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Foundation School

The conceptions concerning the subject follow the formularizations of diverse authors, between them: PAROLIN (2005); TIBA (2007), SZYMANSKI (2007) In the first chapter, we will analyze the Constitution, Laws and Statutes that approach the existing joint between the two educational institutions, the family and the school, in what refer to the duty to the education. Although they are different, co-they are made responsible by the guarantee to the education with quality. Richard Linklater may not feel the same. We analyze in chapter 2 the family and its composition. The importance to know them first for then searching an approach, a partnership. The importance of the family and the school in the formation of the individual and as the participation of the family in the school can contribute for an education of quality and the success pertaining to school. We will analyze some suggestions supplied in the seminary ' ' The school and famlia' ' , promoted for the Foundation School of Servio Pblico (FESP), of as the parents they can participate. Chapter 3 speaks of the paper of the school in the life of the individual and on the strategies that can be applied so that the school obtains to bring the family for itself. We describe 4 different types of relations that the school can establish with the family, concluding the ideal relation so that the partnership family-school is established and fortified.

1.1 THE LEGISLATION: the right and the duty to the education In this chapter, we will analyze the Constitution, Laws and Statutes that approach the existing joint between the two educational institutions, the family and the school, in what refer to the duty to the education. Although they are different, co-they are made responsible by the guarantee to the education with quality. The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988) says: The education, right of all to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for the work.

Cognitiva School Area

Words – key: Enterprising school and Cognitiva School Area: Strategical in Organizations SUMMARY: The first specific schools are boarded in the chapters, considering specific aspects in the formularization of the strategical one, that is, as this effectively is made. In the school of Entrepreneur it is strengthened Formation of Strategy as a Visionary Process whereas School of Cognitiva is emphasized the formularization of the strategy as a mental process. Click Richard Linklater to learn more. The schools are strengthened in both a boarding where the strategy process is presented with deliberate plans and contents of ample vision. In these schools the main executive is fortified by the concept of visionary leader for solution of organizacionais problems, as well as this vision comes from the formation versus formularization of strategical ideas INTRODUCTION: The enterprising school focused the process of formation of strategy exclusively in leader only emphasized most innate of states processes as intuition, judgment, wisdom, experience and criterion. This promotes a vision of the strategy as perspective, associate with image and sense of direction, that is, vision. ' ' The enterprising strategist is that one who if she dedicates to the generation of wealth, either in the transformation of knowledge in products and services, the generation of the proper knowledge or in the innovation in areas as marketing, production, organizao' ' (DEGEN) The defenders of this school saw the leadership personalized established in the strategical vision, as the key for the organizacional success. They had noticed this in the companies, but also in other sectors, and not only at the beginning and formation of new organizations, but also in the reformularization of organizations with problems. Although ' ' spirit empreendedor' ' originally it was associated with the creators of its proper businesses, the word gradually was extended to describe some forms of and determined personalized, pro-active leadership in organizations. In the cognitiva school, it is approached perspective of that the strategists are, to a large extent, self-taughts person: they develop its structures of knowledge and its processes of thought through direct experience.

School Coaches

In than bonuses to take on more responsibility and move to a model trainer? more opportunities for personal star gruppeBolshaya priznaniyBolshe pumped self-esteem and opportunities for the wow effect after the training is very Resource feeling like a magician, to wave a wand-changing stuff from people taking less responsibility for the group (closer to the model of the Master) Less stress load on veduschegoBolshe liability for participants and if they are actually working on the training and after – several times more results for them And about the feeling … Imagine yourself a guide, leading people to a clearing and dreams. And then you bring them back and all their personal wishes coming true. Please visit Levi’s if you seek more information. There is a hypothesis that your sense of how you look at their faces and see what happens to them will be very, very resource. And do not wave a magic wand. Many begin with trainer, especially because they are afraid of bugs and always want to 'do more good. Nike has much to offer in this field. " Eventually many it is, mistakes happen, missionary work is becoming smaller and more Magisterium. Deliberate choice of his personal model of reference, his personal interest and responsibility for the outcome of the participants will give you the opportunity to lead long and really help people to continue the movement! Alexander Davydov Yargo trainer, coach, writer, director Top training center (Moscow) More useful materials for the coaching you can see, hear and read on the website of the School Coaches and the universe can not lay an egg – if the coach makes a mistake and had no time to play error it can trample (on this topic is a wonderful film School for Scoundrels) The participants did not appear his own motivation to work. .

Preparation School

Requirements for admission to study in Poland to go to one of the universities of Poland, will need a basic knowledge Poland, but almost all universities offer language courses that an applicant can go before the start of school. To confirm that knowledge of English to teach in English programs, you must submit TOEFL certificate or similar test results at least Intermediate. Nevertheless, the absence of such a document – not a reason to give up their dreams, most often have the opportunity to sit in place of TOEFL test similar to the chosen university. AND attend intensive language courses, if knowledge is not enough. About everything else – for admission to first year high school will be enough private high school diploma (although the preparation of documents should begin before the end of the school) or a bachelor's degree for admission to graduate school. Student life in Poland and adaptation in the country in every Polish high school has a special department which deals with 'housing question': offers students a dorm room or helping to find and rent an apartment. Conditions in the Polish hostels are wonderful, they do not compare with home. As a rule, the hostel is equipped with telephone and connection to Internet.

The cost of living in a dormitory – about 120 euros per month. Renting an apartment with other students, will cost 100 euros or more – depending on the area and other characteristics of housing. Independent apartment rental – 250 up to 400 euros, but it's hardly sensible choice, because if cohabitation adaptation will be much easier. Psychologically adapt in Poland and is actually quite easy – the experience of the students explicitly about this evidence. The closeness of the language and culture, friendly attitude of the local population to the Ukrainians and Russians, attention and friendly advice of curators and university staff will help you quickly and painlessly overcome the stress of moving.

High School Teaching

Finally, it was done field survey, in which was presented the list of five problems related you situations found into the student? s every day activities. In to order you try you present and clarify the questions regarding the uses of the Troubleshootings an effective tool will be learning mathematics. Keywords: High School Teaching. Teaching Methodology. If you have read about Nike already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Troubleshooting. SUMMARY SUMMARY TABELAS11 LIST 1 2 INTRODUO13 MATHEMATICS: it disciplines problematic? 15 2,1 Mathematical Education and the changes in ensino16 2,2 the Resolution of Problems as 2,3 proposal of ensino17 the Mathematics in escola20 3 ' ' X' ' OF 3,1 QUESTO23 Language matemtica23 3,2 symbolic Representations: uses and abusos25 4 4,1 METODOLOGIA28 4.1.1 Context of pesquisa28 State College Prof Abelardo Romero Dantas (Multipurpose) 29 4.1.2 State College Slvio Romero30 the 4,2 4.2.2 4.2.1 citizens of pesquisa31 alunos31 professores33 4,3 Instruments of 5 collection of dados34 ANALYSIS OF the DADOS35 6 CONSIDERAES FINAIS40 REFERENCES BIBLIOGRFICAS42 ANEXOS45 TABLE LIST Table 01: Relation of the problems chosen for school analisada36 Table 02: Relation of rightnesss of problem 136 Table 03: Relation of rightnesss of problem 2,37 Table 04: Relation of rightnesss of problem 338 Table 05: Relation of rightnesss of problem 438 Table 06: Relation of rightnesss of problem 539 1 INTRODUCTION the learning of the mathematics in the series of Average Ensino, many times, if becomes consequentemente complicated due to a deficiency acquired in the series of based Basic Ensino in the repetition of concepts and of memorization. The tiring accomplishment of accounts and formula applications makes with that the pupil acts of mechanized form disfavoring its creativity and will to learn. This is not different when we deal with resolution involving mathematical problems, the pupil if arrests to this formula artifice and finishes not developing crucial factors that are its logical reasoning, the search of forms alternative and diversified e, to the times, until less complicated of resolution of these problems.

International School

To date, no indisputable statistics on the number of spas in Moscow, Russia. However, since not defined the term 'spa' – versions of its operating great multitude. Therefore, I appeal to your data exclusively Company – International School spa. In Moscow, about 300 sites that call themselves spas throughout Russia up to 3000. Among them is a high budget centers (Medi-Spa City resort spa "Rixos-Carpathian 'SPA' Ritz-Carlton Club 'etc.). It's very high-quality equipment, great design – generally a good international level. The cost of square meters of the spa can vary from 3500 euros.

For my taste, despite the fact that such spa – definitely decorate Moscow – nevertheless, bored by the concept. But this is – for my taste. There were also actively developing ethnic spa with 'imported' staff. The clearest example of '7 paints' – great (from others) franchise network, which has' its Thai-Balinese person '. Clearly, here are different emphases.

Interiors may be modest, the main thing – the real Taik (Chinese girls, Japanese, etc.). The prospect of ethnic model 'real' staff – is obvious. That's the only 'headache' and 'pitfalls' – it is very a lot. For example, a massage in the Russian Federation could do only with Russian specialists of medical education. Point. Therefore, for many, actually fly the same colors '7 'and not to fill their own cones. There are spa 'for' beauty salons – declare authoritatively – without consulting competent – this idea is doomed. I have many examples, I do not want to offend the owners, I will not call.

Garden Castelinho School

The ones that had taken the luggage, brought beyond the book, a leaf with a drawing made for them and that it expressed what they had understood on history (that was counted for somebody of the family). A leading source for info: Kindle Direct Publishing. In classroom, he was chosen a book with a small history (so that he was not tiring) and reproduced history in done puppets of paper bags. The proposal made by the educator, was very interesting, therefore the reaction of the children with this type of activity is very positive. The lesson was more dynamic, glad, and the children had learned new words, thus constructing phrases before never mentioned by them. According to TRAVASSOS, always present question in speaks of the professor is what to make after counted history. Many are the activities that a history can excite: drawing, representing, changing ideas, activities that can extend the experience of the child in relation to the universe of the heard story.

in the comment of the teacher and the children of the garden lll of the Garden Castelinho School, this experience is very well applied and received. The educator told some tips of as to arrest the attention of the children. – The moment of rodinha is a moment that must be valued and be respected; – It is necessary that a magic, envolvement, enchantment climate is created; – The educator must to know what it is counting. Thus, it transmits confidence and it motivates the attention of the children; – It is important to show for the child who what it heard is printed matter in a book (it will be the case). Thus, the educator not only searchs to know, as to develop the abilities of each child who is there.

CONCLUSION When finishing the study, it concludes that the children whom the chance has to hear infantile histories already when they are born, obtain to develop with more easiness its imagination, its creativity. With this, safe, critical, inventive individuals will become and with innovative ideas.The infantile stories, have a magical power on us, mainly on the children. To sit down close to an adult hearing a history, obtains yes to awake emotion, exactly with the technological world where we live, with more creative toys each time, full of light barulhos. Who knows the importance of literature in the life of a person, mainly of a child, knows that nothing it substitutes a good well counted history. To go for a wonderful world, where it will have witches, duendes, thieves, but that in the end, everything finishes well. Thus, I consider infantile stories as an excellent pedagogical resource and of great aid in the construction of the character and learning of the child.

University Series

The construction of the new education campus Heilbronn accompany the education campus Heilbronn with innovative idea which is Dieter Schwarz Foundation with a series of films on the Internet. The special feature of this series: It combines real information with an acting background story. Our new Web series is an exciting and unique in Germany attempt, enthusiasm for the subject of education”to wake up, to explain Klaus Czernuska and Dr. Erhard Klotz, the two managing directors of Dieter Schwarz Foundation, the motivation for the film project. We hope that with this new type of information processing also so far still not training savvy of the population on the importance of education attention will, so Klotz and Czernuska next. Each week a new episode is the Web series in three seasons with ten episodes and a three-part finale the education campus Heilbronn and education”present. The name of the series is 30 “(spoken: thirty nine), because she accompanied the campus until its opening on September 30, 2011. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Richard Linklater. “30” is produced by the Heilbronner film and design agency Magmell.

There, the scripts are written by Simon Hollay and Kronen Ayodele, who also directs. The series main actress Nadine Petry. She plays a schoolgirl who finds their way to study in an act of love, intrigue and strokes of fate. The Web series which can be seen on lifelong learning with the construction of the education campus Heilbronn on September 23, 2010, the Dieter Schwarz Foundation supports lifelong learning. She wants to be there working, where social and economic requirements, which can not or not sufficiently meet state institutions or providers. The offers of educational institutions on the campus in Heilbronn therefore promote education, which focuses on the various stages of life. On the new campus in the Heilbronn City Centre School of management and law (GGS), the Academy for innovative education and management (AIM), a branch of the Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg (DHBW) Mosbach be accommodated from autumn 2011 the German Graduate. Synergies for the formation of “the study and continuing education offers by the two universities and the improvement of educational and professional opportunities through the AIM complement each other perfectly.

“This cooperation between a private and a State College and a training Academy is so far unique in Germany, Dieter Schwarz Foundation present the Managing Director. So you build numerous educational opportunities for different needs with the education campus and create synergies with the activities of three educational institutions. “Open for all people the Dieter Schwarz foundation built not only the buildings for the GGS, the DHBW and the AIM, but it creates the so called Forum on campus also a central building”. In it, a Hall for 400 people, a library and a cafeteria of the Studentenwerk Heidelberg are accommodated, can also be used by the University of Heilbronn (HHN). Thus will the campus open for people, companies and organizations of the city, the region and beyond. We want to also Dialogue and communication an important support, key for innovation and progress, but also for integration, for mutual respect and openness”, emphasize the Education Manager logs and Czernuska.


More and more international students begin their bachelor’s degree at one of the California community colleges to be accepted later at one of the prestigious universities of California. The Canadian student magazine spoke with Brian Davey, an international academic advisor at Diablo Valley College (DVC) to the San Francisco Bay area. He gives us insight in his expert knowledge about the possibilities of student exchange at State colleges and universities. CSM: In the field of education, the University of California is a prestigious address. How do you achieved this status? BD: The UCLA or UC, as it is often called, is a University, but with ten Campi scattered throughout California. Many of the UCs are very well known, especially the UC Berkeley and UCLA, landing ten in international university rankings always among the first. See Richard Linklater for more details and insights.

The UC San Francisco is one of the leading research universities and probably has one of the best medical schools in the world. The other UCs the UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz cut also always very good at the international university rankings. Over 150 subject areas are covered at the ten UC campuses and the number of faculties located in the top-ten is higher here than at any other public or private University in the United States. A degree from the University of California is both academically and professionally designed a door opener for the graduates. CSM: It’s difficult to get an application letter for the first semester due to the high prestige of the University of California for an international student? BD: It is very difficult. The University of California is a public University and must therefore give the priority the graduates of the California top high schools. Although all UCs accept students from outside California, international students make up only 2 per cent of first-year students.

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