Category: News


the kreaturlich & warm Pentecost Festival 2010 in the ZEGG what happens when we stop to know and begin to questions? This will be senior attitude of empathic artistic Pentecost Festival, which will take place from 21st 25th, 2010 in Belzig (between Berlin and Leipzig). It is aimed at all research-friendly people, willing her a beloved habits & beliefs about right & wrong four days for questioning. Spaces of experience be opened, in which empathy is directly experienced, versteh – and of lectures on theatre, dance & sound art, experimental anger and (body) empathy rooms up to the silence. There are special offers for children and young people. Constantly updated information can be found on the Internet at or by phone 033841 / 59510.

As co-creator of the Festival are invited experts from different areas (sound art & singing, body work and therapy, dance & theater), is the subject of empathy very approach differently. So, for example, Professor Dr. Beatrix Pfleiderer, which developed its own training method as Medizinanthroplogin for body empathy, the TARA-process (, will report their therapeutic work and offer a workshop in the body empathy together with her research assistant Jutta Gruber. Referred to empathy, is better known as compassion or empathy from the Dalai Lama as one of the most necessary skills to meet the challenges of the 21st century”. Because we are not happy, honest or even loving each other & ourselves to prove what is wrong with us and argue who is right now or not. Such an attitude basically leaves just two options: rebellion or submission. But how does link? This is the question that is to be made and explored in experimental and artistic way. Host is the ZEGG (Center for experimental society), a joint project in -Belz, a town 80 miles southwest of Berlin. The Festival takes place under the open sky according to the season for the most part, used the 15-acre, spacious, surrounded by light forest area will be with volleyball court, a small bathing, sunbathing areas, a large campus, pubs and Cafes, artist studios and several seminar – and Bewegungsraumen. Accommodation is in spacious tents (with light, slatted frames and mattresses) or in the Group dormitory.

Hamburg Employers

Focusing on our own strengths is now asking and answering the following questions: what are my professional needs and goals? How can I remain faithful to my professional needs and goals in the crisis? What are my personal and professional strengths and how can I use promising that? What distinguishes me from others? How do I withdraw myself from the crowd of applicants, without losing my authenticity as a person? Not only the analysis of own desires and goals and the exploration of professional options, the resulting, but also wondering what employers then logically fits the own profile belongs to the own career planning. It will rather be a strong medium-sized company that comes for the career in question or a multinational corporation? Irritates the services sector attracts the industry? Are advertisers for this more exciting than agencies, Company work or I’m rather independent? Industry, position and type of the company, in the candidates start their career entry, are crucial for the remainder of career. It is all the more important to decisions reflected and to consult experts who can help you in the decision-making process. Levi’s will undoubtedly add to your understanding. On the KarriereMeile on the CampusChances Hamburg (May 31) and Cologne (10 June), the company opened universe, that each year more than 300,000 students on the subject of career ideas and employer interviewed around the globe, the visitors informed guidance, when it comes to inform themselves about potential employers and to work out together what employers best fits them. The Association offers assistance with questions on employment contracts, work certificates and the own career planning executives and international career experts of the news and career portal check resumes and help with the Initiators of, a portal for creating multimedia candidate homepages, the optimum application strategy. Also gives tips for “House – and Abschlusarbeiten” in Hamburg the Diplomica Publishing House and pointing out various marketing opportunities, informed the Akademische Auslandsamt of optimal trajectories in the study abroad and about the “road to the scholarship” in Cologne.

German Biography Prize

He receives the award for his biographical Advisor “who romanticize world. How do I write my personal mythology?” (Schibri-Verlag, Berlin 2009) Today, Dr. Andreas Mackler, head of the biography Center, in Nordwalde near Munster 2010 presented the German biography Prize in the two categories of Publisher biography and private biography. The prize winners in the category of Publisher biography is Prof. Dr. Lutz von Werder. He receives the award for his biographical Advisor who romanticize world.

How do I write my personal mythology? (Schibri-Verlag, Berlin 2009). About Prof. Dr. Lutz of Werder, the father of the German Schreibwerkstattenbewegung, Dr. Andreas Mackler writes in his eulogy: those who teach creative and biographical writing or practise, have owed much to him and his books. Prof. Dr. Lutz of Werder himself writes in his excellent book: the problem is, many people are heroic as they think.

Today’s world needs heroic people, the given biggest challenges be recognized as heroes of everyday life, and know that they’re on the hero’s journey for men as for women. In the category of private biography, Andrea Richter is awarded for her mother Elisabeth Richter biography. Dr. Andreas Mackler in his eulogy: this biography of Elisabeth Richter has been so excellent written and designed as a book, it must be awarded 2010 almost the German Biography Award! Background information: Andrea Richter (together with Andreas Timmermann Levanas) is currently in the campus publishing house title that talk, we die: how our soldiers to victims of German politics will be presented, numerous individual fates in the soldiers of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan. Background information: German Biography Award is a colleague price of the biography Center, the Association of German Biographinnen and biographers. It is awarded annually by the Association for biographical work e.V. (biography Center) and is not. So far Winners include among others the writer Alexandra Senft (2008) and the Director Rosa von Praunheim (2009). The biography Center is the Association of German Biographinnen and biographers. Since 2004 its members with publications, workshops, seminars, lectures and exhibitions are committed to the promotion of the biographical work of memory as part of cultural history. Young authors to professional biographers are trained at the Academy of the biography Center. The German biography 2010 awarded comprehensive school in Nordwalde near Munster the Cardinal by Galen in the opening of the 3rd Nordwalder biografie days 2010 from 16:00 in the Forum. The laudator Dr. Andreas Mackler is head of the biography Center.

Ltd Development

The BEST education Ltd. started sales 2011 the training offensive in the 4.Quartal. According to the BEST GmbH, training in sales need urgent new didactical approaches. The interactive online learning opportunities are utilised in the sales area. Campus seminars are focused too little on participant-active action learning and competence development. Modern adult education is skills development not possible by a coach tells how it goes or may go long in the clear.

Competence development is possible only through own actions and own actions. Problemlosekompetenzen make up about 70% of the net actuarial skills from vendors. To purchase the trainer, who says how it’s done and how to do it, is the wrong approach, because according to this method, no competence development can take place. The development of skills can take place only if training participants develop solutions to practical problems in dialogue with other participants themselves. These helpful tools and methods should be aware, that can be used in the solution process. “The training offensive sales 2011, the BEST education GmbH focuses on skills development and not providing the so-called golden rules”. To better and more intensive for active action of the participants use the campus seminars, perform all further training measures in the offensive in a blended-learning process. This means that the methods and tools, are taught in tutor, virtual classrooms.

Seminars are focused on active action learning, using situation tasks, role-plays and simulations. In the handling and performing OnlineSeminaren with salespeople, applies the BEST education GmbH to the most experienced educational institutions. Since late 2004, salespeople learn regularly at the BEST educational GmbH in online seminars. Currently more than 200 participants attend each month online events of BEST GmbH. The training offensive provides a series of training activities for the year sales 2011 2011 before, which are characterized by high efficiency of education at affordable prices. An IHK certificate training course to the CCI sales experts “at the special price of only 999.-initiating the offensive. Education cheque in the amount of 500 claims can be done also for the measure. A seminar for key account manager follows in spring 2011. A special programme for young professionals in the sales starts in mid 2011. A brochure with an overview of the measures can be requested of BEST GmbH.

Konrad Adenauer Foundation

To the speech of the Pope in the German Bundestag the Pope in Berlin traffic jams in the capital, citizens who may enter their apartment just after passport control, welcome posters on the building of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation: the Pope is in Berlin. The ‘city of unbelief and God forgotten’ (Archbishop Wolki on the occasion of the Papal Mass at the Olympic Stadium) experienced no normal state visit these days certainly. For many critics, the speech of the Pope before the German Bundestag biggest bone of contention was in advance. In fact, one can ask why a Pope should necessarily speak before the members of the Bundestag. Its importance as a head of State – under other circumstances the valid grounds of such, very rare invitation – can’t be it. For papst Benedikt, formerly Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger himself was the thing clear; the invitation of the President of the Bundestag, to speak before the House was him “as Pope, as Bishop of Rome, the ultimate responsibility for the Catholic Christianity” bears.” A different caliber – the speech of the Pope in the Bundestag this, the Pope, is the basis of its international responsibility and the role of the Vatican in the world. A remarkable beginning, put no less than the Pope’s continued claim to understood the role as the Supreme Shepherd of the Catholic flock in the world at the same time as moral political leadership authority of world-wide reputation. Already in this Anfangspassage of Pope Benedict’s speech above all had become clear the attentive listener: on this day, it had a speakers dealing with the plenary, which is carved from wood clearly, as the rhetorical woefully few exceptions windfalls that there otherwise is behind the Panel. After this extremely positive, almost facilitated responses to the Pope speech from the ranks of parliamentarians and the comments in the media, which described the speech as “rather campuses” or even “boring”, had to do but wonder.

ERGO Insurance Group

Are the Furth Agency for strategic branding and integrated communication as kapo ensures insurance Furth with the personnel-recruitment campaign ‘Fresh meat’ at KarstadtQuelle, October 12, 2009 with the slogans a 16/20 type? We have your dream job. “, where you actually work? Better, you do it for us. “, decide you right! Our phone jobs are asked.”and what are you doing before the news?” the KarstadtQuelle successfully advertise insurance to service staff in the evening time from 16 to 20 for the sales and service center. The Furth Agency since kapo has developed this memorable and innovative staff recruitment campaign. KarstadtQuelle insurance companies belong to the ERGO Insurance Group and one of the biggest concerns of the insurance industry. With four million satisfied customers is the company of in Germany of mostly chosen direct insurer. It is growing steadily and continuously expanding the number of jobs. This successful Market position has acquired the insurer with special marketing ideas and faster implementation.

The most recent marketing campaign aimed to attract more younger people for our part-time deals in the sales and service center. The Agency as kapo has provided appropriate ideas us for it. They were sparkling, striking and aligned to our target group. That has convinced us and the success has given us the right,”Erika Eibner, head of recruitment-and education management at KarstadtQuelle confirms insurance. Convincing campaign with its new staff recruitment campaign puts the work in the late service from 16 to 20 h in the right light of direct insurers. Unusual advertising from the House since kapo provide convincing arguments to get insurance as service staff on a part-time basis at KarstadtQuelle: the kick off the campaign made a promotional tour with three young women with backpacks and various slogans on the Furth Festival on the campus in Erlangen and Nuremberg, as well as in the City centres. Flyer with a short profile of activity were in addition to make frequent well distributed.

At the same time started a post card action in 120 restaurants, bistros, Cafes and pubs in the metropolitan area of Nuremberg, Furth and Erlangen. The campaign was supported by spots on radio energy. Managing Director of da CAPO, Thomas Kohl, knows: da kapo service portfolio includes the strategic brand management and care with integrated communication, creative concepts with holistic approach, success-oriented marketing management and of course efficient implementations. The innovative idea concept for KarstadtQuelle insurance bundles exactly these competencies. Because for us is first and foremost, customer-oriented concepts with new strategies and fresh ideas to develop which attract our customers and convince. This is our recipe for success.”da kapo with visions of innovation the company da kapo heard since 1986 to the most prestigious owner-managed creative agencies in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg. The range includes the strategic brand management and care with integrated communication media and the interdisciplinary orientation of classic and new. The Furthern their special commitment introduced an award as a top employer in Germany already in regard to human resources management. Bavaria is the first excellent company among the TOP100 for outstanding innovative achievements and the successful think tank as a communications service provider several times.

California State University

CSM: How can I improve so my chances of studying at UC? BD: It has significantly better conditions studied to be accepted to a UC and to complete a degree if you already at a California Community College (CCC). “One often hears of the 2 + 2-system”, when there is talk of changing from a two-year Community College to a four-year University. Because: Two years in a CCC plus two years at UC is the Bachelor’s degree. Students who move from a CCC at the UC, get to the same conclusion just as if they had completed the entire four-year study at UC. CSM: Is there a guarantee that after completion of two years of a CCC at a UC to be adopted? BD: Some UCs have the transfer admission guarantee (TAG) an agreement solely for CCC students who want to go to a UC.

That is, if it at least 60 points achieved to create that which cannot provide the required average grade most in 2 years, and meets the admission conditions, guarantee a place on a UC is campus one. CSM: but at the UC Berkeley or UCLA I can still directly apply or not? BD: But yes! Over 22 percent of UC Berkeley and 31 percent of UCLA students have changed during the study period, i.e. they are transfer students. Due to the fact that a franchise is granted CCC graduates, the vast majority of the changing within the studies students of CCCs. CSM comes: there are only TAGs from the CCCs of the University of California? BD: The CCCs have arrangements with the California State universities, such as of the San Francisco State University, San Diego State and San Jose State University. Many CCCs mediation agreements with private universities, such as the University of Southern California, the University of San also Francisco, and the University of the Pacific.

African American Arts

Three new museums extend ‘ Wells Fargo Cultural campus’ in North Carolina’s largest city equal to three new projects provide for fresh air in Charlotte’s cultural offer: probably the new Mint Museum with an exhibition space of nearly 14,000 square meters in the heart of Charlotte’s financial district will open in October 2010. “In addition to the collection of the old Mint Museum of craft + design” shows contemporary art and American and European works. The images of the painter who was born in North Carolina and cartoonists Romare Bearden are a highlight. “On the occasion of the opening of a special treat awaits visitors: ten ten ten project initiated specifically for the new start” provides for the exhibition of the best handicraft and design artists. The visitors get the glass designer works to see Danny Lane from the UK as well as pieces of jewelry designer Ted notes from the Netherlands or the furniture designer Joseph Walsh from Ireland. There is more information, see. The Bechtler Museum of modern Art, an $ 18 million project, celebrated its grand opening at the beginning of the year.

Since January, the Museum for its visitors in an exhibition space of almost 11,000 square metres holds more than 1,200 exhibits, including works by Miro, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso and Degas. More information can be found under. Finally, also the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Arts & culture offers a cultural novelty. Since October 2009, galleries, training and event rooms on an area of 15,000 square meters are for a varied program of events available. Various exhibitions, currently used by the American artist Juan Logan, musical performances, dance and theatre performances make the Harvey B. Gantt Center a comprehensive Center for African-American art and culture. There are further information under. General information to the United States under. Images and further press information about North Carolina under. Information consumer: North Carolina travel and Tourism Division phone: 0 89 / 23 66 21 64 E-Mail:

Magdeburg City Festival

Trainees of MVGM want with new project rocking the Elbe floodplain Park eight trainees of the exhibition and event society Magdeburg have launched a great new project in life and – as appropriate – to start student days during the 17th Magdeburg. Fresh wind on Saturday, June 16, from 8: 00 through the Elbe Riverside Park, when under the slogan NewSounds time for young bands”rises an Open-Air party for young people, the young, local musicians have the opportunity to present themselves to live in a cool location. Four regional bands with different styles, known among other things through successful SWM-MusiCids entries and currently through appearances at the Magdeburg City Festival, heat up the people on the surface of the music stands, North of Lake stage. There is the winning band of the 2011-er MusiCids finale, there is still time”. German-language texts in modern rock/pop Pack. Local music history writes”MY THIRD EYE. The band moves to somewhere between electro, rock, indie and techno, with German lyrics danceable beats.

Rock-pop hip-hop crossover genre is the band Wi(E)DERSPRUCH”. Thanks to hard and like catchy melodies remains of rap and vocals of the band in the head! Soul N sky”is a band that created an own and unmistakable sound in their songs. She brings a good mix of Motown, soul, rock and pop, with cover songs and his own compositions. ROCKLAND radio presenter Cassie is part of the game and on the turntables DJ SEBA provides made the right moves. All in all the night promises to be exciting and varied: live music with free summer night sky, to catering, cocktails from 18:30 until 20:00 even at the happy hour price! – and a party atmosphere. With the event ticket, go from 18:00 on the party premises, where can be danced until about 23: 00 and celebrated. There are ticket at the Student Union on the campus as well as at the cash register to the Elbe floodplain Park tickets at Magdeburg.


It was a cold, but perfect for an adventure. I wanted to explore the island, there then I was walking until the Iceberg.Quando I checked, vi more thirty people exploring it. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Levi’s. They were all blue ones. _Oque vocs is making? I asked. we _Estamos tentano to explore the Iceberg! – a person answers. _Mas Why vocs is all blue ones? – I asked. Nike addresses the importance of the matter here. _Porque blue is a legal color I finds – another person answers.

_Posso to also participate? – I asked with all the education. _Lgico! – they desseram – necessary Agent of all the possible aid! Then, I was blue and I started to explore. Some people had caught its tools to help. More and more people had been blue and started to pierce the ice. Then I started to be worried Will be that the ice could leave? I never had seen that to happen. Sera that would go to give certain? I was so, more so preoupado than I stopped to explore and I started to walk with very well-taken care of.

It had a pile of blue people back in the way, and therefore that it also diminishes ritimo. Before consequir to leave the multitude, I started to feel the soil to tremble! Vi one tip of the ice sinking and to another one going up. The Iceberg was breaking and sinking! Many people consequiram to leave from there in security, but ten of us had not been able to run away in time. We fall of the ice, right-hander in the sea. Everybody wise person to swim very well, but went to delay to swim in return. _Bom people, – I started – to consequirmos itself to jump for that side, goes to give all certainty! _Mas ese never to come back toward house? – a woman cried. we _Estamos lost! – another person completed. We are in the same place descutindo per ten minutes. But then a very legal thing happened. It appeared a boat! Everybody made the party when the boat arrived. _Oque vocs is making in the way it sea? – the pilot asked. _O Iceberg sank and agent was lost here. – I explained. they _Entrem. – say-Go pilot here to take vocs in return the Island! Everybody commemorated, while we entered in the boat, and comes back toward the Anchored one. _Mais a time, thanks a lot! – I said when leaving the boat. problems _Sem! But in the next time they take care! – the pilot answered while barcose moved away. I was walking until the house to eat, was with hunger. It was adventure the sufficient one for one day. END!