misunderstandings, claim to official to control, no arguments other than ideological and political absolutism, competencies and attributions that correspond by autoritas, academic tradition and constitutional precepts to the University. so admission policies entry, the training of teachers, research and graduate school, the University Government, the execution of the budget, academic career, the composition of the academic community, characteristics and purposes of student bodies, the internal auditor and election procedures, the profile of graduates and the suitability of its authorities and teachers should continue to be defined according to article 109 of the Constitution which postulatesreferring to university autonomy Finally, consider essential that a law to govern the Venezuelan education should be directed based on the cardinal values and general principles of the Constitution independent of the ideological sign of Governments, national, so that he has consensus, historical significance and represents the plural nature of Venezuelan society. for this reason, we require the National Assembly to open an effective debate in the country, in fair condition with a precise timetable that will make possible that an issue of singular importance, can be known and discussed without limitations by the academic community the national public opinion.

Aggressors Explosive Sunglasses

Mario Canedo L. 30 years and with an extensive police record, he met Cano Lorena g. in an Internet Chat. Months later he convinced her to hire a life insurance and kidnapping crossed worth 360,000 euros. He would be the beneficiary of your policy and she of the of the.

His plan was to make pass another girl by Lorraine and faked her kidnapping in Colombia to collect the two so the money. Responsible for the insurance company confirmed that both were presented in his Office on two occasions as a couple, so it was not surprised that each would be the beneficiary of the insurance of the other. Shortly afterwards, in December 2003, Mario made a homemade explosive and hid it in a pair of glasses like those used in the solarium, and convinced Lorena to accompany him to the campus of Gijon. He told her that he had had problems with some University and that he needed to find his vehicle to avenge them. He showed him the glasses and told her that they were equipped with a tracking system. When they reached a secluded area and Lorena was manipulated sunglasses, Mario fled from the place and triggered the detonator of the pump. Fortunately, part of the device placed on the pin of a glass failure and Lorena could out alive but suffered serious injuries all over the body, leaving her shattered right hand. At first Lorena was afraid to denounce Mario and told police what had exploded in his hand was a rubber ball that was found on the ground.

But confessed the truth to her ex-boyfriend and Mario Canedo was arrested. During the police search in house of Mario C. found several cartridges blanks and other caliber 9 that could have removed the gunpowder with which manufactured the explosive. In addition to tape insulator and welding apparatus, various types of glasses were also found. Both the own Lorena and others who knew Mario assured that this was habitual consumer of hashish and cocaine. Some sources even suggest that the high standard of living that the young man wore was something that could afford for his supposed business of drug trafficking.

Training Courses

Valencia. E-learning has begun to have great success among all types of educational institutions. We both found the implanted e-learning system among training centres at a distance as among most prestigious centres such as universities around the world, who already use this system as a fundamental tool for teaching. But many will wonder what is this e-learning? It is a new form of distance education that has emerged thanks to the development of the information technologies and the Internet. Using this new tool the student has access to all kinds of interactive and multimedia courses taught through the Web, receiving the training regardless of schedules and displacements, from his job or even your home.

In addition, learning through e-learning tool has shown that it is very effective, because the student happens to be the Centre of the learning process becoming motor and protagonist of the classes. Costa de Valencia, training centre have been quick to realise the enormous advantages which presents the system e-learning and for this reason have begun to implement within its enormous offer of language courses and training so. Well within the range of e-learning, we can find from courses of languages (English, French, Italian, German), to courses focused on computer training or training related to the business world. The contents of the courses are provided to students in the form of small thematic blocks easily assimilated, besides possessing tests at the end of each one so that the students themselves can assess the acquired knowledge. In addition, the Costa de Valencia training centre has put within the reach of everyone who desired a small demonstration of the system.

Entering in your Web page, within the CAMPUS section you can view course offerings and familiarize yourself with work e-learning system, only must enter the word Demo as username and as the password this same word. Is clear that e-learning is not the perfect substitute to the classroom training, but it is a very interesting option for corporate training and for those who have geographical limitations or schedule. In fact this method is already used without any problem by American students. According to report Sloan students, generally, are just as satisfied with their courses online that witness them with their classes.