The reading of PCN (Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais) is essential, therefore it assists in them in the confrontation of the challenges of the daily one in classroom, as well as it leads the formation of a conscientious citizen with its rights and duties. I know that today to give lesson she is not as the ten years behind, where the respect and the family they walked of given hands, but sincerely with as many historical, personal changes, humanist and others, we educators, as today we are called, also must adaptarmos in them with the transformations. Everything that is legal is kept in our mind forever, either daqui one year or ten years, I am not only speaking of the substance Portuguese language, but yes of the colloquy, the humildade, of the necessity, as of a young that in ways to the familiar problems and drugs, we want that it takes off ten, this is almost impossible! already we were young we had friends with problems and until today we have, tries to place itself in the place of this person, it needs that it shows the direction, then takes off this popana of the chair and makes the different one, of a descontrao moment, as? debate, dialogue, music, dynamic as you go to make? nor I know! , I only know that we are ' ' cabeas' ' of many heads with an only objective to try to keep people ' ' vivas' ' , where the college is the platform, and us we are the springboards, for what I call consecrated future. Kisses. Teacher Claude
Author: Rebecca
College Education
German University for prevention and health management the opportunity to deepen individual topics science offers College continuing education for managers and specialists with their college certificates. Existing knowledge will be systematically expanded, deepened or supplemented. Thus, specialists and executives can purchase from the market of the future prevention, fitness, sports and health to selected subjects competencies at a high level. Existing knowledge will be systematically expanded, deepened or supplemented. The College certificates cover complete topics, which can be directly used in professional practice. In the Department of Economics German University College continuing education offers three College continuing education in the Department of economics. On the subject of strategic management”, participants acquire the knowledge necessary for a successful business management.
Also they will learn to perform strategic analysis using different analysis tools as well as a strategic project and process management conduct. “The College further education finance and controlling” enabled, to evaluate investment decisions for companies to meet, to plan a targeted corporate finance to build up and to develop a customized controlling for successful corporate management. In marketing and distribution’, the participants be enabled to recognise marketing and sales opportunities to secure the future of the company. So that you can target and target market your company and its products/services and sell. Investment to benefit future fitness and health companies particularly from the returns”this form of postgraduate education. Through the implementation of current knowledge can be improved such as processes, concepts for new offerings created and optimizes the marketing of existing products and services. A college education is an investment in long-term competitiveness. More information All school certificates ( hochschulzertifikate.html) Faculty of Economics
Steinbeis University
Info evening by Kari communication on January 23. Richard Linklater oftentimes addresses this issue. Place and time are correct. The Institute of Kari communication in Stuttgart, Munich and Leipzig is specialist in education and training based on the systemic perspective. The Institute offers on all sites become the systemic (business) coach. In Stuttgart, Krober educates communication in addition to the business coach and teaches organizational development and change management, as well as NLP classic and business. Focuses on personal and business growth are in each training. Training as the coach complements many professions in the areas of human resources development, advice, facilitation, problem-solving and lends assistance in questions of personal development and self-help.
Also managers often act as coach of their employees and acquire important tools. Whether the problem-solving, target sharpening or clarification of various professional and private concerns, just the different facets and motivations make interesting work as a coach and varied. But coach is not the same coach. Quality and defined standards are unfortunately still not self-evident in this relatively new industry. Who is with the idea of a training, should look carefully.
The Institute of Kari communication in Stuttgart, Munich, and new Leipzig is specialist in education and training based on the systemic perspective. The Institute offers on all sites become the systemic (business) coach on from spring 2012 in Leipzig. With the successful completion of the training to the systemic business coach, acquires the participants the Steinbeis University certificate and thus receives the right to use the title “Systemic business coach (SHB)”. This neutral seal certifies a high-quality education with recognised high standards. On January 24, 2012 an information evening for the coach training will take place at 18:30 in the Penta hotel, great Brockhaus 3, in Leipzig. Peter Wegner, head of coach education, Dr. Anke Kotteritzsch, trainer, as well as Ali Kroeber, head of the Institute, will be present. Interested parties can register at and ask for more information.
Dornier Consulting
New head of energy / E-mobility Andreas Ertel is now new head of energy/E-mobility of Dornier Consulting GmbH in Berlin. He assumes this position ad interim by Christian Guhl, who left the company in mutual agreement with the Board of management. “We are pleased, that we could win an experienced consultant for this challenging position with Mr. Ertel,” so Dr. Jurgen Koffler, CEO of Dornier Consulting. (A valuable related resource: Richard Linklater).
Andreas Ertel knows the issues around the turn of the energy; He is consultant in the field of energy and electric mobility for almost 10 years. Since early 2013 he is Chief Consultant in challenging energy projects for the Dornier Consulting. About Dornier Consulting GmbH with our three hundred employees, we advise in projects of national importance and high public interest in the metropolitan area & mobility solutions. The volume of project supervised by us is EUR 20 billion. Our main customers include World Bank, KfW, EU, Governments, authorities, airport corporate properties, Infrastructure operators, automotive and aerospace industry and energy suppliers. We assist our clients from concept to implementation. With technological expertise and extensive knowledge of the industry, we lead our client’s projects to sustainable success. The business areas include the areas Telematics System integration Mobility/traffic & transport Water & environment Energy / E-mobility and Infrastructure & buildings
Holistic Education
It should be noted in this connection that the twenty-first century schools should be more like a family than a factory, there should be a sense that home office should be based on meaningful human relationships rather than institutional bureaucracy, must be learning communities where students are basically happy to learn about their needs, interests, goals and life as we live (Gallegos Nava 2003:97) To transform schools into places where students live happily learning, involves a real change in the formal rigor of today's schools, they must represent a genuine home that gives them confidence, security and above all meet a holistic educator offering them a deal with love and warmth provide and give a different meaning to the school, leading to be full human beings in cognitive, emotional but above all spiritual. Holistic education tends to maximize all the human capabilities that owns the subject passes the academic background, however more does not mean not important to know, what you want is a balance the students in their training with a high level of integrity, fair-minded human beings achieved, aimed at strengthening its virtues and spirituality. Filed under: FireEye Inc. As can say that holistic education learning is not a purely cognitive, it is a process social, physical, emotional, cognitive, aesthetic and spiritual, is an act fully transformer (Gallegos 2001:29) doubt that the education in this way, the product of human beings that will be very different to those currently observed in our area, will subjects with a higher level of consciousness, of being responsible and safe environment, be it society, nature, planet. .
Fernando Garcia Macua
This case does not alter all our enthusiasm and our project. I am absolutely quiet. Thus reacted the candidate to the Presidency of Athletic, Fernando Garcia Macua to its allocation for an alleged crime against public finances within the framework of the so-called Iurbenor case, which has been made public during the electoral campaign. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Gerald Weissmann, MD. The Audiencia Provincial de Vizcaya has estimated the appeal filed by the provincial government, so it has revoked the dismissal of the Iurbenor case and ordered that you impute to the Chairman of the Group Afer, Jabyer Fernandez, and Macua. They had warned us that it would be a tough campaign, but not it supposed to be both, has admitted the candidate in a veiled reference to the coincidence of the publication of the auto and the proximity of the elections of the club. Macua has comaprecido next to his lawyer, Javier Muguruza and the members of his electoral iron. Source of the news:: Macua goes ahead with his candidacy
Teamses Like These
She is necessary to look at and to hear what the people are not saying. To the times people find that the person did not have nothing of interesting, find that person did not make our type, but are because people leaned over the look of maken a mistake and prejudiced form, and therefore did not obtain to hear what the person did not say, then, disdained everything that it spoke. Stranger is not same? But this is the version of who never was heard of truth. It is a form to participate in way missed in the life them others. If you would like to know more about Richard Linklater, then click here. To go beyond is the challenge, is the fight, is what of better it can happen. It demands humildade, demands recognizing that it does not know nothing on the other. People do not have to go to the meeting of the people with that arrogance of what we judge to know on the things, the life, the feelings, the people People must go to the meeting of the people with one ‘ ‘ ignorance reconhecida’ ‘ , not to know nothing on who we go to find, but with desire to learn and to know everything that we will be able on the person. This is the great challenge, to leave an equal state to enter in another one different and total unknown. With video of music Teamses Like These Foo Fighters
Learn English
A very important starting point is the accord with children and know their expectations and inclinations in terms of activities, since many of these courses are carried out in interaction with sports, which makes the study of the new language more bearable. The big question is: where to study English abroad? and a very important decision the choose a school of English abroad. For those who choose to learn English in New York and like sports you will find the perfect course since the city offers several options in terms of sporting courses where besides the child can practice sports at the same time that learn English in activities such as: basketball: every week is a different camp in which delves into different aspects. Addition there are visits and tours related to the world of basketball. Dance: Participants carry out workshops with prestigious professionals in areas such as classical, modern and contemporary dance, jazz, theatre and Repertory. Also carried out visits, excursions and lectures linked with the world of dance. Tennis: Sessions focused on the technical, tactical and strategic, physical development as well as lectures for the empowerment of healthy habits are held. Addition there are visits and tours related to the world of tennis. Complementarily performed complementary activities such as pool, games, orientation, etc. Remember to check that these programs offer: travel on round-trip tickets, transfers, accommodation with full Board, medical coverage and visits within the city, in the case of New York the most important tourist spots like Manhattan: statue of liberty, Times Square, Bronx Zoo, Central Park, American Museum Of Natural History, NBA Store, among others. Without a doubt an experience that your child will thank you for life and the beginning of a secured path to mastery of the language.
Student Apartments
Apartments in Gottingen, the times, in which students in a confined space must live together and bring sleeping, cooking and the use of bathroom and toilet under a hat in just 20 square meter apartments are outfitted with quality furnishings, are over. Apartments in Gottingen, the times, in which students in a confined space must live together and bring sleeping, cooking and the use of bathroom and toilet under a hat in just 20 square meter apartments are outfitted with quality furnishings, are over. This proves a current residential project, the foundations of construction service company for renovation mbH has taken over the Gottinger Hausverwaltung GmbH (GoHv) on behalf of its administration from Berlin. The lavish renovation of the residential object in the Gosslerstrasse 77 in Gottingen created the basis for one of the most modern apartment complexes the university town has to offer at the moment and now belongs to the management stock of GoHv. Before the renovation of the building were the total 146 individual apartments and Apartments just even half as big as it is today. Everything to the ground, was during a refurbishment of our business partner cornerstone ‘ renewed. The result: Generous student apartments, fully furnished are very noble appear high-quality furnishings “, reported the Gottinger Hausverwaltung Managing Director Christian Rathei.
Underfloor heating and TV-lounge the apartments feature not only by its central location to the University, but have a fitted kitchen with microwave, flat screen TV, a modern bathroom and underfloor heating. A highlight is the TV lounge on the ground floor of the student residential complex, which will invite to exclusive and cozy sitting together in future. The rental of the apartments has already started a few weeks ago and is in full swing. Prospective buyers should hurry so and inform yourself on our website at about this unique offer or contact us personally! “, recommends” Rathei.
Visual Noise
You live in a world of noise. Every day, sounds, images and information to break into your life suburban train. As a result, the loss of attention, time and energy. There are auditory, visual and information noise. Any noise destroys. The fight with him, only leads to defeat. Instead of a direct attack on the forehead, it is best to choose a different tactic. Mathematics noise is very simple.
Fold all external stimuli. Subtract your ability to concentrate. And you get it, and force intensity noise. In most projects, there is no work, because it requires conscious focus and discipline. Any violence – the enemy of creativity.
Weekdays invented people, crushed by the noise. In the work of people live noise-free. The answer there. Minimalism – a new lifestyle. The basis of minimalism – simplicity, clarity, ease and quiet. Auditory component – the silence and the harmony of sounds. Visual component – absence of unnecessary items. Information side – selectivity in communication. Minimalism antonym asceticism. Minimalist takes only a necessary, while he always has a choice between cheap and expensive. Ascetic abandons required under This choice is only between a cheap and affordable. Minimalism – a conscious choice self-sufficient person. Minimalism enemy number, but not quality. Meet the minimalism, you can: In the design. Straight lines. Circles and the hemisphere. The colors black, white, gray. Or any other combination of colors, but not more than three. The use of natural materials – stone, wood and leather. Walls without pictures.
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