The article will be devoted to such scrupulous time as higher education. I speak for a couple of very controversial ideas, but give them the appropriate arguments, and then he himself had these thoughts and refute. Gerald Weissmann, MD insists that this is the case. But it is still one of the positions, which adhere to not only me but also some of the population. Speaking of universities and institutes, I will try to bypass the advertisement and not to mention certain names. So. Higher education today has become virtually obligatory stage in life, through which must pass every person and every child. If this man in my life was not, then it will consider for the illiterate or worse. But there is a very important question: Why? Why need it to young people, and what purpose they serve, acting in high school? In order to arrange his life? Get a good job? Of course, this is so when it comes to technical specialties or professions that require specific knowledge.

But consider the popularized version, when people are willing to work in banks or sit in offices and work with clients. Trace as their career. I note that we consider version of the ordinary>> person who himself is looking for a job without the help of friends or parents. Typically, these people begin to think about another career as a student. But where can get a student? Without going into details of areas of work, we agree with you that it . And so he arranged for the post. But