Month: August 2019

Military Policy

One cacoete sazonal The territorial spaces of USP University of So Paulo had served recently of palco brutais scenes in optimum style of the urban violence after-modernista. There the director thought: that is a nonsense. It does not have cabimento. It does not combine with the image of our erudio. A malignant force she seems infiltrated in our way and, if I observe well, acts freely.

I do not see alternative, seno to ask for aid to the authorities. Result: the USP signed covenant with the Military Policy, that started to watch the campus more than close and more it happens frequently. It did not delay very, like protest against the presence of the policemen, the building of the Reitoria was busy. It is to believe that for some students the installed presence of the Policy in the domnios of the University it made to vibrate a note of similitude with the presence of the UPPs in the Carioca slum quarters. In the following day, the Director, in interview granted to the CBN, declared, mentioning the occupation to it of the Reitoria, that ' ' this not it is newness that it is not newness, because in last the twenty and five years this question of the occupations is things that almost happen that in the annual calendar. That this is not positive nor that if has become something aceitvel.' ' It has in the summary supplies three concrete factual elements logically sequenciados and one room element that, finally, if it erects with the exclusive end of to appreciate not all, but only one of the elements previous. The concrete factual elements are the violence registered in the campus, the accord with the Military Policy, and the occupation of the Reitoria. The appreciative element is the commentary that the Director expende by the way of the occupation.

Germany School

Well, or taught language in depth, at school or courses. I know English at secondary school level, that is all. Before entering 4 months purposefully prepared to the English exam and passed it to the desired point. But despite the language and financial difficulties, I still managed after the first year to receive a cash prize for third place on academic achievement. – Impressive. And where do you work while studying in Germany? – I had two underworking.

One – as an assistant on educational issues in the business school. This organizational position. In our school, all the speakers – invited. So I need to be pre- establish contact with them, get them to list what they need for the course, the list of necessary materials and prepare in advance for all students. Let's just say I was a mediator between students, professors and administration. Very interesting and, in some sense, the creative work that requires high communication skills. My second was a part-specialty, I have to program for graduate students at the institute information networks.

He gave me the job, and I had to program an experiment to push it and fix the results. It sounds easy to perform – is complicated. – Au-pair – it's all for the program? -This program, under which family invites you to a guy or a girl from another country, that they helped them care for their children and do light housework (cook dinner, clean, go shopping, etc.). This program enables parents again go to work and young people – to go to another country, learn a language, learn the culture.

Social Schools

09 2 – Programs of development of in agreement education Libneo (2008), explain in its book ' ' Pertaining to school education: Politics, structure and organizao' ' , on the creation, of Deep the National one of Development of Educao (FNDE): ' ' it was created in November of 1988 and is tied with the Ministry of Educao (MEC), with the purpose to catch financial resources for educational projects and of assistance to the student, most of these resources proceeding from the wage-education, that all the companies are citizens contribuir' ' This Wage-Education is supported by Law 4,462 of 1964, foreseen in article 212, paragraph 5, of the C.F, and charged of the entailed companies the Social welfare on the percentage of 2,5%.Toda prescription publishes is collected in only box, and divided in quarterly quotas, what we can say is that the annually stipulated values, hardly makes possible an education of quality, the deep one keeps some programs. National program of Alimentao Escolar (PNAE) the PNAE, known inside of the pertaining to school units as Pertaining to school Merenda, that has as objective, that the pupils of schools you publish, (municipal, state, day-care centers) and filantrpicas entities, can have at least a healthful meal per day. National program of Livro Didtico (PNLD) the PNLD, supplies the schools publishes with didactic books, chosen for the professors, with time of use of 2 years. It has two forms of attendance of this program: 1 – Centered, where the program acts since of the order of the school ties its distribution. 10 2- Decentralized, where states make this aquio and distribution, this it occurs in the states of So Paulo and Minas Gerais. Average education is contemplated by the PNLEM (National Program of the Didactic Book for Average Ensino) National program Library of the School (PNBE) the objective of the PNBE, is the distribution of literary compositions, encyclopedias and dictionaries, ace schools of basic education of the public net, aiming at to stimulate the reading Program Direct Money in the School (PDDE) the PDDE is the resources transferred to the schools of basic, municipal or state education, Federal District, and schools of special education kept by Ongs, objectifying an improvement in the quality of education.

Searched School

With 83,3% of approval 0 variable confirmed important quo is for the interviewed ones, the efetivao of the mother in the home to reassume the responsibility of the education of the children. Read more from Nike to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Little participation of the parents in the school. With 96% of agreement it was proved that the depreciation of the school, on the part of the family, occurs due to little participation of the parents in the pertaining to school activities. Negative relation between parents and school. To this 0 variable it was agreed enters 93,3% of the interviewed ones that for a progress in the process education/learning, the parents must keep a relation cordial and positive with the school. Opening of the school in the ends of week with activities monitored for the professors, approaches the parents of the school. This 0 variable was agreed by 72% of the searched ones, what it left clearly that the community wants to be part of the context of the school, being that this initiative would come to crown of success the yearnings of these parents.

The convivncia between professor/school/parents/pupils/community will be stronger with the participation of the parents in the school. With 92% the 0 variable was accepted that it reaffirms that, in the process education/learning has a necessity of envolvement of all: professors, school, parents, pupils and community, so that he has an education of quality. Valuation of the young, child and adolescent as inhibiting agent of the pertaining to school evasion. With 90,2% of acceptance this 0 variable was approved, that is, when the pupil is valued it takes ' ' gosto' ' for the school, not having reason to run away from the same one. A time the eradicated evasion the pertaining to school income of these pupils improves. In this 0 variable 80.7% of the searched ones they had answered that yes, that is, the evasion is linked with the income, for this has the necessity of if developing a work with that had pupil as ' ' pupil-problema' ' , therefore not having negative pertaining to school income, he will have a factor to less for the pertaining to school evasion.

Diverse School

It reduces the ignorance and, therefore, it allows that the individuals have a clarified behavior. It assures the professional adjustment, therefore any profession requires considerable amount of knowledge, assuring the individual and collective progress, that all desire and whose promotion is mission of the responsible ones. It is in this scope that the reality of the school must be thought and mainly planned having its peculiar characteristics, so that the same one assumes the responsibility to act for the transformation and in the search of the social development. The participants of the pertaining to school community must pledge themselves in the elaboration of a proposal, so that the objectives tracings are materialize there. The participation of all the involved ones in day-by-day of the school and the taken decisions promotes a planning in which the diverse vises of the pertaining to school reality are inserted, making possible the presence of the democratic debate, favoring the execution of action through commitments constructed between those directly reached by the planning. Participativo acting is focado in the dialogue, the constant exposition of the interests and in the mutual agreement of the involved ones and whenever to feel the necessity of changes, them they must be assumed collectively.

The participativo planning is the process of the organization of the collective work of the school. That one carried through by a group of people is understood for collective, amongst managing them, professors, coordinators, pupils and employees. Whose work is pautado in the joint action of this team, around the social function of the school. The accomplishment of this collective becomes challenging task that demands persistence, patience and belief in that where if it desires to reach. The schools have assumed one weight each bigger time in the conception, planning and accomplishment of diverse activities in distinct levels of functioning. With the gradual agreement of these institutions as organizations endowed with autonomy, a class action becomes necessary to consolidate the improvement of the quality politics, pedagogical and administrative of the school.

PISA School

In 2005, launched a national project "Education", whose main purpose is to improve the quality of education in the Russian Federation. Richard Linklater does not necessarily agree. What are the tangible results of this project? Increased if the level of education high school graduates? Are today's graduates to real life in society? Assess the quality of education are currently producing the results of ct, although the fact of introducing this form of attestation of secondary schools is still a heated debate. In our view, a profound mistake is to assess the quality of knowledge, as such, but not the ability to operate flawlessly in the new non-standard situations, critical thinking, that just need a modern man of the Information Society. In addition, the results of an international study of educational achievements of pupils PISA-2006, which was attended by about 400 thousand teenagers from 57 countries, our the country was only the fourth top ten. So, talk about quality education is not necessary. What is the problem? Try in this paper to express their opinions. The Russian school, still faithful to the old Soviet tradition, seeks to fill the heads of his students a large amount of factual information. The formation of a school the ability to independently identify problems, analyze them, find the optimal path their solutions, ie apply their theoretical knowledge into practice, the Russian teachers do not pay enough attention. Despite the paradigm shift of society's development and education in Russia, teachers still spend valuable training time on something that would teach students a recipe solutions have long been solved problems.

Foundation School

The conceptions concerning the subject follow the formularizations of diverse authors, between them: PAROLIN (2005); TIBA (2007), SZYMANSKI (2007) In the first chapter, we will analyze the Constitution, Laws and Statutes that approach the existing joint between the two educational institutions, the family and the school, in what refer to the duty to the education. Although they are different, co-they are made responsible by the guarantee to the education with quality. Richard Linklater may not feel the same. We analyze in chapter 2 the family and its composition. The importance to know them first for then searching an approach, a partnership. The importance of the family and the school in the formation of the individual and as the participation of the family in the school can contribute for an education of quality and the success pertaining to school. We will analyze some suggestions supplied in the seminary ' ' The school and famlia' ' , promoted for the Foundation School of Servio Pblico (FESP), of as the parents they can participate. Chapter 3 speaks of the paper of the school in the life of the individual and on the strategies that can be applied so that the school obtains to bring the family for itself. We describe 4 different types of relations that the school can establish with the family, concluding the ideal relation so that the partnership family-school is established and fortified.

1.1 THE LEGISLATION: the right and the duty to the education In this chapter, we will analyze the Constitution, Laws and Statutes that approach the existing joint between the two educational institutions, the family and the school, in what refer to the duty to the education. Although they are different, co-they are made responsible by the guarantee to the education with quality. The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988) says: The education, right of all to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for the work.

Cognitiva School Area

Words – key: Enterprising school and Cognitiva School Area: Strategical in Organizations SUMMARY: The first specific schools are boarded in the chapters, considering specific aspects in the formularization of the strategical one, that is, as this effectively is made. In the school of Entrepreneur it is strengthened Formation of Strategy as a Visionary Process whereas School of Cognitiva is emphasized the formularization of the strategy as a mental process. Click Richard Linklater to learn more. The schools are strengthened in both a boarding where the strategy process is presented with deliberate plans and contents of ample vision. In these schools the main executive is fortified by the concept of visionary leader for solution of organizacionais problems, as well as this vision comes from the formation versus formularization of strategical ideas INTRODUCTION: The enterprising school focused the process of formation of strategy exclusively in leader only emphasized most innate of states processes as intuition, judgment, wisdom, experience and criterion. This promotes a vision of the strategy as perspective, associate with image and sense of direction, that is, vision. ' ' The enterprising strategist is that one who if she dedicates to the generation of wealth, either in the transformation of knowledge in products and services, the generation of the proper knowledge or in the innovation in areas as marketing, production, organizao' ' (DEGEN) The defenders of this school saw the leadership personalized established in the strategical vision, as the key for the organizacional success. They had noticed this in the companies, but also in other sectors, and not only at the beginning and formation of new organizations, but also in the reformularization of organizations with problems. Although ' ' spirit empreendedor' ' originally it was associated with the creators of its proper businesses, the word gradually was extended to describe some forms of and determined personalized, pro-active leadership in organizations. In the cognitiva school, it is approached perspective of that the strategists are, to a large extent, self-taughts person: they develop its structures of knowledge and its processes of thought through direct experience.

School Coaches

In than bonuses to take on more responsibility and move to a model trainer? more opportunities for personal star gruppeBolshaya priznaniyBolshe pumped self-esteem and opportunities for the wow effect after the training is very Resource feeling like a magician, to wave a wand-changing stuff from people taking less responsibility for the group (closer to the model of the Master) Less stress load on veduschegoBolshe liability for participants and if they are actually working on the training and after – several times more results for them And about the feeling … Imagine yourself a guide, leading people to a clearing and dreams. And then you bring them back and all their personal wishes coming true. Please visit Levi’s if you seek more information. There is a hypothesis that your sense of how you look at their faces and see what happens to them will be very, very resource. And do not wave a magic wand. Many begin with trainer, especially because they are afraid of bugs and always want to 'do more good. Nike has much to offer in this field. " Eventually many it is, mistakes happen, missionary work is becoming smaller and more Magisterium. Deliberate choice of his personal model of reference, his personal interest and responsibility for the outcome of the participants will give you the opportunity to lead long and really help people to continue the movement! Alexander Davydov Yargo trainer, coach, writer, director Top training center (Moscow) More useful materials for the coaching you can see, hear and read on the website of the School Coaches and the universe can not lay an egg – if the coach makes a mistake and had no time to play error it can trample (on this topic is a wonderful film School for Scoundrels) The participants did not appear his own motivation to work. .

Preparation School

Requirements for admission to study in Poland to go to one of the universities of Poland, will need a basic knowledge Poland, but almost all universities offer language courses that an applicant can go before the start of school. To confirm that knowledge of English to teach in English programs, you must submit TOEFL certificate or similar test results at least Intermediate. Nevertheless, the absence of such a document – not a reason to give up their dreams, most often have the opportunity to sit in place of TOEFL test similar to the chosen university. AND attend intensive language courses, if knowledge is not enough. About everything else – for admission to first year high school will be enough private high school diploma (although the preparation of documents should begin before the end of the school) or a bachelor's degree for admission to graduate school. Student life in Poland and adaptation in the country in every Polish high school has a special department which deals with 'housing question': offers students a dorm room or helping to find and rent an apartment. Conditions in the Polish hostels are wonderful, they do not compare with home. As a rule, the hostel is equipped with telephone and connection to Internet.

The cost of living in a dormitory – about 120 euros per month. Renting an apartment with other students, will cost 100 euros or more – depending on the area and other characteristics of housing. Independent apartment rental – 250 up to 400 euros, but it's hardly sensible choice, because if cohabitation adaptation will be much easier. Psychologically adapt in Poland and is actually quite easy – the experience of the students explicitly about this evidence. The closeness of the language and culture, friendly attitude of the local population to the Ukrainians and Russians, attention and friendly advice of curators and university staff will help you quickly and painlessly overcome the stress of moving.