Month: February 2016

Ambient Education Experiences

MG, (Region Metropolitan of Belo Horizonte/RMBH), with alunosdo 2 year of Average Ensino. The project involved the professors of the seguintesdisciplinas; geography, history, Portuguese and chemistry, having as axle norteadoro Ibirapitanga stream, which part of the course passes in front of the college. David G. DeWalt often expresses his thoughts on the topic. E, also to open a gap to think the conceptions of conceitointerdisciplinar for some authors specialists in the subject. Words Interdisciplinaridade keys – Ambient education. *bacharel and permitted in Geography (Puc-Mines), Mestrandoem Ambient Sciences (UEMG) and professor of Average Ensino of the ePrivada State net of education.

Introduction the objective of the present article is to tell and/or demonstraratravs of the project to interdisciplinar that it was introduced to the pupils of the Average doEnsino 2ano the experience and the challenges verified throughout> execution dasatividades proposals for the involved professors, and thus, to take to leitores a reflection on the subject. Ambient education Although all the progress reached in the protection of meioambiente during the last decades, the pollution of air, the water and aindarepresenta land one of the main ambient problems in the world. Concentraeselevadas of atmospheric pollutants represents a risk for the health human being, they damage flora and fauna and they destroy monuments and construesmodernas historical. Such effect occur with high frequency in aglomeraesurbanas, considering that a great amount of most diverse poluentesest being emitted in area relatively limited and many affected individuals estosendo, due to high population density. Before this picture, the professors had chosen to work oCrrego Ibirapitanga as the norteador axle of the project for being a quecondiz subject the reality of the pupils, that is, for being in the daily one of the same ones. Then, the Ambient Education, was chosen as support aotrabalho therefore the same one is had comouma permanent educative action for which the local community has the taking deconscincia of its global reality, of the type of relations homensestabelecem that them between itself and with the deep nature, of the problems derived from ditasrelaes and its causes.

Ambient Education

Words key: Art? Perception? Environment. 1-INTRODUCTION When retaking the historical facts, we evidence occurrence of drastic ambient transformations, which had contributed for the disappearance of the dinossauros. Recently David G. DeWalt sought to clarify these questions. However, such insignificant changes had become front the ones that today occur. The evolution of the species human being has propitiated to the same appropriation of many benefits, however parallel they appear the problems caused for modernity and among them, they are distinguished it ambient question. In last the 100 years, the equacionamento of the problems related to the garbage has been proven, becoming object of concern for majority of the continents. The attempts to solve this problem had started to objectify the attendance of questions of hygiene and public health, of aesthetic comfort and, otimizao of areas for disposal and treatment, aiming at the reduction of costs (It arrives in port, 1996). The concentration of the population in the great cities, brings obtains the increase the garbage production, and this is characterized with a problem for the society, a time that the same one does not make use of areas adjusted for the deposit of debris.

To the measure that the humanity increases its capacity to intervine in the nature for satisfaction of its necessities and increasing desires, the harmful effect to the environment appear. The exploration of the natural resources passed to be made of intense form, using resources did not renew, as the oil; scarcity resources these threatened. Of where if it removed a tree, today millions leave, where some families liveed consuming little water and producing few debris, now they live innumerable, extinguishing immense sources and generating tons of garbage. These differences are determinative for the degradation of the environment. In this aspect it is that we appeal to the Ambient Education to unchain a permanent process, with objective to sensetize the human being how much to the necessity to conserve the environment, a time that this is temporary for this planet and is recognized as integrant part of a world more just, healthful and pleasant, with more possibilities of survival.

Brazil Education

The importance of the understanding of the education of History during the Military regimen, for the construction of the historical knowledge the present dissertao is about an inquiry about education History in the Basic Education and superior education, over all, in the formation of professors of History during the Military period (1964-1985) in Brazil. One searchs as this work to analyze practical the pedagogical ones used in the education of the dsiciplina in this context and inheritances or resqucios that play influences until the current days. In this perspective, this work is very important not only for us academics of the course of History, but for the professors, historians and sympathetical of Sciences Human beings in general, therefore it makes a reflection about the trajectory of the education of History in Brazil. We intend to answer during the dissertao some questions, such as: How consisted the education of History during the Military period? Which factors had taken the substitution of it disciplines for Social Studies and OSPB? That citizens searched to form? Why was implanted in the pertaining to school resume disciplines it Moral and Civic Education? Which the concerns with the formation of the professor of History? Which the ideologies of the military government? , amongst other fidgets that will be appearing in the development of the research. To answer these questionings, we will retake in a historical approach the set of circumstances that had preceded the military blow of 64 and the repression of the totalitarian governments to the education of History, for its critical text and of too much sciences human beings. With the substitution of History while it disciplines pertaining to school, for the Studies Partners in the education of 1 Degree, has a depreciation of the histriografia and of the reflections on the reality, proper of the history education, a factual History come back the nationalistic ideals and the figure of heroes appears.

Understanding Education

But the pupils are, also, concrete, conditional citizens for particular cultures and social origin, carriers to know of experiences. In the classroom the pupils go constituting its subjectivity. Education involves feelings, emotions. The necessary professor to know and to understand motivations, interests, necessities of different pupils between itself, to help them in the capacity of communication with the world of the other, to have sensitivity to point out the teaching relation in the physical, social and cultural context of the pupil. Read more from Gerald Weissmann, MD to gain a more clear picture of the situation. in my point of view, using to advantage this teaching that LIBANEO, wisely says in them, is that the Ambient Education with an open school to the yearnings of the pupil, democratic, participativa and acolhedora enters together, respecting alunado and its entorno, so that these new values are introduced in way to produce change of behavior in the treatment with the questions of the environment.

FINAL CONSIDERAES: As already it was clearly in the expositions made in elapsing of the text, I share with the idea of that the concerns with the environment do not have to be leveled only to the ecological questions and/or the nature, is necessary to extend to this concern to all the beings livings creature and to understand the planet land as an alive organism, where all the actors are linked ones to the others and its action unchains positive or negative reactions depending of the taken decisions and these reactions in such a way can be in the gift, in tomorrow or daqui the 40 (or as much) years. That is, our sojourn (in the planet land) is passenger and ‘ here; ‘ this is the moment well where we can remember together one to say very pretty and that of much that to think. It seems to have here been spoken for a head of an aboriginal tribe of Americas. It is thus: We do not inherit our land of our ancestor. We only take it loaned to our children. if we to want to think with a similar courage and a ousadia to the one of the old indian, we will be able to say something thus: Everything what is mine in this world makes border and continues in what is its, in what is of vocs. thus, everything what it is mine and he is its in some way is ours also.

Appeared Helenice

The way covered for History: education methods and the commitment with the construction of the citizenship As all social factor, the Education suffers transformations throughout the time, even so they happens here of gradual form. In this direction, to understand History while it disciplines pertaining to school and science they demand to know its bases of formation, as well as making one retaken the history of the education of History in Brazil. for this, we have as norteadoras sources the texts: History of the education of History in Brazil: one retaken plural, On the norm and the obvious one: the classroom as research place and the education of History and the construction of the citizenship. (Not to be confused with In such a way, the quarrel is about the resumes and current or retreating programs in the maximum to the period Vargas, it collates and them with the historiogrfica production, establishing a relative value for this education. Later, the researcher deals with the education of History in Brazil, focando the look for the analysis that interprets relative the social thought to the pertaining to school education, as example, the relation that establishes enters the intellectual movement of century XIX and the slavery.

Brazilian Education

It, looks for to defend that the analyzed books are a significant sampling of what he has been used in the schools of all Brazil, as material of support to the education of History in the levels average and basic. From this small introduction we can say that the ANDRIA boarding is sufficiently complex, however, it detaches first that the sprung from the same father and mother subject is left in second plain, without value as an important subject for the History of the average age, and detaches despite the book that more approached the subject used in maximum 4% of its pages to speak of the full brothers. According to it the subject ' ' germano' ' it is dealt with exclusion: or the full brothers are treated as wild or as barbarous to a general way, and to the confused times until with other peoples. According to ANDRIA, many of analyzed books create a empatia with the reader when presenting the full brothers and some authors express a lack of alignment, accord or correspondence with one determined time. Many of analyzed books include terms that make a judgment based on a set particular of values. Finally, it shows a total exaggeration between the didactic books that had been searched, and that these books still show today the same historiografia of Sec. XIX as for the full brothers. It adds saying that, in the specific case of the full brothers, some researchers and historians with works published and in progress in the country exist all, and that these works little are divulged in the academic circuits. The Medieval Studies in Brazil and the Internet: an analysis of the virtual resources in the medievalista production (1995 the 2006). One is about a text where the authors, Prof Dr Leila Rodrigues Da Silva and Prof Dr Andria Cristina Lopes Frazo Da Silva, both of the UFRJ, had considered it to elaborate an analysis of the impact of the virtual resources, through the INTERNET, in the medievalista production in the period of 1995 the 2006, in Brazil.


In the times of the decade of 30, education for people in the interior of Brazil was rare thing. Click film director for additional related pages. Rarer still it was school in agricultural area and beyond the difficulties of pertaining to school material, starchy and white uniforms extreme still it had the preconception of the previous people, without culture and vision. My grandfather, born still in century 19, did not see utility none of a woman to know to read and to write, therefore pra it woman place was in the kitchen and reading and writing would only serve them children to pass bilhetinhos for pretense boyfriends. My grandmother, little more understood insisted and obtained to give the minimum of possible education for the children, but as the difficulties were enormous, placed two children in the school of each time and when already they knew to read they took off, them to place others. My mother was awardee, obtained to go pra school during four years. if capsized to obtain to study, the way until the school was long, of that if it still comes in some places of the country, where if kilometers walk, if cross streams and pinguelas until the school. In the way still she harvested wild fruits as guaviras, goiabas and others to change in the one with the pupils of the city, and if it changed for pencil, rubber, tinteiros, kill-blots and snacks to obtain to study with materials and full belly. still had that to be with the spotless uniform, with right the white beret and stockings, despite dusty, but with all uniform contrary case still had that to give accounts with the director. the punishments? These were the worse ones, because good educators existed, however existed bad, but the bad ones exactly, not of bad, but of evil. What today she is considered maltreatment and until torture was current thing, as if kneel for hours in the maize until bleeding or the palmatrias feared ones, that the child nor wrote in the other day eats s swelled hands and other ways to discipline that pain and humilhao incluam.

Educational Faculties

In the present time, when the world passes for deep transformations and fast advances in the economic, social direction, technological politician and, the necessary school to speed walked its so that the education folloies this permanent process of mutation. It school to be inserted and articulated to the social context is necessary to think about dynamic, humanistic, formative and, above all democratic an education. It is not only the responsible one for social justice, but she needs through an efficient and coherent educative work to brighten up the inaqualities and to prepare the individual in the best way so that it if becomes a critical citizen e, above all, capable to face the adversities day to day. (Source: Richard Linklater). For this, the estimated ones theoretician-metodolgicos is essential for the good level of the process education and learning. She is necessary to reflect on the same ones when they are convenient for the enrichment of pedagogical practical ours.

Education does not consist of the unicity. The process to educate is collective and participativo, demands interaction to know, creation and desconstruo of concepts, discovery of new images and setting of others and makes possible in the act integrator collective singularidades/, the enraizamento of necessary primary concepts for the preservation of the social relations: ' ' Education is meeting of singularidades' '. (GALLO, 2008). In this manner, we will argue a proposal pedagogical for the education of History that if it does not arrest only to the facts, and that it has as main object the study of the concepts, providing new possibilities, beyond a process of evolution in the education and learning of the pupils and pupils, after all, through a critical vision of the concepts gifts in personal experience of each one, is born a bigger understanding of the proper reality. It fits to the professor and teacher of History, to rescue these experiences, to give sensible concrete to them and, to make possible the appropriation, on the part of pupils and pupils, making possible to them it understanding of such concepts for the life and, not simply to prepare pupils and pupils to enter the Facultieses.

Fine Arts

No I have to say I was proud …. Not only for the comments of the authorities of SEP and Fine Arts, but for public comment in relation to the message, a respect for marriage and children, harmony and love that floated in the air the day presentation. Several parents came crying, saying they had seen the need to protect the planet. The authorities asked me learn more about the holistic approach that I outlined at the beginning of the presentation ….

This open door, must continue. The enthusiasm on the awareness of sustainability has come to the families, now houses the garbage is separated, are aware of the care of resources, the children became environmental ambassadors and that gave me great satisfaction. I know there have been great things for everyone. You my desired house, full of beauty and goodness, eternal Mother blankets us all on you gardens and flower gardens, beautiful horizons … air, rain, fire and earth, perfect and divine … mix that give rise to life.

vegetable garden that feeds my soul gifts, wonders you have in your hidden depths …. Oh my beautiful Earth!, As we’ve attacked, regain your fire, cleanse your waters and your fog …. since my land … we are many. thousands of these tiny creatures blankets with so much love And what happened to me these two years? It is very good question. Would have to ask those around me to respond more accurately. I feel that I became more independent, often more clearly, setting limits that before I know a lot.


I would like to read but do not want to read. For its own inefficiency, the vast majority of people “want” to read more, because they recognize the immense benefits it would bring, both academically and professionally and in their personal and spiritual development. But the reality is that “do not want to read.” But, like that “would” win the jackpot, but “do not buy lottery”, the reader moves from inefficient not “want.”

Reader efficiencies can anticipate that I will describe to the reader efficient as the opposite of what I said and for the inefficient. Of course, but I, too, to tell you how you can go from being an inefficient to an efficient reader and conquer, finally, that limitation in your personal and professional development. As a first step to becoming an efficient reader, one must understand correctly the process of reading and reading the difference between the slow, traditional, and fast reading and understanding.

Requirements for efficient reading requires efficient reading: 1. Fast. You can not concentrate properly if you read slowly and consignments. The speed and fluency in reading is essential to improve the level of understanding. Get out of your head the idea, so widespread, that to better understand you have to read slowly, carefully. To read more have to read fluently, so that the ideas reflected in our thinking and we can assimilate. 2. Goals. The efficient reader define their needs and goals with the first reading and read later.