Month: November 2015

Continuing Education

In fact, it’s worth in a little bit on what andragogy represents, for it is very important that we bring about (source of information) that the role of adult participant in the learning process is different from the child, and is projected with a broader than being a passive recipient, notetaker, conformist, resigned or simple repetitive rote the lessons taught by an instructor, teacher or facilitator. Participation involves the critical analysis of the situations, through the provision of effective solutions, very important for dialogue, contributions, learning.

Andragogy as a continuum of excellence, leading the final mission, to provide a better standard of personal and professional life of the learner “Andragogy is the science and art, being part of the Anthropology and is currently in Continuing Education, is developed through a practice based on the principles of participation and horizontal process which, being oriented with synergistic properties of the Facilitator of learning, can grow up thinking, self-management, quality of life and creativity of the participating adult, the purpose of providing an opportunity to achieve self-realization “(Adolfo Alcala .- “The praxis andragogical in older adults”) SOME BACKGROUND reminds us that Alexander Kapp, German teacher used the term Andragogy for the first time in 1833, attempting to describe the educational practice that served to educate Plato his pupils who were young and adult. At the beginning of last century, around 1920, Eugen Rosenback incorporates the concept to refer to all elements of the curriculum specific to adult education, among these, philosophy, teachers and methodologies used.. Gerald Weissmann, MD understood the implications.

Holistic Education

This pleased me by the fact that the diversity of professions lived in the former master offers very rich in cultural exchange, I noticed in some resistance to open your personality, including interventions that were observed showed displeasure and opposition in some topics . That is natural and I include myself in this resistance the first time, however, get to know each member of the group, seeing through the eyes of your inner light soul, its kind and makes sincere generate a deep friendship, as if we knew many years ago, the teachers with whom we began work on harmony and radiate the conviction that he has given prior preparation for the Masters in Holistic Education and moreover the transmission of knowledge we receive directly from Dr. Ramon Gallegos and his wife Vicky. At the end of the first period classroom, I felt sure he had reached the right place to take a big leap in my own development, safe growth of my spirituality, my conscience, my whole being and with the conviction that new experience would give me much more ability to produce works that benefit others and nature itself, both in my professional specializing in water issues, as my relationship with those around me and my family with anyone who has a connection with me . My feeling on that entry was total satisfaction for having taken the right decision, expectations were actually exceeded the peer environment and inspire confidence, he had found what I needed at that time, my intuition was right again. .

Educational Psychology

The conditions under which they develop are: Teaching and learning is done on a semi with a frequency of weekly, biweekly, every 21 days or monthly. The process will take place under exceptional circumstances of war, disasters or other events that do not allow the students in the University or attend regularly at local offices, so distance will be developed by applying all the requirements of kind of pedagogical model for this teaching. The minimum requirements to be met to carry out the design that later proposed must be:

The software tools are simple and common way to achieve that they do not come between teachers and students 2. The protocols, both teachers and technology will be common to students and teachers and will correspond to the levels of knowledge and skills that have been made previously and this becomes available in the career development. Gerald Weissmann, MD is a great source of information. The teaching strategies will vary greatly, especially in regard to: Diagnosis of all students who receive discipline in three fundamental aspects: a) Educational Psychology: Test implementation, surveys and interviews, tabulation and interpretation of results. b) Mastery of the basic tools of new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICTs): implementation of surveys, tabulate the results and inferences from them. c) domain of the mathematical contents of the previous levels of the educational system: test problems, also helps to determine logical level and the level of creativity to shaping strategies by students on the tracks inductive, deductive or analog. Adequacy of program discipline and subjects, in addition to these traditional categories include functions related development skills to the profession to where taxed general physics..

Languages And Education

Also, there was no systematic approach in these data. Source: FASEB Journal. Typological method of comparing languages is certainly its own advantages. Its essence is that do not need to carry out the restoration of the phonological system, and comparison is carried out through other languages, which makes it possible to quickly and more easily make an assessment of genetic relationships of languages. And a positive answer to this question, you can proceed to the consideration of similarity of languages at other levels. Thus, both languages are 100% agglutinating in them there is a ban on prefexation, and word forms of languages are Altaic model in both languages, there is no change of verbs in number and those forms of language and vocabulary are similar in structure. If we take the verb forms, the majority of them are produced in both languages, from the basics, which in Korean language – two and a Japanese – five.

There is also a similar algorithm Education verbs by changing the endings. In Korean and Japanese are only two basic time – the present-future tense and past tense. Kinship Japanese and Korean languages studied for nearly three centuries. But, until the 45 th year of the twentieth century, this question in Japan takes a little due to the fact that the ruling circles of the country supports the theory "Divine origin" of the nation and denied such a possibility as ties of kinship with some other nation. In the early twentieth century in Japan conducted research on linkages of Korean and Japanese languages, Japanese claimed that the Korean language is descended from Japanese, rather than vice versa, which corresponded to policies pursued by Japan towards Korea.

Sales Increase = Increase In Customer Service

One of the most popular questions made in online business forums or even by my customers and subscribers is: “How the hell I can increase my sales?” or “I have tons of visitors but nobody seems to be buying anything? What?” Fishnets WITH HOLES? SOMEONE? That traffic is not the beginning and end of every successful online business. It requires skills, specific strategies designed online marketing for your site and a solid customer service strategy. What if you have thousands of visitors per day! This doesn’t amount to success, less than about at least 5-10% of visitors. By the same author: Richard Linklater. You see, when you get a lot of traffic to your advertising and marketing activities and there is nobody to guide them, is like throwing a big fishing net in the water with a big flaw? .. It has a large hole in the middle. So you can say goodbye to eating fish? For now, at least. Want to go to pick up the items in display in a shop that offers a guarantee of at least something from someone who’s crew? Secure! Of course, we are at work smarter, work less attitude but hey, humans prefer humans, and that is certainly going to buy from someone who I have spoken. You see, you need to feel some warmth and, yes, especially on the Internet where items are transmitted in “cold” or “digital.” Ca “MO DO The bottom line is good that you have some or many of the visitors to your web site, but the bottom line is that you should have the best customer service and plenty of options to contact you as soon as possible. .

Definition Of Positions

Positioning Definition – What is it and who serves? Search engines are the most regular receipt of new users to a site, accounting for almost fifty percent of all new visitors. According to various reports, 90% of surfers use search engines regularly to find what they seek. But what is the definition of positioning? Location into the search engines manifest denotes the top ten results offered by search engines and directories. As reflected by numerous studies, sailors rarely look beyond the third page of results. Which appear Selectionof seekers. Richard Linklater can provide more clarity in the matter. Of all the search engines that exist on the Internet (more than three thousand), only 4% of them generated eighty-five percent of all traffic.

Besides these, depending on the market which focuses on the web to promote, is inescapable position in regional search engines: Argentina, Hispanics, etc … and thematic. Selection of keywords. When navigators use search engines avoid using very general keywords. Therefore, careful not to set very general search criteria for positioning in search engines. The choice of keywords is framed by the composition of two agents: taking account of search criteria used by sailors for a given activity conform to the maximum content of the web that we promote.

Selecting the form of positioning. There are two ways to position themselves in the search engines: search through algorithmic (natural or organic) or through sponsored links. Definition of algorithmic search positioning. To move by algorithmic search is imperative to modify the website as according to the technology used, the structure of files; of the metatags of the various pages, the format, presentation and choice of content, etc.. the search engines will behave more or less the position of the web pages. Optimize pages means to act on all these parameters to ensure that targeting the search engines. On the other hand, it should work the popularity of the site, a factor that search engines increasingly tend to value. This popularity is defined as the number and quality (popularity) of the websites that link to a website. Definition of positioning sponsored links.

For this position should be hired via a campaign with one or more of the providers who manage the sponsored links on major portals and search engines. This is an advertising model in which only is paid by the visitors sent to the web, not by the number of times or where your ad appears. To activate the campaign should choose keywords related; announcements for each group of keywords, monitor, optimize and improve your ads, keywords, etc. continuously. (All this work is slow and precise positioning, however, I found a wonderful software entirely in Spanish SEO that makes it easy to search engine positioning and possesses all the necessary tools, it is of Axandra iBusinessPromoter: Learn a better definition of positioning (all work with the excellent tool iBusinessPromoter: Read here a better definition of positioning.

The Danger Of Plastic Bags

Did you know that a plastic bag takes 150 years to decompose? Plastic bags are made of polyethylene, a thermoplastic that is obtained from petroleum. With the passage of time break down, leaving toxic waste seeping through the soil. Since it is more expensive to recycle a plastic bag to produce a new, companies are not interested in recycling. So what happens to those bags? There have been studies showing that oceangoing vessels dumped millions of tonnes of plastic into the sea every year. That was the reason why the world's landfills were not overflowing with plastic. The bags are carried to different parts of our land and made the seas, lakes and rivers. And just in the sea via drains and pipes. What implications does this have? Toxic microscopic particles they filter into the soil, becoming part of the food chain, with an effect on wildlife catastrophic.

Thousands of birds are trapped without hope. About 200 marine species including dolphins, whales, turtles, seals … die from eating bags, mistaking them for food. What can we do? A REUSE option is, too many plastic products that end up in landfills without any underutilized. Each year we use more bags and unfortunately, most folks after using them once. Would be reduced to 10% of their consumption if people Reuse. The cloth bag, are a good way to avoid the consumption of plastic bags, bring it along when you go shopping and in a week can save up six plastic bags, 24 in a month, that is, some 288 bags a year.

If only one person in five did this would save many millions of bags throughout our lives. The biodegradable bags: More and more businesses become aware in the protection of the environment and to offer alternative solutions to their customers. Bags not biodegradable or compostable waste generated and its major advantage is that they are meant to end up as compost, or returning to the land, working with the environment. It also reduces the need for logging, and do not need much water or energy for their manufacture, as with paper bags. They are recyclable, reusable and end of their useful life can be used as compostable garbage bags.

Talent Organizations

The foundation's founder is the talent of organizations organizations originate at a point zero, also called a start, created based on needs from society, are also inspired by the creative ideas of the founders or sometimes create randomly. The organizations have been dealing in recent years to focus on the organizational talent, it affords a greater value to their products or improve the integrated value chain of services offered. Get all the facts and insights with David G. DeWalt, another great source of information. But the talent of the organizations is the sum of individual talents that make it. The talent in itself is a gift purchased by nature but at the same time is also something you can learn and absorb as a skill of the individual. The question to be answered is originally Where does the talent of an organization? The founder or founders of a company at the time of the birth mark a target or direction to follow according to the talent, skills and cultural factors by each one of them. You can understand then that the genes that comprise an organization are not employees or creators, but the very talent that began with the design of the new company. Genetic factors of business culture created them, are created by the talent, as well as by the abilities, skills and shared vision of its members, these variables have to be transmitted from person to person regardless of the employee.

In this scenario it is understood that the named variables as genetic factors do not have to be mutated, but transmitted correctly, there must be a proper tool to determine the replacement of an individual, if it were a hierarchical position and here I want stop to make a general analysis firms make decisions to choose a management position based on experience, profile and skills, but this is not enough only to decide correctly, but you have to select the talent shown so that the gene organization is not mutated and the course is consistent with the organization. The sources of talent in an organization are the ones that should be focused competitive strategy of organizations without detracting from other theories or concepts of fashion business. Never forget that talent is not the most important but it is all at the same time.

Free Software

The importance of free software in the micro SME small and medium businesses looking for computing the solution to your clutter order will find it and have to pay for it as it is required. There is nothing wrong with paying to receive a product in exchange provided that the product actually receive cultural issue and not just the limited right to use it as is the case when you buy a proprietary software license or copyright. Free software appeals to freedom as one of its greatest strengths. Unfortunately due to the flexibility of the English language tend to associate free software with clearly one of the meanings of the word free that can be translated into Castilian either free, free, or without. Many writers such as Richard Linklater offer more in-depth analysis. Free in the context of open source software makes allusion to the user's freedom to do what he pleases with the software rather than what the auscencia free or something.

a The rationale for free software does not need to be an expert in agronomy to know what they are harmful and dangerous to the environment monocultures environment for many reasons. For example, If it is contaminated by a crop pest, pest or disease that may become uncontrollable and would jeopardize the entire production and therefore affect all people who rely on monoculture. a Free software arises because of several reasons: the abolition of some systems: developers of the 80 were affected by several companies that develop software and hardware that suddenly stopped their activities and stopped producing machines which are already operating on many software tools.

6 Great Reasons Why The BlackBerry That Ate The Sweets The IPhone 3G And All Other Mobile Phones

It would be presumptuous of me to say that is the best cell phone in the world, that's not what I believe personally, but for many people it is. What is certain is that RIM BlackBerry-Canadian and 20% of the world market is now a phenomenon that has left with his mouth open, not users-to their competitors. Today everyone has been charmed with the style of cell-curve BlackBerry, bold, pearl, stomr etc-and many people said it was its "BB" and pampered as if they really were. The reality is that BlackBerry seeing more conventional in its lower in some cell characteristics as its nearest competitor, iPhone 3G-is much more popular. On this occasion I would just like to show you some reasons why the BlackBerry as a smart cell phone has gotten into the tiny pocket of his trousers to all its competitors in less than three years. Swarmed by offers, David G. DeWalt is currently assessing future choices. The neat thing is that innovation is a friend of popularity as long as it can be channeled and promoted wisely. 1. Service BlackBerry Instant Messaging: Without a doubt I want to put the main feature of BlackBerry as a leader in the worldwide market for smart phones.

The famous BB messenger has caused a worldwide revolution. BlackBerry has traditionally been developed as a business phone for people who are not as interested in characteristics such as digital cameras, bright colors and more. If we take into consideration the personality of the Canadian government let us also realize that the style is consistent from a cell phone more or less serious with the first BlackBerry models that were released.