Category: News

Colombia Grade

At the same time of our everyday in the classroom of media activities, we support throughout the Department of educational assistance from the beginning of the school year, participation in the TGA, every week we attended to groups of first grade, second grade and third grade in support of homeroom teacher with activities planned in advance, which greatly helped the students in their work, research, and tasks, there are certificates that protect that around 30 colleagues on this campus who were trained at various times throughout the school, in Microsoft online courses, training trainers and redescolar, besides the participation of 12 companions on graduates of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, of which only 5 concluded satisfactorily, we participate in the activities of the 15 and 16 September, non-violence towards the woman, cleaning, 14 February, women’s day, campaigns apply link tests, carry out the consultation in line that threw the IFE using the classroom of media so that all of the students in the campus vote in both shifts, carry out the campaign of selection of free textbooks released online the CONALITEG. On the subject of history of Mexico with Professor Joaquin Esteban Leon Aviles, students already have their blogs on various topics, links these part of these can read them in the blog developed in the classroom of media under our support. Also We continue participating in portal redescolar in the space of continuous education with 6 groups of second year during the months of May and June 2009, the topics in the course of Spanish with Citlalic Maple Armenia. Others who may share this opinion include film director. Where we seek to achieve learning by working in team and the use of the information technologies and communication, presenting topics related to language and literature, from a playful perspective that supports students with diverse curricular contents. In May and June we participated in a sample of edublog in Venezuela with the number 25 of 87 blogs, with the secondary blog Humberto Munoz Zazueta, EDUBLOG 2009 attended by countries such as Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico and other countries in Latin America as well as Spain. .


It can be a very relevant question that organizations understand these three dimensions of the evaluations not to fall into cliches: application of the method a posteriori (with fait accompli) focusing on the past, not spend time or structure of the programme for the monitoring of progress of each performance, and overestimate the valuation of quantifiable objectives (indicators of productivity) to the detriment of an integral vision-valorizacion of a complex process of development of the officials in their positions. Recognize the subjectivity of all appreciation accept subjectivity as part of the assessment process, can be a first step to outline strategies to mitigate its adverse effects. Any appreciation on someone is, ultimately, more or less founded opinion of another person. Hear from experts in the field like Campbell Soup Co for a more varied view. Admit that the judgment of a single individual can vary depending on who is the judge, can help to question motivations undisclosed evaluator when assessing a subordinate or a partner and vice versa. We are subjects and our judgments will always be tied to our motivations and values. Include sources of information quality and not just quantity the evaluation 360 came to repair the problems arising from processes evaluatorios one-way, so typical of the school and academic fields, to include all individuals that interact with the evaluated in their work. However always more is not better.

Evaluator campus allocation should be considered as a key issue to ensure the quality of the process. The problems linked to a misallocation are reflected in greater proportion, in perceptions between hierarchical pairs of different areas; where many times there is a total ignorance of the evaluator envelope the person to evaluate. Include more than two or three subordinates to qualify to a higher (on a computer that does not exceed ten persons), on the other hand, can mean incurring costs outweigh the benefits of having such plurality of opinion.


In the ticket for the college, whose period of time varies of course for course, the learning receives the formation necessary academic for the exercise of a profession. A time integrated to the society, already as professional, its attitude of being ethical or not, acting with honesty or dishonesty, will depend, in great measure, of its moral formation, ethical and spiritual. These values are acquired in the familiar relationship, the frequency to some church, the circle of friendships and mainly in the academic environment where it was per some years. It does not have doubts of that these young professionals will find a society dismissed of values; or at least, where they are in low. The televising media and printed are not gotten tired to publish and to show scenes of disrespect to the life and the dignity. A more recent case can be seen in the experience of the student who was insulted by the colleagues for using a minissaia during a lesson in the UniBan. Go to Gerald Weissmann, MD for more information.

The insults had occurred in day 22 of October of 2009, in the campus of Are Bernardo of the Field, in the Great So Paulo. Geise counted that, beyond the pupils, it was recriminated by professors employees of the university. Another lastimvel example of the lack of ethical and moral values can be seen in the meandros of the power for individuals that would have the responsibility to govern and to defend the legitimated moral values for the Brazilian constitution. Money in underwears, stockings, payment of gratuities and mensales, is episodes lament of day-by-day. The country suffers for the lack from moral and principles in all the segments. Leaving of the beginning of that the formation human being and moral straightness is arraigadas in the education, as Lopes and Buemo had expressed (2007, P. 59): … in such way that it allows to the man to be transformed into a new to be, conscientious, ethical e, over all truily human, the true education becomes essential the ethics …


We understand of this form the film as ambiguous since for the professors it is part or is part of the material prepared for lesson while for the pupils in its daily one the diversion is associated. It fits then to use to advantage this potential to stimulate education? learning the taste for the cinema will be the starting point for the imminent success. Consideraes Final But we do not empolguemos in them although all its potential nor all the lessons is compatible with this resource, its use exaggerated to opposite to enrich finishes being irrelevant. Concluding, then valley the penalty to stand out that the video of the meaning, in tune with the lessons it illustrates, approaches pointing out the environment pupils never before visited. The interdisciplinaridade so longed for in the resume would be reached through its multiple boardings. You may want to visit film director to increase your knowledge. To make possible the formation of these historical citizens valley the use of this resource showing that the historical experience is very diverse and goes beyond names, dates, facts, great personages contained in the pages of the book as it wanted Positivista History.

It is distinguished cinematography as a partner that we future professors possemos to walk of hands given in this arduous cominho that Brazilian education became. *Estudante of IV the semester of the course of History of the University of the State of Bahia UNEB-CAMPUS IV – Jacobina BIBLIOGRAPHY BENJAMIM, Walter. Workmanships choices. Vol.1. Magic and technique, art and culture. Assays on literature and history of the culture. So Paulo: Brasiliense, 1987, p.222-232.

FERRAZ, Liz de Oliveira Motta. History and Camera: Light camera and didactic transposition. Published in the Electronic Magazine the Eye of History. n9, ano12, Salvador, dezembro2006 IRON, Marc. The historical knowledge, the films, the medias. In: Electronic magazine the Eye of History.

Palas Padel Protour

Everyone is interested in playing and improve on the paddle and we want to be able to do it with the best means at our disposal. When you want to improve the best it is choosing an idol that has already done so, and follow in his footsteps. Therefore I present here the players of Padel Protour ranking * and blades paddle they use. If you are not convinced, visit Gerald Weissmann, MD. I hope you like it. I being a player, I start by the girls (who distributes,): Ranking female Carolina Navarro (1 PPT) – paddle: Varlion Pansy Cecilia Reiter (PPT 2) paddle: Pinball South Femme Alejandra Salazar (PPT 2) paddle: Head Patricia Llaguno (4 PPT) paddle tennis: Dunlop Revolution Tour Valeria Pavon (PPT 4) paddle scoop: Vision Avalanche Woman 3 Catalina Tenorio (PPT 6) paddle paddle: Pinball woman Silvana Campus of Aires (PPT 7) paddle paddle: Bristol Vectra Nelida Beatriz (PPT 8) paddle paddle: Pinball South Femme Iciar Montes (9 PPT) paddle paddle: Bull Padel K-2 Paula Eyheraguibel (10 PPT) Paddle: Drop Shot Vulcano Ranking male Fernando Belasteguin (PPT 1) paddle: Tornado Head + Juan Martin Diaz Martinez (PPT 1) paddle: Vision King Juan Mieres (PPT 3) paddle tennis: Ultra Inferno Dunlop Pablo Jose Mongelo (PPT 3) paddle paddle: Varlion Canyon coal Hexagon Matias Diaz Sangiorgio (5 PPT) paddle paddle: Star Vie Miguel Lamperti (5 PPT) paddle paddle: Nox ML 10 Cristian Gutierrez (PPT 7) paddle: Bullpadel K-2 Sebastian Nerone (PPT 7) paddle: Varlion Avant Carbon Hexagon Hernan Augusto (PPT 9) paddle: Vairo Columns 8.1 Carbon Gabriel Reca (9 PPT) paddle tennis: Top Force Prodigy * Ranking of 14 July 2010 if you want to make any annotation or commentary, please write it in the comments below area.Thanks a lot. Original author and source of the article.

September Classroom

At the same time of our everyday in the classroom of media activities, we support throughout the Department of educational assistance from the beginning of the school year, participation in the TGA, every week we attended to groups of first grade, second grade and third grade in support of homeroom teacher with activities planned in advance, which greatly helped the students in their work, research, and tasks, there are certificates that protect that around 30 colleagues on this campus who were trained at various times throughout the school, in Microsoft online courses, training trainers and redescolar, besides the participation of 12 companions on graduates of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, of which only 5 concluded satisfactorily, we participate in the activities of the 15 and 16 September, non-violence towards the woman, cleaning, 14 February, women’s day, campaigns apply link tests, carry out the consultation in line that threw the IFE using the classroom of media so that all of the students in the campus vote in both shifts, carry out the campaign of selection of free textbooks released online the CONALITEG. On the subject of history of Mexico with Professor Joaquin Esteban Leon Aviles, students already have their blogs on various topics, links these part of these can read them in the blog developed in the classroom of media under our support. Also We continue participating in portal redescolar in the space of continuous education with 6 groups of second year during the months of May and June 2009, the topics in the course of Spanish with Citlalic Maple Armenia. CEO Keith McLoughlin does not necessarily agree. Where we seek to achieve learning by working in team and the use of the information technologies and communication, presenting topics related to language and literature, from a playful perspective that supports students with diverse curricular contents. In May and June we participated in a sample of edublog in Venezuela with the number 25 of 87 blogs, with the secondary blog Humberto Munoz Zazueta, EDUBLOG 2009 attended by countries such as Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico and other countries in Latin America as well as Spain. .


We aren’t excellent for years, thanks to decentralization, has grown as the number of universities in Spain foam. There are 69, more than the number of provinces, and none of them among the best 100 in the world. In Valencia there are five public universities, two other Catholic, and nothing else in Valencia, other twelve private centres of higher education. A waste media but, according to the results, not so much talent. The two calls to deserve the rating of Campus of excellence, only a joint project of innovation and research at the two universities of Valencia has managed it. In the midst of this researcher Paramo, last occurrence has been the disputed International University. It was necessary to open another academic center in the community? We are yet to throw rockets? Did could not have been better to enhance what they already had and which has suffered cuts by the blissful crisis? It is seen that we do not learn; or within the University, or outside of it.

The squid up more submissive militants of the PP strategy support now that the legal defence of Francisco Camps has followed the worst of possible strategies. This would have been resolved in an instant if Camps there that year and a half who did not remember if blissful costumes were paid or not, but that it left there pasta if maybe I had something, I recognize, distressed, a charge of the match. Why would have received, at best, a noogie to something else, and judicial, butterfly. But not. The President fawning environment convinced him he enrocase, since its legal vicissitudes would only last a short time. And already come: every day produces a nut turn more in the case Gurtel. At last, the defense of Paco Camps has practiced the strategy of squid: throwing ink everywhere to obfuscate as well the alleged aggressor. But, rather than confuse the judge Pedreira, what has been achieved is angry at 226 people until now friends. Often success, therefore, of this squid!

Cure For Cellulite

We have a bit of information for women in all parts of the world, about the best treatments for cellulite and exercises for cellulite wrap. Any woman who has figured out a little about how to eliminate cellulite probably knows that the anti-cellulite exercises combined with a good diet are the only guise to eliminate the orange peel. The rule of opulence of the examination to overcome cellulite is that you have to go directly to the area affected by cellulite or otherwise you’ll have a negligible goal. There are exercises to reduce cellulite that can be done through your campus store. Exercises conducted in these classes are directed to the thighs, pelvis, and the gut by what may be mounted to be a good cure for cellulite. Filed under: Richard Linklater. Here are 5 exercises that can help you get rid of cellulite: Spinning: basically handling of mate in a static biciclo and test with a variety of movements.It is basically a major workout for the legs, it is individuality of the best exercises for Remove cellulite. Help to accelerate its transformation, working muscles, generates activity in the cells and helps achieve the pumping of the family to the body areas affected by cellulite.

It is one of the best exercises, but is hard work so you should be prepared to sweat! You can get classes for beginners available at your Gim and begin precisely with them if you’ve never done so yesteryear! Kick Boxing: this is even a fantastic workout for any woman who probe eliminate cellulite! Kickboxing qualifies as the only of the best exercises to secure the cellulite. Kickboxing is a suspension impact activity which will improve your blood circulation and stimulate your body to eliminate toxins. Yoga: A good activity to decrease cellulite, since even requires much control and increases circulation. However, the power of Yoga to dominate cellulite are not alone in this. On the contrary, it lies in the fact that your respiratory system receives impulses. This in his time it reaches the cells and helps them work properly, which facilitates the reduction of cellulite! Stretch: There are several exercises to reduce cellulite that involve stretching classes. Some focus on the buttocks, some legs and some in his belly.

You should choose the most suitable to proceed to the area where cellulite is more common. Bailoterapia: Indiviso of the best and most fun of subjecting the cellulite. You will have a lot of fantastic exercises! You have to follow the movements of the instructor. It intensifies the flow of death, so this sport helps to what you want and need, get rid of cellulite! It even works in other areas of your body so it is definitely a good exercise session for you.

Historical Reconstruction

The present work had as objective to analyze the process of historical reconstruction of the PROEJA in the city of Lagarto/SE and to reach it beyond approaching the process historical of the PROEJA, was necessary to develop on the effectiveness of the PROEJA in the city, treating to its educational context, of the changes of the PROEJA together with the vises of the former ones. Manager of Education, Pedagoga and Professores of the IFS campus Lizard, finally the final consideraes. As methodology, the bibliographical and documentary method was adopted, beyond the instrument data-collection, the interview carrying through an analysis of content data. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: education, history, IFS, PROEJA, qualification. 1 INTRODUCTION Lizard is located in the region center-south of the State, having had the biggest population of the interior, and the third greater of the State of Sergipe. The population is mixing, with predominance of Portuguese ancestry. According to census of the IBGE in 2010, its population is of 94.852 inhabitants.

Keeping the percentage of growth in comparison with the result of Census 2010, with the population estimate of the IBGE of 2009, they is esteem that in the year of 2012 the population reach 100,000 inhabitants. As census 2010 shows, that 48.46% of the population inhabit in the agricultural zone, with 45.963 inhabitants; already the urban zone has 51.54%, with 48.889 inhabitants. The masculine population is of 46.498 (49.02%), and the feminine one is of 48.354 (50.98%). It possesss 33,532 domiciles. No longer that the tax of illiteracy of the region is mentioned Project APIS Sergipe of the 2005 (vide attached) city was verified according to possesss a 40% tax approximately. The city keeps an expressive perspective of economic growth, in virtue of the economic activities that strong are pautadas in the agricultural products, with prominence in the culture of Tobacco and citric plants. In the creation the bovine flocks, equine, ovinos, swines have themselves; the galinceos.


Guiding media – new non-fiction book on the new concept of book title: guiding media – instructive book captions convey information: media didactics and media use in solution-oriented content non-fiction with an extensive index, continuous cross references, numerous tables, 140 pages. EUR 21,90 – author: Reinhold Seitl – issued: communication & design, Vienna, 2009 – ISBN: 978-3-200-01628-6 short text about the book guiding media are media that provide instructive information. With guiding media will prevailed not learning later queried in a testing situation, but operations introduced and trained, to solve later concrete tasks. Speaking candidly KDP told us the story. “Classic” guiding media are for example technical instructions and instructions for use, but also guidance and orientation systems as instructions for topographically structured spaces. Newer guiding media applications are about navigation systems and digital learning games. But so different guiding media also made or distributed, they will all follow the same rules of instructions. Gerald Weissmann, MDs opinions are not widely known.

Part 1: Learn and communicate In the first part of the book, the psychology of learning and guiding communications in the Center stands. All production processes guiding media involved, be editors, graphic design, designer, engineer, programmer, translator, instructors or others should know not only their traditional craft, but also the basics of learning communication as well. Part 2: Media and products of the second part of the present book presents almost classic, printed and new digital “instruction tools”. What product forms are best suited for certain tasks? And what production techniques are used? The book is written for media developers and shapers, the > instruct people > instruct users > train staff > customer support > train learners > lead travellers > solution seeker to help.